Chapter 8

Love is Blind (Hiatus)

Sehun’s POV:


I was entering the school with the crutches that the doctor gave me. I haven't seen Sora, Jongin and Amber for awhile. The fact about Sora and Wu Fan finally dating still bothered me a lot. I guess I just have to endure it.


"Sehun-ah!" Jongin called from afar.


"Oh, Jongin-ah." I smiled.


"Are you okay?" He asked.


"Yeah. Why do you ask?" I questioned back.


"Sora and Wu Fan..." he replied.


I frowned. "I don't really wanna tal-" "You like Sora-yah?!"


Amber came up behind us out of nowhere.


“What?! No. no, I don’t.” I replied quickly.


“Give it up. I’ve noticed for awhile now anyways.” Amber responded.


“Really? Since when?” Jongin questioned.


“That day when they started dating and Sehun wanted us to leave after hearing about it.”


“Oh.” I responded.


Was I that obvious? I tried so hard to hide those feelings, but it seems like in my circle of friends, it’s obvious. Sora can’t see it though. Like someone told me before, love is blind. Once you love someone, you only seem to notice that person you love.


“So what if I do? It’s not like my feelings for her are going to be returned.” I sighed.


“I honestly rather have you dating Sora than Wu Fan.” Amber commented.


“Mwo? But why were you so eager about them dating?” I questioned.


“Sora seemed happy when she was with him a lot. Anyways, if she does get hurt, he’s gonna regret it.” she replied.


The bell rang for first period.


“If you want to vent, Jongin and I are right here.” Amber suggested.


“Thanks.” I replied.


“See ya later!” Jongin called out as they headed off to first period.


I entered the gym and Mr. Nam obviously had to let me sit out of this class for 2 weeks because of my leg. I sat on the bleachers as I just watched what the class was doing. The new unit we were doing was badminton. Sora and I usually partner up for gym but since I can’t play, she had to partner up with someone else. Mr. Nam numbered the teams off. Sora’s team didn’t have to play until the next round so she sat beside me as she waited for her turn.


“Sehun-ah!” she smiled. “How’s your leg?”


“It’s fine. I still can’t move it though.” I smiled back. “So how’s you and Wu Fan...?”


“We’re good.” she smiled. “We have a date on tomorrow.”


“Aren’t we going to Lotte World?” I questioned.


“We are. Wu Fan’s coming along and we’ll all probably split up anyways.” she explained.


“Oh. I see.” I responded.


Although I wouldn’t be able to go on the rides, I was still pretty excited to go to Lotte World just play some games and eat. Knowing that Wu Fan was still coming along made me not look forward to the weekends.


“Oh! My turn. I’ll be back.” Sora said as she went with her partner to play. I was left there alone. The whole period, I just watched her. She did come back from time to time when her team wasn’t playing. Like Amber said, Sora did seem happy with Wu Fan. It hurts. Knowing the person you love is happy with someone else. Maybe... it’s time to let her go. Just maybe.




Sora’s POV:


I wanted this day to end quickly. I wanted to go on that date already. Why is the day going by so slowly? All I can think of all day was Wu Fan. It was only third period and I couldn’t even concentrate on what our teacher was saying.


“Sora!” Amber called out.


“Oh, oh yes?” I replied.


“Come on, let’s get started.”


“Started on what?”


“Were you not paying attention?” Jongin questioned.


“Oh, I must of dozed off.” I replied.


Amber explained that, as usual, we’re in a group doing a project for the nitrogen cycle. We split up who would do what and started on the project. I went onto my laptop and started but got distracted when I accidentally went on SM Entertainment’s website.


I gasped loudly that the whole class heard. Everyone started staring.


“Sorry.” I apologized.


“What’s wrong?” Jongin asked.


“Lo-! You! OH MY GOSH!” I stuttered as I pointed at the screen.


They all looked at the screen. Their eyes widened. It read that SM Entertainment was having a special event. There’s a contest in their building. You can either dance, sing or act. The first place prize was a contract to become a trainee under their company.


“Do you think we should try this out?” Amber questioned.


“We all want to be an idol one day right?” I questioned back.


They nodded. “Let’s try it out. Also, it’s not until April anyways. We have 2 months to practice.” I commented.


“Let’s do it then.” Sehun responded.


“Okay. Let’s start arranging and suggesting songs after school. We can start on the choreo also, we’ll just have to teach Sehun when his leg is better.” Jongin explained.


We all agreed to the plan and went back to the project we had to do. The day passed by slowly. I’m not even kidding, all I thought about all day was Wu Fan. I just constantly checked the clock. I did the same in fourth period. We didn't even do anything in religion class. All we did was watch a movie.


The hour passed by quicker as we watched the movie and the bell finally rang for dismissal. I quickly ran to my locker to get ready to go home. As I got to my locker, I found Wu Fan waiting there.


"Woah. You're fast." I commented.


"Hurry. I wanna take you somewhere." He responded.


"Take me where?" I asked.


"Oh, you'll see." He replied.


I organized my things and left with Wu Fan to who knows where. We had to take the train there so we headed to the train station.


"Do you have a curfew?" Wu Fan questioned.


"I have to be home by 6." I commented.


"Give me your phone." I gave him my phone wondering what he needed it for.


He looked through my contacts and called someone.


"Ne. Annyeong haseyo, hyung." He started. "Is it okay if I take Sora out somewhere? I'll bring her home by 10."


The person on the other line answered which put Wu Fan in a better mood than usual.


"Kamsahamnida, hyung!" Wu Fan smiled through the phone. He took my hand and smiled. "Good thing you don't have a curfew today."


I looked at him with a confused face. "What did oppa say?"


"As long as I get you home safely, then it's fine." He was still smiling.


"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.


"You'll see." He winked.


I laughed, "Did you just wink?"


"Kaja!" He ignored the question. The train came and we entered. It was pretty packed since people were either going home from school or such. Wu Fan and I were standing pretty close to each other. We were so close to each other that I was able to hear his heartbeat. After a few stops passed, we finally got off.


“What do you want to eat?” Wu Fan asked.


I started thinking. “I’m kinda craving bibimbap right now.”


“Bibimbap it is.” he smiled.


We headed off to a restaurant. There was barely any people in the restaurant and ordered some food. It wasn’t such a fancy restaurant. It was really casual.


“Where else are we going?” I questioned.


“Do you really want to know?” he questioned back.


I nodded eagerly. “We’re going to... places that I’ve never been to before.” he smiled.


Our food came and we started eating. We were pretty hungry that we barely even talked as we ate. We finished up quite quickly and left.


"Where we going now?" I questioned.


"Do you want to go shopping?" He asked back.


"But I only have enough money to buy food..." I pouted.


"Who said you'll be spending money?" He smiled.


"But I'm gonna feel bad if-" "You're my girlfriend. Don't feel bad." He smiled. "Anyways, it's gonna be your turn to treat me out next time."


"Arraseo." I smiled back.


We arrived in Hongdae. It was around 5pm when we got there and it was getting dark. A lot of people were in Hongdae; it was pretty crowded. There were so many places to shop from. There were even stores for couples. I pointed over to one of the stores that caught my eyes. It was filled with a lot of cute dresses. We entered the store and started looking around. I found a cute and blue dress. I gasped at the price.


“What is it?” Wu Fan questioned.


“Nothing.” I smiled. “Let’s just go to another store.”


Wu Fan followed along and we left to go to another store. We went into a couple stores and checked things out there.


“What do you want to buy from here?” Wu Fan asked.


“Hmm...” I started thinking. I looked through the things that the store had. There were couple t-shirts/sweaters, gloves, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc. I spotted beautiful couple necklaces. The necklace had a boy kissing a girl’s forehead.


“Wu Fan!” I called out. “Can we get this?”


He looked over at what I was looking at. He smiled, “Arraseo.”


We bought the necklace and shopped a bit more. We didn’t buy too many things. We did buy some clothes for ourselves. With all the shopping and fun we were having together, we didn’t realize that it was already 8pm. We decided to get going on wherever Wu Fan was taking me. We took another bus to the location.


“Are we going to namsan tower?” I asked.




“Han River?”


“No. And stop guessing, I won’t tell you even if you were right.”


I sighed and sat back as I looked out the window admiring the scenery in front of me. It took a few minutes and we got off the bus. He said we had to walk a little bit to actually get there. We cross a road and now we were walking along side the Han River. I thought he wasn’t bringing me here.


“Hey, I thought you -” He suddenly covered my eyes. “Mw-mwoya?”


“We’re almost there.” he mentioned. He lead me to the location; still with his hands over my eyes. We walked for what felt like hours. He finally stopped in his tracks making me stop and uncovered my eyes. With widen eyes, I couldn’t believe how beautiful the sight was in front of me. It was truly beautiful.






AN: aigoo I know I know. I keep saying I'll update soon but I end up updating after several months lol. It's the middle of summer vacation here. I had nothing to do and realized I haven't updated. Hopefully, I'll keep updating now. Sorrrrry! Thanks for reading. ^^

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nice story ^^
lamlokXD #2
Chapter 2: You should advertise this on your other stories I think you'll get more subscribers that way :)
lamlokXD #3
Chapter 2: ooooooooooooo she has a crush haha.
lamlokXD #4
Chapter 1: Great first chapter!! There wasn't anything specifically special in the first chapter but I don't know why the video of your story makes me really curious and want to know what's going to happen next :)