When You See It, You'll Bricks


A/N: Our monthly exam is on Thursday and our Christmas Party on Friday. I hope I receive SHINee merchandise something good from my Secret Santa. After that, Christmas Vacation. Oh yeah! Anyway, here's the chapter You. Don't mind the title.  



Since its past 11am already, Key, Taemin, Minho and Ryeowook decided to grab some lunch. After lunch and some walking in the streets, they went to a nearby arcade. Taemin and Key were stomping on the dance pad too hard to care and were cheered by some teens. Ryeowook was owning the karaoke machine and surrounded by some people like a street performer. Minho was setting high scores on every sport games earning some audience.


Feeling tired, they settled on a cafe. They were talking, laughing, bickering and teasing each other like they have been long time friends. Its only been few hours but they were already close. Time passed by and they realized it was already dusk so they headed back to the dorm.


"I had a really great time." Taemin said earning some laughs and nods. "I know right." Key agreed. "I've only met both of you today but we're nothing like mere acquiantance." Minho told Key and Ryeowook. "Yeah. It seemed like the past few hours were years." Ryeowook added. "Let's do this often. We still don't know much each other." Taemin stated. The rest nodded their heads in agreement. "We'll bring Onew hyung next time." Minho said.



Room 149 : Taemin and Key


"I'm so tired Key hyung." Taemin whined. "Me too. We could've broke the dance pad you know." They both laughed thinking about it. "Have you seen the look on the staff's face? He looked really worried." Key added. They both laughed again, this time harder.


"But what matters is, I won against you Key hyung." he said with at smirk across his face. "Yah! You only won because I don't want to break the dance pad!" Key retorted. Taemin rolled his eyes and answered "Whatever.."


"So what do you think of Minho hyung?" Taemin asked. "Well, I understood why he has stalkers and why you want to be dress up as his girlfriend." Taemin chuckled. "He's fun to be with and charming. Can't deny his handsome." Key continued. "And your interested in him.." Taemin whispered loud enough for Key to hear.


"What? Me? In him?" Key immediately responded. "I have sharp eyes. I've seen the way you look at him." Taemin informed. "Its nothing like that. Its just that his eyes reminds me of someone who happens to be a girl. You hear me, A GIRL." Key explained. "I hear you alright."



Room 419 : Ryeowook and Minho


"Whew! I'm so exhausted." Ryeowook complained. "I'm not that exhausted at all." Minho stated. "Well, I definitely am." Ryeowook jumped on his bed. "Just go to sleep. I'm still gonna unpack my stuff." Minho grabbed his luggage and started unpacking.


"I'll help you Hoho." Ryeowook decided and stood up from his bed. "Its fine Wookie hyung. Your tired right?" "Yes. But I'll still help you." Ryeowook insisted. "Fine. You unpack my sport bag."


They were almost done unpacking and organizing. Ryeowook was down to the last zipper of the sport bag. He sighed in relief for his really sleepy and his eyes were getting heavy. When he open the zipper, his eyes shot wide open. He quickly grabbed the thing that shook away his sleepiness. He examined the thing very closely not missing any details.


Confirming the thing on his hand, one of his hand touched his right pocket. He felt the lavender bottle that Key let him keep earlier on his pocket as he gaze at the exact replica of the lavender bottle on his other hand. His mind was in complete confusion.


Minho noticed Ryeowook staring at the lavender bottle. "Its nice right?" he asked smiling. Ryeowook just nodded and kept his eyes on the bottle. Minho chuckled at Ryeowook's reaction to the bottle for he looked like a kid who just saw the most wonderful thing in the world. "Where did you get this?" Ryeowook asked. "A childhood friend gave that but I can't remember him clearly." "Really?" Ryeowook wanted to be assured.


"Yeah. Its been like 13 years." Ryeowook was now definitely sure that Minho is Minnie but Key said that Minnie is a girl with long black hair, big eyes... Wait. Big eyes? Ryeowook looked at Minho. "What's his name?" Ryeowook questioned. "Bummie.." Minho responded.




A/N: So You, how was it? >.< Please tell me what you think. Ryeowook's discovery, is it good? Need some feedback.

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Catrinadeah #1
Chapter 8: I love it :) :)
Chapter 10: Congrats for your graduation :)
Chapter 11: yesyesyes very busy :<
Chapter 11: gud luck for your exams ^^
Chapter 11: I'm still waiting :) ..
Good luck for your exams ..
Do your best ^^
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams...
Chapter 11: Good luck for your exams!
So curious about Ohmin and Taemin's relation to him...
Chapter 10: Oh... Who is Ohmin??? And why he is in minho body?? It's look like taemin know something... And update soon.... ^^
Chapter 10: okay, now all i can say is i LOVE this story especially the supernatural being, i can't wait for the next chapter, update soon^^
Chapter 8: so far so good and super hilarious...great job author-nim^_^