
Please Love Me Back
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Author’s Pov


All of you were silent after the shocking confession of Luhan.

You can’t help but blush at the cute confession of Luhan ;although you were actually shocked out by the sudden outburst it was cute.

Kris on the other hand was silently cursing “I could have kissed her in the lips right now“ he said regretting his gentlemanly move.

“this is sort of awkward let us just watch a movie“Yunhee said breaking the tension filling the room.

“yeah let us do that“ Xiumin said to cheer the whole gang up.

“what genre?“ Lay asked.

“HORROR!!“Yunhee said cheerfully.

Tao’s face was so distorted that you cant even draw it “I think I will pass“ he said as sweat is trickling down his face.He was clearly scared.

Chen smirked “Wae Tao?...are you quite scared“ he said jokingly trying to persuade Tao on watching the movie.

“Ani“ Tao said with pride swallowing him up.

All of you snickered except Yunhee who was completely unaware of Tao’s fears.

You ,Kris and Luhan were all silent after that awkward scene.

It was repeating all over your head just like a broken tape.

You didn’t go near in any of the two of them since it will cause extreme anger in both parties instead you went to Yunhee’s side.

Tao was with Yunhee. He was hugging Yunhee’s  arms tightly.

Kris went to Luhan’s side.

“So you like her?“ Kris asked the obvious.

Luhan nodded with out double thoughts.

“Too bad I love her“ Kris blurted his feelings for you in his rival.

“I have figured that out“ Luhan told him.

“you lost your chance since last year“ Kris said “especially when she ….“ he stopped his words.

“especially when what?“ Luhan asked curiously.”

“nothing” Kris replied nonchalantly

Luhan was wondering what was the mystery on Kris’ phrase.*I will win her Kris* he thought with determination

Kris looked at Luhan with disbelief in his eyes *s

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Chapter 1: Come back here just to re-read this lovely works of yours❤️ And I just roftl seeing the meme lol ?
Missmaya #2
Chapter 50: For a moment I thought she will end up with Luhan and that's made me sad. So glad to see that she ends up with Kris. Love it <3
biankita_27 #4
Chapter 15: Hot angry bird is just perfect for her ^_^
biankita_27 #5
Chapter 9: I feel sad. Poor Minhee.
hanyz1 #6
Chapter 15: i hope she will be with the angry good looking bird guy
Chapter 51: Finished this in two days! Cute fic XD
Chapter 50: Haha;;; they're so sweet although they keep bickering all days
kimskylar #9
I decided to give this fanfic a try :)화이팅ㅇㅇㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ
livihwang #10
Chapter 51: I love your storyy <3 ^^