New Classmates

Please Love Me Back
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Author’s Pov


You are walking aimlessly in the hallways of your school.

Your head is hung down low while you are walking like a zombie.

It is a miracle that you didn’t knock off someone…Well….Maybe  one.


Luhan is walking in the hallway while staring blankly at the walls that he is passing.

As he walked girls would giggle saying “oh my gosh Luhan oppa looked at me“

Luhan could not careless.


As he walked he felt like a head crashed his chest.

“ah“you exclaimed while rubbing your head.

“oh mianhe“he said while looking at you.You also looked at him.

The both of you had a little staring contest.Then you started to walk out because of the sudden awkwardness.

Then you felt a hand stop you.

“you’re alone right?“he asked you with those big doe eyes hopefully.

“..yeah“you said

“eh..uhm…can we walk together?“he asked.You looked at him with those big eyes.

“eh..well..alright“you said.Then he quickly went by your side.

The both of you walked quietly when he suddenly asked a question.

“do you remember me already?“

“sorry but no“you told him the truth.His spirit went even lower.

“ahh….Well it is beter for you to not remember me because I have done many bad things to you“he said.

“like what?“you asked him.You knew what he did to you but you wanted to hear it from him.

“I called you bad names and I was not there for you when you needed me“he said while he ducked his head because of shame.

“well….what was our relationship when there was no problems?“you asked him hoping that there were good things that happened before.

“well for starters we are best friends since we were kids…We did everything together…Girls envy you and boys envy me…No one could separate us“he narrated more.

You couldn’t help but smile at the things that he said.You felt like good memories went back.

“so how did you know Kris“you asked him

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Chapter 1: Come back here just to re-read this lovely works of yours❤️ And I just roftl seeing the meme lol ?
Missmaya #2
Chapter 50: For a moment I thought she will end up with Luhan and that's made me sad. So glad to see that she ends up with Kris. Love it <3
biankita_27 #4
Chapter 15: Hot angry bird is just perfect for her ^_^
biankita_27 #5
Chapter 9: I feel sad. Poor Minhee.
hanyz1 #6
Chapter 15: i hope she will be with the angry good looking bird guy
Chapter 51: Finished this in two days! Cute fic XD
Chapter 50: Haha;;; they're so sweet although they keep bickering all days
kimskylar #9
I decided to give this fanfic a try :)화이팅ㅇㅇㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ
livihwang #10
Chapter 51: I love your storyy <3 ^^