Settling in a Foreign Place I Now Call Home

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I'm back with a new chapter. With the end of the world being a flake, I figured I'd celebrate with a new chapter! Ha! Just kidding! Hoping for some happy subbies\readers! Thanks again everyone and I'll have another chapter up real soon :)



Like last night and the night before, I woke up earlier than my own good.


I dreamed of little perfectly wrapped boxes and when I woke up, I was being taunted by the same little box sitting on the nightstand table next to me.


Why did he have to give me something I can't open?! This is like pure torture for someone who has never been patient with any sort of gift.


It's funny because I'm a very patient person. I can tutor someone for hours without becoming restless but when my birthday rolls around or any other holiday known for giving, my family members know better than to let things sit around anywhere that can be easily found. With that being said, I'm the Queen of snoops, meaning I'd be the one who'd literally find a needle in a haystack.


That guy probably knew this too. Watch, I bet there isn't even anything in there or maybe its something small like a rock or marble to trick me. He would do that. I have a feeling I'm going to have to really keep my guard up if I'm living with him.


Speaking of that, I'm still trying to think of lies to tell my family so they don't get suspicious. I feel like I'm already lying about too much with this job and "relationship" so adding the living situation wouldn't help.


Someone would probably think, "Why not? Just tell them. It's better than lying?".


*Cue the buzzer sound. WRONG!


It's much easier said than done. I can just see myself telling my parents about this. One of two scenarios would occur if I told my family I'm taking a job and living with my new male boss who is actually my fiancé or boyfriend or whatever he may be. My parent's would either kill me and make it look like an accident OR I'd be killing them because the sudden news would cause both to die of major heart-attacks. Both would end ugly so I'll just live with my guilty conscience instead.


With my mind being occupied with both the tiny box and lying situation, I figured packing up would be the best way to not think about things.


After packing my clothes, I got ready for the airport. Wearing my hair in a loose high pony tail, I wanted to be more casual since it will be about a five hour trip. I wore a thick grey cardigan that ruffled at the shoulders with a white tank and my dark blue skinny jeans.  I topped it with lots of long chunky black jewels and finished it with my Chanel ballet flats.


I finished a bit earlier than expected. This mostly because now I have more time on my hands. Which means I have more time to think about things I'd rather not but because I'm programmed so weirdly, I will against my better judgment.


But I will say that I definitely gave myself a good beating about kissing him yesterday. I know it wasn't a real kiss or anything but it really wasn't necessary and I don't want him thinking he can just go around kissing me or doing whatever he wants with me whenever he wants to either. Plus I still don't know why I did it so that bugs me more.


It was magical though. The date that is. Thinking back, the entire day was as perfect as it could be. It had its moments of quirks but even those didn't matter if you thought of it as a whole.


I wonder if he does this every time he meets a girl? And while I know I've said this before but how does this guy not have a girlfriend? Maybe he's picky or the girls he picks are? But who would that stupid girl be to dump a guy that would do that type of thing for her? I really don't know, girls these days tend to be a bit thick-headed anyway so I can't explain the ways of some people from my gender. Then again, he has his moments so that also doesn't help him. 


The way I see it is that if you love someone, you'll deal with them no matter what flaws they have. Whether it is personality or looks or certain traits, if you find someone who can deal with all of that then you better hold on to them forever because you might not find someone who loves you enough to look past those bad things.


I caught myself looking at the box sitting on the nightstand again. Why must he keep giving me things? I've never been the type who fawned over gifts. I think that mostly came from the fact that I could get whatever I needed on my own and didn't need someone else to cater to me like that.


Plus, I always feel bad when others buy me things because I don't want people to spend money on me... I think that's why I hate that I'm so dependent on my parents. They always bought me whatever I wanted because they said they worked hard enough to give me all the things they could never have. 


With that being said, the knock at the door became more evident than my thoughts. I went to the door to open it quickly before he complained again like last time. 


There he stood in his casual ware once again but this time he had Starbucks in hand. As I examined his clothes, only I would notice how we somewhat look dressed alike. Both wearing dark colored jeans, the same shade of gray in our sweaters, and mixes of black with the accent. The black fur hat on his head made me glad I wore my hair up instead of down with my black hat. If I did then we'd really look like the 'trying too hard' matching couple.



I didn't even have to stand outside for more than a minute this time. I think she's getting better about not making me wait forever. But then again, it didn't take her long to bombard me with questions.


"Did you find out what I was wearing so you could color coordinate your outfit with mine?" she asked seriously as we both walked into the sitting area.


Is she serious? Does it look like I have that much time on my hands? Then again, I really don't do anything so I would have time so the real word should be would I care that much about that.


I do however have a love and that is to get under her skin as much as I can because she's soo funny looking when I make her mad.


"Now why would you say that my dear? I even brought you coffee so why assume the worst of me" I said sweetly and handed her the warm holiday designed cup.


"Because I can't put anything past you. I saw the way the bellboy looked over my shoulder when he brought the newspaper. He was totally checking out my outfit so maybe he reported back to you or something"


I couldn't stand it anymore so I broke out into laughter.


"Are you serious woman! The bellboy?" I laughed again "If that's the case then do you mind explaining to me why you kissed me last night after criticizing me at the park?"


Her face instantly changed from smiles to surprised. Guess I got her there huh? But then again, I had that same look on my face when she closed the door and when I went back to my hotel and as I slept. I really do want to know where that came from.


"I uhh.. was getting back at you for kissing me at the park! I told you I'd catch you off guard one day but that wasn't the end of it, I haven't finished my revenge so don't think your off yet" she smirked 


I've seen revenge and if that was revenge then I want a lifetime of revenge to hit me straight in the face all the time. 


"Anyways, I'd totally change right now but I already packed my clothes away so it would be a hassle" she added


"Don't worry about it. It's kinda nice. It's like we're a couple. Good for our image"


"Uhh yeah if we were in high school or something. The only time couples should match is if they are going to formal events or something but even then overly matching is weird" she looked at both of us then continued " I think we're more color coordinated so I guess its not that bad"  


*Making a mental note to start buying more stuff and wearing more things that she would. Again, all to make her mad.


I love myself.


"I did however keep myself from opening that box you gave me" she said proudly before taking a sip of her coffee "Can you tell me what it is now?"


Oh I knew this would be coming sooner or later today but I'm not sure if I wanted it to be right now. I think I gave it to her last night so I wouldn't chicken out of it later.


"Oh really? I'm surprised you lasted. You sure you didn't take a peak at all?" I teased but was returned with a glare before she shook her head.


"Can I open it now? I just want to know what it is. I hate surprises. It could be a rock for all I know"


Oh she's pretty close.


I nodded and she quickly rushed over to get it. I turned my back to face her as she sat on the bed to open the small box that contained such a large meaning inside.


She started off really quick when tearing away the paper but slowed down as soon as she saw the box. I don't think she's stupid, she knows where it must be from. Her brown irises would occasionally look up at me before she officially pushed the jewelry box lid to unveil the canary diamond that was hidden inside.


Her expression was still as her eyes were blinded by the large rock. They almost twinkled in its brightness. She was quiet and motionless before officially looking back at me.


"Is this really a Harry Winston canary diamond?" she questioned


I nodded my head 


"It's your engagement ring. I figured you could wear it when we meet my parents. I'm giving it to you now because I figured I'd lose it somewhere. You'd probably take better care of it then me."


She stared back. Before I knew it, she was hovering over me  


"Are you serious? Why would you buy me this?  I don't need a 5 carat ring. This ring probably costs over a quarter of a million dollars because of its cut, name brand, and color"


"Actually its 10 carats and it cost three times that but no one's counting"


As I looked at her, words really couldn't describe her facial expression anymore. She closed the box and instantly handed it to me.


"I can't take this. Its too much for me"


I think I've seen it all. No one person has every given me a gift back especially something of such high caliber. I don't see the big deal. If she doesn't like it, she should just say so.


"Why? Do you not like it? We can pick you out something you want if you'd like once we get home"


"Are you kidding me? It's gorgeous! It's a 10 carat emerald cut canary diamond. It's a classic in its own and most people would give up an internal organ to even hold it but that's not the point. You don't need to spend that kind of money on me. I don't feel comfortable knowing that I'm wearing three quarters of a million dollars on my finger. It's just not right..." she explained


I took the box in my hand and carefully took out the ring. Standing in front of her, I looked into her eyes and spoke seriously.


"If that's the case then don't worry about it. I've bought things for people in the past that were of equal or lesser value. This shouldn't come to a surprise but your going to be my fiancée and if I buy anything big for anyone, it would be someone that is playing your role" Grabbing her hand, I placed the ring on back on the finger it belonged to. "Now, no more complaining. I bought it for you and that's the end of it. Let's get ready so we can go to the airport now, they'll be some traffic if we don't head out soon" I reasoned 


She still didn't say anything and her eyes never met mine even once during the time. Why does this bother her so much? No girl I've ever met has once complained about me giving her anything and I can't think of any other ones who would find a fault in any of this.


This whole thing actually makes me feel much more hurt than I would think it would.



I don't understand why he doesn't see my point in all this. It's not the ring. It's the price he had to pay for it and the meaning behind it. It could have been any other type of brand. While Tiffany's and Cartier aren't any home-name brands used by everyone, they still are well known for being expensive but Harry Winston; that's the one brand that many people just drool over in magazines or when you see them on celebrity red carpet shows. Most people would never be able to buy a pen at Harry Winston let alone a 10 carat ring totaling a whopping 750,000 dollars.


It's beautiful, God knows it's flawless all on its own. It's probably even good exercise for my hand considering it weighs so much. It's actually my dream ring, thats it, something you dream about but never would think you'd receive. And that doesn't mean I expected him to buy it either. Especially for his fake fiancée nonetheless. 


All these questions come up when I think about it. What happens after this is over? I can't keep this and wear it around as a regular ring, I wouldn't feel right. I don't now so why would I later.


Once we got settled into our seats on the plane, I still couldn't look at him. I don't know what to say after we both reacted to the ring. I bet he was hoping I'd be fawning over it but I'm not the kind of person who can be bought like that. I'll express my gratitude like I did with the other things but this was different. I feel so fake wearing it and I'd feel as if everyone was judging me if they saw it on my finger.


I stared at it as my fingers moved back and forth in my lap. It's yellow color reflected on the television that sat in front of our view. He's been quiet as well so that doesn't make things easier.


"It looks good on you so stop making things so complicated in that weird head of yours" he said as his eyes never left the TV.


I wish he'd look over so I could hit him because I know I'm not being complicated. Or am I?  I think this whole thing makes me a bit more crazier than I usually am so I don't know what's going on in what he calls my weird head.


"Is this just to impress people?" I blurted out as he turned his gaze toward me. Already saying too much, I continued "If it is, then that's why it's hard for me to wear this. If not, then I'll shut my mouth and never bring it up again..."


"Well if I said yes then give me your reason. What's wrong with the idea of giving my soon to be 'fiancée' a large expensive ring that I can totally afford? It's not like I can't afford it" he reasoned.


"Engagement rings shouldn't be about the price. They should be about love. That's why you get married. Because you love someone. The ring should just be the extra that comes with it. But it's fine, I don't want to talk about this anymore"


"No! We're going to talk about it because we said we'd be honest about whatever's on our mind and this is starting to bug me too because I don't know why your so against it; especially since you said it yourself that you love it. There's nothing wrong with giving gifts to one another. I gave you the earrings and bracelet. What makes them any different?!" he said with a low but raised voice


He's right. What made them any different than this ring. I felt the earrings I was wearing and stared at the bracelet. I can't keep these either can I?


My hands reached to unclasp the bracelet when I felt his hand on the same place that was leading to.


"I didn't say that so you'd give them back" he said somewhat sullen "I just want to prove a point. There's nothing wrong with taking things sometimes. It's actually nice. The only thing you have to do is say Thank You. That's it. I know it sounds simple but you'd be surprised how often that is the most forgotten. It's only bad when someone becomes selfish instead of thankful."


I didn't want to fight with him. Honestly, I hate fighting or becoming upset with anyone. I may have a point but his is valid as well. Maybe my yearn to be independent is pushing me away from the expensive gift or maybe it's me not wanting to ruin the idea of a happily in love life with a fake ring.


"Okay" I said giving up "Thank you for the beautiful ring. Thank you for everything so far."


"No problem" he smiled. "But I'd have to say the same thing to you for everything your doing for me as well. We just have to make the best of things until everything falls into place. If you want to have some kind of closure like I'm getting with my parents, you can tell yours we're really getting married too." he said with in air quotations around the married part.


I instantly laughed thinking of that and the conversation I had with myself earlier.


"I don't think that would work out too well." I said in between laughs


"And why not?" he looked serious. "Your not the only one. I'm a good catch too you know. " he defended


"It's not you. It really isn't. I don't think I'd ever hear the end of things if people found out I was engaged and then it mysteriously broke up. I'd never be able to get married because I'd be branded as the 'engaged one' who most likely did things. Either way, its complete dishonor on your family name." I said seriously.


"Dishonor?" he laughed "This isn't the olden days. I think your good."


"Psh. Honey, you obviously haven't and wouldn't want to meet my parents. They're as old school as you get so you'd be surprised."


"Guess you'd be surprised to hear my parents aren't any different. Maybe our parents should get together and be friends since they have so much in common."


We both looked at each other and laughed. We're probably both thinking the same thing, 'No Way'



Two Days Later..


It's been a couple days since we got back from New York. Seunghyun told me that I should take this time off to pack, spend some time with my family, and be prepared to start working soon. Both of us are technically taki

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This is scary to imagine but I believe I'm officially back after a too long hiatus. This story was in desperate need of an update so I'm back w/ two new chaps!


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MyDarlingLove #1
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh im so happy this story is back!!! Why is did Seunghyun make out with dont even like her...what are you doing? If he does tell Christine how is she going to believe him. Choi has got a lot of work to do. Thank you do much for updating. I can't wait to see whats gonna happen next!!!
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!!! I miss it :-(
WasabiBear #3
Chapter 18: Wow. I haven't been on AFF in so long, and I've truly missed reading this story (and you as well)! Took me a while, but now I'm up to date with the story.^^ Sorry for going MIA..

So much has happened. Where do I start?
Maaaaan, I'm glad they've finally sort of developed feelings for each other! They just need to let each other know. I honestly wish I could just slap some sense into them and make them realize how much they mean to each other xD
Christine, why did you eat the fish? Silly girl.
And oh my, Jason totally put Seunghyun on the spot. Ouch!
Poor guy. Don't let him give up on her! :'(

Oh, and don't even get me started with Grace because I WILL get crunkk -__-

Overall, I really like how your story is unfolding! I might have been gone for a while, but your quality of writing is still amazing. Actually, it's gotten even better if that's possible xD
Looking forward for more! <3
Sits in the corner.... Waiting patiently for the next update >.<
ZombieKece #5
Chapter 18: Omo being a slow reader i amm, i think i like the details you post, seriously that make it easier to imagine the scene & things they face.. It jz somehow make me cranky like some NYcrumble cakes & midnight cheese cake huh! 

Whoaaa Jasonn & his detailsss IDK anymore,  man is well known about their cool side, hmm no intention? But look what happen, every girl will turn jelly if know that there's a fine bachelor alive & notice also remember your habit! I'll threat everything I've for that!
But againn being insecure Senghyun shii, i think both Christine & SY need to be more vocal-aboutntheir relationship&feeling- between them instead of just talking & having war with their own mind nor self, it help in relationship after all, but ofcourseee its not easyy again arghhh!!
Whattt iss the couple ringg? SY & leah? Ughhj i found it ugly, pleasee with grace, SY mom & the past, idk what will i do if i we're Christine. 
Ps: i love the simple burger & latenight pigging out date between SY& CH, hope you make another unexpected date again & moree conversation between both! Nyaahhh 
MyDarlingLove #6
Chapter 18: I don't even know where to start with this chapter. I like the fact that Christine was able to let go and enjoy SeungHyun's show. I really want to hate Jason but there is really nothing to hate about him. He is perfect, he successful, good looking, nice. He knows her, she doesn't have to explain much to him because he knows everything about her. The problem is that he doesn't have the kind of chemistry that Seunghyun has with Christine. If she went back to Jason she would be fine, comfortable. But I don't think she would be able to grow as a person. Because to grow as a person you have to be taken out of your comfort zone, and Seunghyun does that to her. I am happy that Seunghyun realized that he is indeed in love with Christine but I am also sad that he had to find it that way. But I do think this way is more effective, it shows him that its not any easy thing and that I he wants a real solid relationship with Christine he is going to have to show her the same affection she has been giving him. However now he thinks the solution is to let her go and be with someone that is now her past. I just really hope that Seunghyun grows some balls and tells Christine how he feels about her and not chicken out just because of the what Jason says. But I hope he realizes that this a go big or go home situation, he has got to both tell her and show her, because actions speak louder that word but words will be repeated forever. Gosh I love this story!!!!
Chapter 18: Oh no don't set her free Seunghyun! He's feeling insecure because of Jason..... :/
Chapter 18: It's 3:30AM where I'm at because I've been up - waiting for this update so I can comment! LOL! jk... I'm excited for this chapter! This is the breakthrough of all breakthrough chapters! I loved it!

Christine - I can see her selfless character turning into a flaw and it's like someone needs to save her from herself! The "putting others before yourself" mantra shows how she knows no bounds - she will do whatever it takes to sacrifice herself for the happiness of others. And I wonder, at what point will she stop? Will she stop when that sacrifice starts to hurt the other person in return?

Jason - ={ Gawd! I disregarded him in the beginning because he caused Christine so much heartache. But now you have me pining for him. I read his confession and I feel my heartbreak for him! Love unrequited... only - it was reciprocated. Just too little too late. Give him someone to love! Please!

SH - The tone, the reveal... it was all him! The revelation that he loves Christine was subtle and unexpected, like it crept up on him so unaware! I laughed to myself when he finally realized what he just said. Like, YES! You just said that dude! <-- "dude" LOL... Hey! It's late... =/ I'm in love with this chapter. Just the way you expressed the emotions of these characters was brilliant!

And I still hold my breath when I eat raw fish but I'll take it down. It's the oysters that I can't stand. Aphrodisiac? No thank you - I'll just gaze at YB to get my libido going. I will "swallow" before I ever "swallow" that mollusk. >.<

And you're welcome girl. Just like you're there for me, I'm here for you! ^.^
Chapter 17: So the first thing that catches my eye is the gif... and how uncomfortable the security guard is, while Tabi is like "heeeey! =D" LOL!!!

I love seeing how SH is fighting with himself in the beginning - wondering why in the hell Christine is staying - free room and board? lol... not for all the crap he's put her in. Hopefully he'll realize her feelings before she even has to say the words outloud.

I still cringe at my Bae's text message. SMH... LOL. I'm glad you pointed out how he & Daesung can read people - something I tend to forget in my own story, haha! Now I'll have to rethink my whole concept! jk.

I really think the whole cheesecake/movie impromptu date night was a nice touch. Just knowing that he could do something simple for the two of them, however small, spoke volumes to her. She'll look back and think of this moment. <3

I enjoyed watching Christine stick up for SH at the end! It was so typical of her... It almost seems like a back and forth thing between them now. Now I'm waiting (dreading) when it's his turn to save her... He better TURN UP!
Chapter 16: Lol... You're going to think I'm crazy. I gave myself a few days off so I could reread it fresh again... And I still get angry, lol! Ugh! Where do I begin? Grace is crazy! Whines and complains... Can't you see nobody wants you here? I don't know how she can stay there. She obviously has no pride or self esteem. Her eyes are glued on the prize.

Poor Christine... Throughout the midst if all this chaos, she ends up having a revelation. And she can't even enjoy it! because she's too busy keeping SH's temper down and keeping peace inside the home. I get happy seeing all their little moments together... They're starting to read each other, which is like... The first impending sign of around the corner. Uh huh! LMAO! Hey! A girl can dream...

The girl talk at the breakfast table was the most cattiest thing ever! I loved it! I love how you made Leah all quiet... And then... Bam! I was bleeding and I didn't even know when she drew her claws out. What a sneaky little... Stay strong Christine! Don't let these females ruin whatever feels you have towards SH!

Where the hell is he??? LMAO! I will continue tomorrow. ^.^