Did You Forget?


A/N: So I decided to update today. Our classes, more like preparations for Foundation Day, will resume tomorrow. I'll be quite busy because of that. I haven't even made a poster yet. *sigh*


Are you ready or not? You ready or not?~


''Yeah, I'm ready so just shut up,'' Key yelled at his alarm clock. He made a mental note to change his alarm tone to Ring Ding Dong later. He slowly got up from his bed, yawned and stretched his arms as wide as he can. He looked around his room and frowned as he saw the number 13 on the calendar. ''13, a really unlucky number,'' he stated. ''13 years, huh?'' he continued and sighed.


His mind was overflowing with memories of the kid he fell in love with 13 damn long years ago. Yeah, he had his first love when he was 5. He closed his eyes and reminisce that summer time being surrounded by lavenders and walking hand in hand with the kid as they made their way to a tree.


Are you ready or not? You ready or not?~


He snapped back to reality as his alarm clock sounded again. He forgot to turn off the snooze. He then made a mental note to really change his alarm tone to Ring Ding Dong.


He pulled himself up from his bed and walked towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for his family. His mother couldn't be trusted in the kitchen and he knew his father is still tired for coming home late from work. He loves to cook anyway.


''Good morning bummie~'' he heard a woman's voice behind him. He was startled and shot a glare at his mother. ''Would you stop doing that Ma? It scared the living out of me. You're so sneaky and kinda weird in the morning,'' he nagged his own mother. Her mother chuckled. ''I swear son, we must have switched our bodies,'' she said. ''Ma, you say that every morning,'' he complained.


Key was almost done cooking so his mother took the initiative to prepare the table. Three men came down from the stairs and lazily made their way to the dining table. The Kim family silently took their meal, its not they are fighting or something. They are just lazy in the morning unlike during dinner when they are enjoyably very noisy. After the meal, the mother did the dishes to let his sons prepare for the drive to the university.


After taking a shower, Key checked if he packed all his a lot of clothes belongings. After making sure, he remembered to change his alarm tone. He sat on the right side of the bed and took the alarm clock when he noticed something. He noticed a small bottle. He reached for it and suddenly a wave of memories splashed his mind.


''So this is where you've been lately when I abandoned you,'' he told the bottle. ''Minnie, why did you forget us me?'' he sighed. ''Great things should be remembered, guess I didn't made it on your list. Three years ago, I was excited to finally meet you again. But you never showed up, I waited and waited and waited and waited. After that, I asked everyone I meet with the same age about this bottle. Guess, it was for nothing so I gave up. You gave up on me first. Promises are really made to be broken. Lavender. Love endures. Well, I had enough enduring.'' Tears rolled down to his face. Wounds on his heart started bleeding.


''Dongsaeng, c'mon! We need to go!'' his older brother shouted. He quickly wiped away his tears and smiled because of his stupidity on loving someone he meet when he was 5. He checked himself on the mirror and rubbed his face with a towel. His two older brother came and drag his 4 suitcases. He put the bottle on his backpack and followed his brothers.


A certain song that described his feelings played while listening to Kiss The Radio on the car.


Did you forget

That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me

Did you regret
Ever standing by my side
Did you forget
What we were feeling inside
Now I'm left to forget
About us

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it

So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand
Never again
Please don't forget
Don't forget

We had it all
We were just about to fall
Even more in love
Than we were before
I won't forget
I won't forget
About us

And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
I won't forget us


That song stabbed his wounded heart. ''Minnie, I'll never forget a girl like you,'' he whispered while holding back his tears.


A/N: Please let me know what you think on this story so far by commenting below especially MinKey shippers/lovers. Is the story getting good? >.<

haha. Thanks for the support Minho! I see that Key is there too.


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Catrinadeah #1
Chapter 8: I love it :) :)
Chapter 10: Congrats for your graduation :)
Chapter 11: yesyesyes very busy :<
Chapter 11: gud luck for your exams ^^
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting :) ..
Good luck for your exams ..
Do your best ^^
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams...
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams!
So curious about Ohmin and Taemin's relation to him...
Chapter 10: Oh... Who is Ohmin??? And why he is in minho body?? It's look like taemin know something... And update soon.... ^^
Chapter 10: okay, now all i can say is i LOVE this story especially the supernatural being, i can't wait for the next chapter, update soon^^
Chapter 8: so far so good and super hilarious...great job author-nim^_^