Not Ready

Love Story


YuNi stood in front of the mirror and ran her hand down her skirt to straighten the wrinkles. Two weeks since the encounter with the two guys on the street and she was getting no better, she felt as if she was getting worst. Every time she tag along with MyungSoo to walk around the neighborhood she would freeze up when a stranger was on the street. Thoughts of being taken and a gun pointed at her head kept playing in her mind. She hated this feeling, she hated herself. Why? Why can't she just be normal?

The door to her room opens and she turns to find MyungSoo watching her. He was in his uniform hesitating to come in. YuNi tried her hardest to smile and look normal, she wanted to do this, she needed to do this she can't hide forever.

"Ready?" MyungSoo finally asks.

"Umm" YuNi steps out and blew out a breath. "I can do this."

MyungSoo held her hand. "I know you'll be fine but if you need me come get me."


Maybe she couldn't do this. The whole school was watching her. YuNi held her head high and walk into her classroom. It was no different in here than from out there. Everyone eye her and whisper as she pass by. She was the big freak in school, people talk and spread rumors without knowing the truth. She was made to be the bad one not the victim. YuNi sat in her chair and wish she could of rewind back to this morning and told MyungSoo she wasn't ready yet.

"Did you hear? She was with both guys at the same time."

"What a ."

"She gave it up to Mir first."

"MyungSoo was to ashamed and disown her. That's why he never told anyone about her. She must have use her self to get MyungSoo to take her back."

"Poor Mir, he die for that ."

"And what about Suzy, she lost MyungSoo to her. I pity her."

"If I was her I wouldn't even bother showing up, I wouldn't have the face for it, I rather just die."

People where talking trash about her again and this time they didn't care if she heard. YuNi close her eyes and try to block out all the lies they were saying about her. They didn't know only she knew the truth.

"Why don't you shut the up." Jana walk into the class room and threw her breakfast bun at the girl who made the last comment. "You guys act like you where there. You guys don't know so shut up." Jana walk over to YuNi and ignored her.

YuNi was confused, Jana just defended her but she was also mad at her. "Thank you." She whispers.

Jana acted like she didn't hear and pulls out her books. She was mad and YuNi didn't know why. YuNi turns away and put her head down, she wanted to go home, to hide, to disappear.

Lunch wasn't any better. MyungSoo and his friends weren't there and Jana was not talking to her so YuNi didn't have anywhere to sit. Every table she went to she was pushed away and people would rush to the table to make sure she didn't get a seat. YuNi gave up on finding a table to sit at and decided to eat outside, maybe MyungSoo would be there. She really wanted to see him, only he understood her.


"So you're married to her? She is not your sister?" DongWoo ask surprised.

"No" MyungSoo hated being put on the spot but he owes his friends the truth. SungGyu knew about him and his life but the rest of his friends were clueless about everything.

"So she was dating Mir and you at the same time?" Hoya asks.

"NO!" MyungSoo glares at Hoya. "She was never with him. He was just a little creep who wouldn't leave her alone."

"Mir got what he deserves, he was out to hurt YuNi. She didn't return the feelings and he lost it." SungGuy tried to help ease the questions from the group.

"What a freak." DongWoo shivers. "I mean yeah YuNi is cute and all but the guy is a total creep."

"Don't call her cute!" MyungSoo glares at DongWoo.

"Sorry" DongWoo apologize and hid behind SungGyu.

"So why didn't you tell us you were married?" SungJong asks trying to piece everything together.

MyungSoo shrugs. "I don't know. I just didn't want anyone to know. We're high school seniors, it was not normal to be married."

SungYeol gasps. "Oh my god, you were the two timer! You were still with Suzy when you married YuNi!"

MyungSoo growls, yeah it was the truth but that hurt him. It made him realize he was a total jerk. "Yeah"

SungYeol held onto to SungJong. "Did he just growl?"

"Shh" SungJong shush him.

"Look just help me look out for her okay. That's why I ask you guys to meet me here. People are talking and spreading a lot of . They might start bullying her and doing to her. Just help me keep an eye on her. She don't need to be made a target."

SungGyu looks at him concern. "I think it's too late, she is a target and a lot of people hate her."

"These kind of things always die down after a month anyways. We can try our best to prevent anything from happening but we can't guarantee everything thing said about her or done to her will be stop." Hoya looks at the group. "But let's try. She is married to MyungSoo."

"Thanks guys."

WooHyun open the door and ran towards the guys. "Hey! Guys!" He stops in front of them trying to talk and breathe at the same time. "Suzy...YuNi...out...outside." He pointed to the window.

"Here it goes." SungJong ran to the window.

Outside the school was behind Suzy and YuNi was standing alone. YuNi had her head down and Suzy was talking. Everyone was giving YuNi death glares and she looked scared. MyungSoo couldn't stand it and ran out of the door, if he ran fast enough he could get to her before anything happen.


"You are really stupid. If you were smart enough you wouldn't have come back. You hurt MyungSoo and got Mir killed. They fought over a stupid little like you. You're no one to die over so why are you still alive? Leave. No one wants to see you, no one wants you around. Even your stupid friend Jana has abandon you." Suzy had hatred burning in her eyes. YuNi was the reason MyungSoo had left her. She didn't understand why he would leave her for YuNi unless YuNi had something against him. Suzy was determined to make YuNi run out of their lives.

YuNi stood still, if she left them to say their hurtful things to her maybe they will leave her alone. She didn't want to argue with them and give them the chance to hurt her even further. She kept her eyes on the ground. Yeah she might have look like a total lame idiot but it was better to get this over with. The crowd started yelling and pointing at her. YuNi close her eyes again and block out all the unpleasant things they called her. She could hear footsteps coming closer and closer to her. Only one person was approaching her. YuNi tense up and waited for what that person was about to do. Cold water hit her. YuNi opens her eyes and saw Suzy standing in front of her with a empty mop bucket in one hand. The crowd laugh and cheer Suzy on.

YuNi stared at her, how did MyungSoo ever put up with someone like her? YuNi knew Suzy hated her and was out to get her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Suzy walk up closer.

"No wonder he left you..." YuNi whispers.

"What did you say?"

YuNi looks up and straighten her pose. With a clear voice YuNi opens . " don't deserve him. He did the right thing to have left you. You're evil. You don't deserve someone like MyungSoo. He left you because of your ugly personality. You might think I was the reason he left but you did it to yourself, you push him away. I didn't do anything to Mir or MyungSoo. I didn't seduce either of them. They came to me."

Suzy snickers. "You !" She swings her palm and slaps YuNi.

The crowd went quiet.

YuNi stood still. "The truth hurts doesn't it? Well lies hurt even more. What ever you guys been spreading is all lies. You know it but you just want to hurt me. Well you hurt me but will have to try harder to take him from me."

Suzy charge forward determined to kill but MyungSoo was there before her. He had YuNi behind him.

"That's enough!" MyungSoo stood between the girls. "Whatever you guys have to say or do to her come through me first."

The crowd started backing away.

"If I find the person who started all the rumors you better watch out, I'm not letting you get away. Serious consequences will be involved."


Suzy started backing away and the crowd dispersed. MyungSoo turned around to check if YuNi was okay but she wasn’t there.


MyungSoo started panicking. She was just there, where could she have gone in such a short period of time? MyungSoo ran after the crowd and started looking for her. SungGyu came out of the school with his bag and YuNi’s.

“I can’t find her.” MyungSoo panic.

“We saw her leave from the window. Her friend Jana gave me YuNi’s bag. Maybe she went home, after what just happen I don’t think I would stay either if I was YuNi.”

“Thank you.” MyungSoo grabs the bags and ran off.


The banging on the door wouldn’t go away. He was determined to come in but YuNi just wanted to be alone. YuNi held her knees to her chest and quietly weep. She wasn’t ready to go back to the world. It was too cruel.

A couple more bangs and then it went quiet. The door knob started jingling and then the door open. MyungSoo came over to her and without hesitating her grabs her and held her.

“I can’t do it.” YuNi started to sob. “I…I can’t”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to.”

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Merry Christmas!!!


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 18: good story
Chapter 17: Omgg I love the ending!! Its so cute! Hahahhaha! Write more!
Chapter 18: I love you! author-nim. I can't believe I had just found this one now. You're so great! I hope you make more Myungsoo fics in the future
Chapter 18: DAEBAKKKK!!!!!
Chapter 3: Myungsoo, did you have to make your wife like you??
naznew #6
Chapter 18: i see...gomawo for the explanation..
Yoobi3 #7
Chapter 17: Nice...I liked the story, but the ending was confusing to me...starting from the graduation scene.
mashisuh #8
Chapter 17: :( i dont get the ending?

the story was lovely,

but someone mind explaining the ending to me?
Chapter 17: Awww , so sweet !! Btw , who was being shot ? O.O . I finished reading this story in one day because it so awesome . Good job , author-nim . *baksu*