Love Story


"Do you want to die?"


YuNi struggles out of MyungSoo's hold on her but he didn't budge. He tightens his hold on her and whispers in her ear.

"What the were you doing? Don't you know it's dangerous? What if some stranger came and grab you?"

YuNi stops struggling in his arms and relax. He was right. She wasn't thinking when she ran. She just wanted to see if he would follow her. MyungSoo lets go of her and she spin around to face him.

"I" YuNi started to apologize.

MyungSoo started walking away from her. His facial expression told her he was beyond pissed off and it wasn't the right time to explain herself. She started walking after him. She would wait until he calm down a little before talking to him. YuNi closely follows him through the crowded street but not to close he didn't like it when she walk too close. MyungSoo stops walking and turns back to look at her. YuNi stops walking and stared down at her shoes, she was wearing the red converse MyungSoo had picked out the other day.

MyungSoo walks back to her and stop to look at her looking at her shoes. Why was she not looking at him? He was mad, did she fear him? MyungSoo reach out for her left hand and held it tightly. Her hand was cold. YuNi looks up at him surprised.

"MyungSoo" YuNi started to talk but he quickly cuts her off.

"Since I can't let you walk by yourself, it's safer to walk like this." He held up their tangle hands. "Try to keep up."

MyungSoo turns back and started walking dragging YuNi behind him. YuNi was in a daze, he was holding her hand. She tried to keep up with him but she kept looking at their hands. Every time she look at their tangle hands she trip over her own feet and had to be drag by MyungSoo. YuNi looks up at his face and saw nothing, no emotion. She was pretty sure she was glowing.


YuNi stared at MyunSoo from across the table and pouts. He was still mad at her. It's been a week since she thought it would be fun to run from MyungSoo into the ally. She didn't understand how he could be so mad at her for so long. She had apologized to him a hundred times. She even cooked him a full meal but he was still angry at her.

Mir waves his hands in front of YuNi. "YuNi?"

"Huh?" YuNi looks at Mir who was sitting next to her.

"It's getting late and the big test is tomorrow. I should get going." Mir stands up and started stuffing his bag with books. "If I make it to the top fifty of the school I'll treat you to something yummy."

YuNi gave him a friendly smile. "Okay good luck Mir."

Mir said his goodbye to MyungSoo, who didn't care and left.

YuNi started packing up her stuff as well. MyungSoo puts down his pen and looks at her.

"What?" YuNi asks.

"You're not actually going to go with him to get something yummy are you?"

"Why not? He's just being polite and thankful I helped him."

"No he's asking you on a date and you just said yes."

"And?" YuNi didn't see anything wrong with that. MyungSoo had a girlfriend why couldn't she date?

"What do you mean AND? We're married!" MyungSoo shouted.

YuNi gasps looking around to see if anyone heard him. There was no one around.

"I know we're married. BUT you have a girlfriend, so why can't I date?"

MyungSoo rolls his eyes. "It's for show, so people won’t find out about us."

"Okay then, going on a date with Mir is also for show." YuNi stood up.

MyungSoo did the same and glares at her. "Don't you dare."

"I'm tired of you telling me what to do or not to do. It's my choice MyungSoo." She glares right back at him.

"I'm your husband you should listen to me."

YuNi laughs at his statement. "Are you serious? Don't use that on me because I'm done with feeling guilty every time I think about it. I let you have your girlfriend because I felt bad for trapping you into this marriage. Now let me do what I want. If I want to go on a date then let me go." YuNi pushes pass him and out the door.

MyungSoo watch as she exit the room and threw his books into his bag. Why was she beginning to disobey him? She used to listen so well.


Why was he starting to get so involve in her life? YuNi sat on her bed with a towel over her head. She had just finished her shower and was getting ready for bed. She lies down on her side and closes her eyes. What was he doing to her? He ignores her at school but when they are home or away from school he's all in her business. YuNi sat up again and rub her temple. He was giving her a headache. He could have a girlfriend while she can't date? YuNi curse at him BASTARD!

MyungSoo walk to YuNi's door and without knocking he went in and close the door. She's been driving him crazy! How dare she think of other guys? YuNi was sitting on the bed looking at him confused.

"What do you want?" YuNi asks.

"If Mir get's a prize for toping the top fifty I want a prize too."

"What?" YuNi walks up to him and felt his forehead. "Are you sick?"

He push her hand away. "I'm serious."

"What do you want?" YuNi asks him worried.


"We're already married why do you want to go on a date?"

MyungSoo ignore her question and turn back to the door.

"YAH!" YuNi shouts at him. He was just going to leave when she deny him? "If only you beat me."

MyungSoo grins and turn around. "Deal."

"And if you lose break it off with Suzy."

MyungSoo shrugs as if the request was nothing. "Okay"

How could he be so confident about it? YuNi was the number two student in the whole school and no one knew who the hell number one was. How do MyungSoo think he’s going to top the whole school? YuNi sat at her desk and started studying. The only way to beat MyungSoo no matter what was to get a perfect score. 

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 18: good story
Chapter 17: Omgg I love the ending!! Its so cute! Hahahhaha! Write more!
Chapter 18: I love you! author-nim. I can't believe I had just found this one now. You're so great! I hope you make more Myungsoo fics in the future
Chapter 18: DAEBAKKKK!!!!!
Chapter 3: Myungsoo, did you have to make your wife like you??
naznew #6
Chapter 18: i see...gomawo for the explanation..
Yoobi3 #7
Chapter 17: Nice...I liked the story, but the ending was confusing to me...starting from the graduation scene.
mashisuh #8
Chapter 17: :( i dont get the ending?

the story was lovely,

but someone mind explaining the ending to me?
Chapter 17: Awww , so sweet !! Btw , who was being shot ? O.O . I finished reading this story in one day because it so awesome . Good job , author-nim . *baksu*