The Lion's Den


A/N: So I decided to update today, hope you don't mind. n_n


Minho was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling and just thinking of random things. Then, his mind came across Key. He couldn't help but feel something different being around him. They just met and its just strange. He then heard the door clicked open. "Wookie hyung, you're back." he said not moving his body. He heard a chuckle. He sat up and saw no Wookie hyung in the room.


"Key?" Minho stood up. "Hi." Key greeted. "Wookie hyung went out." Minho informed.  "I know. He met up with me." Key sat on Ryeowook's bed. "And your here because?"  "I'll be your roomate." Minho raised an eyebrow. "Ryeong asked me to switch rooms with him to save me from the dongsaeng hunter." Key explained. "Dongsaeng hunter? Taemin?" Minho laughed. "He said Tae seduces dongsaengs." Key told him. "Minnie hyung would never do that." Minho assured.


Key's ears perked up. "Minnie?"  "Yeah. That's my nickname for him. Just like Ryeowook, Wookie. Oh yeah, what's your real name so I can also give you one." Minho stated. "Do you give nicknames to all people you meet?"  "Not really. Only to those who I think are cute." Key blushed a little and shyly asked "So you think I'm cute?" Minho chuckled. "Your blushing. So cute~" Minho cooed and ruffled Key's hair. "Yah! I'm not a baby!" Key shouted and spank Minho's hand. Minho removed his hand and Key accidentally hit his head.


"Ouch!" Key cried. Minho just laughed. "Why did you remove your hand Minwhore?!"  "Minwhore? Minnie must have told you about me being a hyung ."  "Minwhore! My head hurts you know." Key whined. "Then why did you spank me Keetin?"  "Kitten? That's my nickname?" Key asked. "No, its Keetin. Key and kitten equals Keetin." Minho correctioned. "Ahh.."  "Does it still hurt Keetin?" Minho placed his hand on Key's head and stared unto his eyes.


Key could just melt right there but then he noticed something. "Aha! Your eyes are big. I'll call you froggy!" Key proclaimed. Minho moved closer to Key not breaking the eye contact. "If I'm a frog. Don't you want to kiss me so I'll turn into a dashing Prince?"  Key was captivated by his 'froggy prince' stare. His eyes unconciously traveled to the lips in front of him. Minho noticed this and intentionally his lips. "Like what you see Keetin?"


Realizing at what he had been staring was none other Minho's lips, he hit Minho's chest. "Yah! You trying to seduce me froggy?!" Minho held both of Key's wrist up. "Stop hitting me Keetin. I was just asking but you looked like you wanted to kiss me." Minho pointed out. "Me? Kiss you? What an assuming frog!" Key said.  "What a lying Keetin. You obviously want this lips of mine on yours." Minho smirked. "I do not! I'm not gay." Key defended. "I never said your gay. Are you perhaps guilty Keetin?"  "No. Your the one whose gay!" Minho's smirk grew wider. He let go of Key's wrists, circled his arm around his waist and pulled him closer.


"That's right. I'm gay for you." Minho whispered while Key's hair. Key shivered to the deep voice resonating through his veins.



"You what?! You told him that?! How dare you! You know I'm not like that!" Taemin scolded. "I know. Forgive me, okay? It just came out from my mouth." Ryeowook pleaded. "And why did you switch room?"  "To make them closer." Ryeowook answered as believable as possible. "Really? Minho an   " Taemin cut his sentence when he suddenly remebered something. "Taemin?" Ryeowook called. "Oh crap! What's your room number?" Taemin asked. "149. Why? What's wrong?"  

"Ryeowook, you've thrown Key in the lion's den." With that being said he rushed outside the room leaving a confused friend behind.




A/N: You, how was it?  >.<


MinKey fighting!! n_n

they're so cute~

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Catrinadeah #1
Chapter 8: I love it :) :)
Chapter 10: Congrats for your graduation :)
Chapter 11: yesyesyes very busy :<
Chapter 11: gud luck for your exams ^^
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting :) ..
Good luck for your exams ..
Do your best ^^
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams...
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams!
So curious about Ohmin and Taemin's relation to him...
Chapter 10: Oh... Who is Ohmin??? And why he is in minho body?? It's look like taemin know something... And update soon.... ^^
Chapter 10: okay, now all i can say is i LOVE this story especially the supernatural being, i can't wait for the next chapter, update soon^^
Chapter 8: so far so good and super hilarious...great job author-nim^_^