The Usb

Love Story

YuNi sat on a cold plastic seat and waited for her bus. Her parents were back in the country and she was finally going to see them. She had missed them and as much as it hurt to depart from the Kim family this morning she was glad it was over. Yesterday night seeing MyungSoo so broken and out of character scared her. Why was he acting like that? He didn't actually have feelings for her did he? YuNi shook her head, no.

"What are you thinking about?"

YuNi turns her head to the person sitting next to her. Mir!

He smiles at her. "Don't want to tell me?"

YuNi looks around. "What are you doing here?"


"Waiting?" YuNi was confused. What was he doing here?

He smiles at her some more. "For you."

"Me?" YuNi points to herself.

"Yeah" Mir removes his hand from his pocket and pokes YuNi's side with something.

YuNi looks down and horror wash over her face. A gun. She lifts her gaze back up to his face, he was still smiling.


"Get up." He moves the gun from her side to the back and pushes her up. "Walk normally to the limo, try to run and I won't be so nice and blow your head off." He threatens her in a low voice but his face was all smiles.

YuNi grabs her bag off the floor and followed his instructions. Once to the limo the driver opens the door and YuNi slips in with Mir still holding the gun to her back.

"Who are you?" YuNi ask keeping her attention to the front. "What do you want from me?"

"I'm sorry." Mir apologizes pointing the gun to her face. "You were a nice girl. Too nice and easy." He taps the gun on her cheek.

YuNi close her eyes as the gun taps her skin. "Mir..." she pleads.

"Hand it over." He held out his hands. "I don't want to harm you YuNi."

"Hand what over?" YuNi opens her eyes turning to him.

"I'm not stupid, I know you and MyungSoo aren't siblings. Your parents tried to hide you by marring you off to MyungSoo and changing your last name but YuNi I'm not dumb. I know everything so just hand it over."

"I really don't know what you are asking for Mir." YuNi shake her head terrified.

"The usb, the one your parents gave you."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Mir grunts. "Don't play dumb YuNi I know you have it! Your parents said you have it!" Mir shouts.

This was the first time she heard him shout and it startled her. But the most frightening thing he said was about her parents.

"My parents? You talked to them?" YuNi's focus was suddenly wasn't about the gun.

Mir smirks. "Yeah I talked to them. I talked to them as they took their last breath." He laughs.

YuNi shake her head not believing him. "Liar..."


SungGyu banged on MyungSoo's door and shouted his name. MyungSoo had purposely over slept so that he wouldn't have to send YuNi to the bus station. He was such a coward yesterday night he didn't ask her to stay or spill out his feelings to her. He didn't like himself too much. MyungSoo slip on a shirt and jog down the stairs to open the front door.

"What?" MyungSoo ask annoyed.

"Where's YuNi?" SungGyu ask nervously.

"She left, what's wrong?"

"Oh gosh, we have to stop her!" SungGyu wave a piece of paper in front of MyungSoo.

MyungSoo snatch the paper. "What's this?"

"I had a funny feeling when you told me her parents were coming back. Think about it, if you were running from people how long will you be out of the country?"

"Couple of years..." MyungSoo didn't see why this had anything to do with YuNi.

"Exactly! They haven't even been out of the country for a year and now they are coming back, it makes no sense. So I did some research and dig around in your parent's emails and found out that the email was not sent from out of country. It was from here, Seoul. They tried to change the ip address but I dig deeper and found the real ip address. Someone is trying to get YuNi, her parents aren't back."

"" MyungSoo ran back inside and grab his jacket before running out the door with SungGyu behind him.


The limo pulls to a stop and cuts off the engine. YuNi stare out the window and saw her old house. What where they doing there? Mir points the gun to her lower back again.

"Get out."

Carefully YuNi steps out of the limo and made her way into the house. It was the same as she remember it. Nothing was moved. YuNi observes the room, she remember her parents saying they were going to pack everything up and put it in storage so why was nothing moved. From across the room she could see Mir turning his head to talk to the driver through a mirror. Growing up with genius parents working for the government didn't just give her smarts but it also taught her self-defense in case of emergency like these; working for the government was no easy job. YuNi spins around swiftly, kicking the gun out of Mir's hands and grabs it in midair.

"Where are my parents?" She points the gun to his forehead. "Where the are they?"

He grins at her. "YuNi YuNi YuNi" He shook his head. "You shouldn't have done that sweet YuNi."

"I'm not afraid, I can shoot a gun and I'm not afraid to use it on you."

"Go ahead" Mir spreads out his arms taunting her. "Shoot me."

YuNi pulls the trigger aiming at his knee but nothing happened. "What?"

Mir laughs vociferously holding onto his stomach. "It's empty."

Frustrated YuNi throws it at him hitting his head.

"That hurts you know." Mir rubs his head moving closer to YuNi.

YuNi steps back. "What do you want from this house? A USB? What usb!" YuNi shouted.

"The one that contains all the en evidence you little ." Mir reaches over and grabs a chunk of her hair pulling her to him. He held her hair tightly as he tips up her head to look at him. "Has anyone told you how beautiful you are? It will be such a waste to blow up this pretty little face of yours." Mir twists her around and wraps an arm around her neck. “So pretty just like your mother. It’s too bad no one could recognize her after all the cuts and burn.” He sticks his phone in front of her to show a picture of a couple tied up, beaten and dead. “Tell me where it is.” He hisses into her ear.

YuNi’s world was falling apart, her parents were dead. Dead. The room started closing in and her lungs felt as if it wasn’t working, it was hard for her to breathe. It felt as if someone out all the oxygen from her and left her gasping for air. “I don’t know!” YuNi shouts at him frustrated. “I don’t know anything!” Tears blur her vision.

Mir grunts and pushes YuNi to the floor. YuNi fell face down and hit the corner of the table with her forehead. Pain radiates through her face as she hit the ground. Holding to her bleeding forehead she turns on to her back to look up at Mir. He had a gun pointed to her.

“Is it real this time?” YuNi sits up glaring at him.

With the end of the gun Mir swings and jab the side of her face with it. “Does it feel fake?”

YuNi was on her back again but was too numb to feel any more pain. “I don’t have the stupid usb so just kill me you bastard. Kill me!” YuNi stood back up on her feet wobbling. “What’s the point of living anymore? My parents are dead…it’s just me. What is there left for me to live for? Shoot me you son of a .”

“Oh sweet YuNi don’t worry you don’t have to ask twice for me to kill you. I will but not before you tell me where that usb is.” Mir grabs her hair again pulling her with him to the stairs.

Mir drags her up the stairs and into her room.

“Where did you put it?” He drags her to her computer desk. “Somewhere around here?”

Mir starts searching through the desk throwing whatever he touches to the floor. YuNi stood still watching as he rummage through her stuff. She didn’t care anymore he could do whatever he wanted she didn’t feel the need to fight back.


MyungSoo grip on to his gun tighter, YuNi’s parents were dead. SungGyu was next to him holding onto him so he wouldn’t run into the house and blow their cover. MyungSoo listen closely to the conversation Mir and YuNi was having, he wanted to do nothing more than run in there and punch the living day light out of the bastard but SungGyu had a good hold on him. He knew they couldn’t blow up their cover but he just couldn’t stand it anymore when YuNi told him to kill her. MyungSoo flew off the wall to get in there before anything happens to YuNi but SungGyu tackle him to the floor and pin him down.

“Do you really want him to kill her?” SungGyu ask in a low grumble.

“Let go.” MyungSoo struggle but other people came over to them and held MyungSoo down. They had called for back up, SungGyu’s father worked for the government’s security and had a special request put in.

One of the guys in black near the door listens to his ear piece and nodded. “They’re making their way up the stairs.”

The pile of guys on top of MyungSoo got up and SyungGyu help him up. Following orders from the team leader MyungSoo enters the house and quietly made his way up the stairs. The men in black line up on the wall where they couldn’t be seen but MyungSoo couldn’t wait any more he had to get to YuNi. MyungSoo rips off his ear piece and made his way to the door. Inside Mir saw him through a mirror and quickly turns to him. He smirks at MyungSoo. Mir's right hand had his gun pointing at MyungSoo and his other arm held YuNi tightly around her neck. He wasn't going to back down without a fight.

“MyungSoo” YuNi breathe out as he appeared in the door way. Fear suddenly over took her body. Why was he here? YuNi felt Mir tense up and went back to her numb faze. She was scared. What if Mir shot MyungSoo?

"Let her go." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth loud and clear but still filled with fear.

Mir smirks. "Why should I?"

“Because I have it.” MyungSoo reach into his pocket and pulls out a tiny usb. “This is what you want isn’t it?”

“I’m not stupid. How do I know it is just some random usb you had lying around?”

“I’ll show you.” MyungSoo steps in the room but Mir took a step back.

“HOLD ON! Don’t come any closer. YuNi will come get it but don’t even think of doing something stupid like trying to save her because with just one shot she will be dead.” Mir points to YuNi. “Go get it.”

YuNi lifelessly walks over to MyungSoo and held out her hand.

“YuNi-ah” MyungSoo called out her name but she didn’t look at him. He could see through her, she was scared, confused and all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms but it was too risky so he let her go. He needed her to be alive.

YuNi looks up at MyungSoo and saw him tense up but in the back of him she saw some sort of shadow. MyungSoo wasn’t alone. The shadow was trying to communicate with her. YuNi focus on the shadow, it was doing a quick up and down movement. YuNi looks up at MyungSoo, he was trying his hardest to be patient with Mir’s requests.

“She’s taking too long!” Mir shouts making YuNi jump.

YuNi turns back to Mir and slowly walks back. Once she places the usb into his hands she drops to the floor covering her head as one, two shots were heard.

MyungSoo ran over to YuNi and pulls her into his arms as the men in black rush into the room and arrested Mir who was also on the floor. He wasn’t going to let her go again. He was supposed to protect her but he didn’t. He was such an idiot for not asking her to stay, if only he did this would have never happen to YuNi.

"MyungSoo" A warm comforting hand landed on MyungSoo's shoulder. "Son you have to let her go, give her to me."

MyungSoo shook his head. Someone was trying to take YuNi away from him. He shook his head again. NO! He was supposed to protect her and he didn’t, he wasn't going to ever let YuNi out of his sight again.

"MyungSoo, please let them help her."

"No" MyungSoo sob out, he didn't even realize he had been crying. He wasn't letting her go to anyone, no one was going to take her away from him. He shook his head.

"MyungSoo!" His father's voice finally click into his head, it has been his father all along. Why was he here? The hand on his shoulder moves to his face and lifts it up. His father had tears in his eyes too, they were pleading and scared. Why was his father scared? "Please MyungSoo let them help her."

"What?" He was confused, what was happening?

His father held his gaze, slowly and calmly he started speaking "YuNi, she's been shot. Son you need to let her go and let the paramedics help her, please."

YuNi has been shot? MyungSoo looks down at her, she wasn't moving almost as if she was sleeping, her skin had pale and there was red liquid oozing out from her side. YuNi has been shot. MyungSoo slowly let's go quivering as his father took YuNi into his arms and carried her away onto a stretcher. They were taking her away. He can't let them take her. MyungSoo ran over to the stretcher but his father held him back.

"No son."

"I have to go with her dad, she's scared." MyungSoo started panicking and sobbing. "Please dad. I don't want her to be scared. What if something happens to her? I have to be there with her PLEASE. If anything happens to her I can't live with myself." MyungSoo's sobs harder clenching onto his father's arms.

His father held his face and force MyungSoo to look into his eyes. "Calm down, look into my eyes and listen son." He himself was crying and shaking but he held MyungSoo's gaze and calmly spoke. "She's going to be okay. They are taking her to the hospital I will drive you there. YuNi is a strong girl she will be okay. Your mother is already at the hospital waiting YuNi won't be alone."

MyungSoo close his eyes and tears kept rolling down his cheeks. He nods. "okay"


Okay so I'm going back on semi-hatius because school is getting really hard! But no worries I will update once in a while on the weekends, weekdays too if I get really into the story. Well leave a comment and BYE!

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Merry Christmas!!!


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 18: good story
Chapter 17: Omgg I love the ending!! Its so cute! Hahahhaha! Write more!
Chapter 18: I love you! author-nim. I can't believe I had just found this one now. You're so great! I hope you make more Myungsoo fics in the future
Chapter 18: DAEBAKKKK!!!!!
Chapter 3: Myungsoo, did you have to make your wife like you??
naznew #6
Chapter 18: i see...gomawo for the explanation..
Yoobi3 #7
Chapter 17: Nice...I liked the story, but the ending was confusing to me...starting from the graduation scene.
mashisuh #8
Chapter 17: :( i dont get the ending?

the story was lovely,

but someone mind explaining the ending to me?
Chapter 17: Awww , so sweet !! Btw , who was being shot ? O.O . I finished reading this story in one day because it so awesome . Good job , author-nim . *baksu*