Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover


A/N: Okay, so i realized how short my chapters are. T.T Sorry about that. I blame it on my phone which made it looked like long. I typed the previous chapters on my phone. And now I tried my really best to come up with a not so long chapter to make up for it. Hope you liked it. My story is progressing so slow. >.<



''Ryeong..'' Key said while getting something from his bag. Ryeong hummed in response. ''Can you keep this for me?'' he continued while holding out the small bottle to his bestfriend. Ryeong hesitated but took it anyway. ''Uhm, okay.'' ''Thanks Ryeong..'' Key smiled. ''If you don't want to remember her, you can just throw this away.'' The idea made Key's smile disappear. ''I would have done that 3 years ago, you know.'' Key simply replied. ''It wouldn't make a difference if I throw it, the memories are in my mind and not in that bottle.'' he added. ''True to that,'' Ryeong agreed. Key's two older brothers came back from the registrar. ''We got your class schedule and room key,'' Heechul declared. ''Since Ryeowook is here, he'll accompany you to the dorm.''  Jongwoon told Key. ''He's my bestfriend after all,'' Ryeong responded. ''Okay. Grab your things and lock the car. We still have a brief teacher's meeting to attend.'' Heechul said while walking away with Jongwoon. "Okay." the two bestfriends said in unison.


''What's your room number?'' Ryeong asked. ''149,'' Key replied. ''Too bad, we're one floor apart.'' "Oh, here we are Ryeong," Key declared. "Good. I'm off to my room, maybe my roomate has already arrived. Bye!" Ryeong replied dashing away. "Yah! Your just gonna leave me here at the door and  won't even help me with my 4 suitcases?!" Key shouted. Ryeong looked back smirking and then continued dashing. "Ugh! Seriously, is he even my bestfriend?" Key questioned himself. "Uhm, are you going on a lifetime trip to SHINee World or something?" he heard a deep voice behind him. He turned around and said, "Excuse me?". "Well, considering you have those 4 huge suitcases. Does a man really needs to pack things that many?" the deep voice answered. "What's it to you anyway?" Key responded while eyeing the handsome man from head to toe. "Well, I was gonna lend a hand but nevermind. See you around." the man said while walking away dragging his suitcase. "Okay, I can't deny his handsome but that was just so random. Did his mother even thought him not to talk to strangers?" Key rolled his eyes.




After going to the registrar, Minho headed to the dorms. Onew and Taemin weren't with him because they were hanging out with their group. How he wished he was not a year younger than them. Minho preferred to take the stairs than the elevator. He took morning jogs everyday after all. Walking in the hallway and climbing the stairs while dragging his suitcase and a sport bag on his right shoulder was just like a stroll on the park for him. As he reached the 2nd floor, what came to his sight was 4 huge suitcases and a blonde guy who seems to be muttering something to himself. ''Uhm, are you going on a lifetime trip to SHINee World or something?'' Minho asked as he was approaching him. The blonde guy turned around. ''Excuse me?'' he answered. ''Well, considering you have those 4 huge suitcases. Does a man really need to pack that many?'' Minho stated. He felt those feline eyes of the blonde guy judging his features. ''What's it to you anyway?'' Minho sensed an annoyance in his tone of voice and made him think. What's it to him anyway? He was just curious of what's with the 4 suitcases and maybe he needs some help with it. "Well, I was gonna lend a hand but nevermind. See you around." he told the blonde guy and resumed on walking.


After some time, Minho finally arrived at the doorstep of his assigned room. He slowly opened the door and was greeted by his roomate with a smile. ''Hi, so you're my roomate. I'm Kim Ryeowook.'' Ryeowook greeted. ''Hi, I'm Choi Minho.'' Minho said to him.  Ryeowook stood up from the chair. "You're really tall," he stated while looking up to his roomate. "Uhm, is that a compliment?" Minho asked. "If that's how you want to take it. Your a freshmen?".  "Yeah. You too?"  Ryeowook chuckled and said, "I'm actually older than you." Minho was shocked. "For real? You don't look like your age." This time, Ryeowook laughed. "I get that a lot. I'm not called Eternal Maknae for nothing." "I can see that. Since you have baby-face, I'm gonna call you Wookie. Just like how I call Taemin hyung Minnie." Minho proclaimed. "Minnie?" Ryeowook immediately asked. "Yeah. He also doesn't look like his age." "By Taemin, you meant Lee Taemin?" Minho nodded and said, "That's him. His quite popular here since his a dance machine." "Do you know any girl that has a nickname Minnie?" Ryeowook asked again. "Haven't met one." Minho answered. "Ahh. Soo.. Want me to show you around Hoho?" Ryeowook offered. "Hoho?" "What? You can give me nickname but i can't?" Ryeowook asked and then pouted. Minho laughed. "Aigoo, Wookie hyung is so cute." Minho cooed and ruffled Ryeowook's hair. "Yah! I'm not a baby!" Ryeowook complained.




"I'm so tired," Key groaned as he collapsed on his bed. He somehow managed to finish unpacking his 4 suitcases in a short time, his the Almighty Key after all. He heard the door clicked open and got up wanting to know who his roomate is. "Oh, hi!" his roomate greeted. Key realized that his roomate was no other than the girl, or should he say guy, he saw earlier. "Yeah, hi." "I'm Lee Taemin by the way," Taemin said while removing his hair extensions for its getting bothersome. "What's with the hair?" Key can't helped but asked. Taemin smirked and turned his head to face his roomate. "This hair extentions my friend is for seducing handsome guys that luckily come my way." he answered bluntly stressing the last part of his sentence. Key's eyes widen and gaped. He couldn't believe what the innocent-looking human being in front of him had just said. After several seconds of silence, Taemin broke into laughter. Key was a little confuse. "You should have seen your face! Dude, that was epic!" Taemin said between his laughs. "Yah! Seriously! I thought you were serious for a moment." Key annoyingly said. Taemin still kept laughing. "Yah! Would you just stop laughing?!" Key shouted. Taemin's laughter slowly faded. "Okay. Chill dude. Just take that as my warm welcome greeting to you." Taemin finally spoke. "Yah! You call that warm welcome?!" "Sorry Key hyung," Taemin put on his best aegyo. "Cuteness doesn't solve anything." Taemin pouted. "And since I'm older than you, respect me." Taemin smiled. "Your older than me?" "You called me hyung and you look younger than me. Its not that hard to tell." Key confidently said. Taemin chuckled. "Okay, Key hyung."he innocently responded. ''Oh, if you only knew Key. How I love my young handsome look." Taemin thought and smirked.



A/N: That's how long as I can write. What do you think? Please let me know..

Happy Birthday to Dubu Leader Onew and Belated Happy Birthday Flaming Charisma Minho!

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Catrinadeah #1
Chapter 8: I love it :) :)
Chapter 10: Congrats for your graduation :)
Chapter 11: yesyesyes very busy :<
Chapter 11: gud luck for your exams ^^
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting :) ..
Good luck for your exams ..
Do your best ^^
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams...
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams!
So curious about Ohmin and Taemin's relation to him...
Chapter 10: Oh... Who is Ohmin??? And why he is in minho body?? It's look like taemin know something... And update soon.... ^^
Chapter 10: okay, now all i can say is i LOVE this story especially the supernatural being, i can't wait for the next chapter, update soon^^
Chapter 8: so far so good and super hilarious...great job author-nim^_^