Dinner With Them

Please Love Me Back
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Author's Pov


After that shocking appearance of Lay ,Chen ,Xiumin and Tao all of you went out in a restaurant since Tao and Xiumin nearly cleared out the food in your cabinets and fridge.

"Minnie were are we going?"Tao asked you with an all cutesy image in his intimidating face.

"some place where there are lots and lots of food"you explained it to him.

"food?"Tao's eyes sparkled and he immediately hugged you.

Kris looked at the both of you intently.

"Tao how many times would we tell you that we are going to a restaurant"he said with annoyance written all over his face and *ehem* jealousy.

"look at duizhang he looks so jealous"Lay whispered

"yeah he is acting like a jealous boyfriend"Chen replied.They snickered.

"I can't believe that they are not a thing YET"Xiumin said.

After whines ,laughters ,angers and jealousy you arrived infront of the restaurant.

"FOOD!!"Xiumin and Tao exclaimed, and they went inside the restaurant quickly leaving all of you outside.As you went inside the both of them are sitting in a table ordering food.

As what you can see.The waitress eyes sparkled looking at the both of those two hungry kids.The rest of you sat together with Tao and Xiumin and the waitress' eyes sparkled even more.

She took the orders.She took the order of Kris and her eyes lightened like it was a big Christmas Tree.You felt annoyed.*attention seeker*you thought*wait Minhee....get your thoughts straight....she didn't do anything to you*you reprimanded yourself.You didn't know that you were frowning while staring at the both of them.


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Chapter 1: Come back here just to re-read this lovely works of yours❤️ And I just roftl seeing the meme lol ?
Missmaya #2
Chapter 50: For a moment I thought she will end up with Luhan and that's made me sad. So glad to see that she ends up with Kris. Love it <3
biankita_27 #4
Chapter 15: Hot angry bird is just perfect for her ^_^
biankita_27 #5
Chapter 9: I feel sad. Poor Minhee.
hanyz1 #6
Chapter 15: i hope she will be with the angry good looking bird guy
Chapter 51: Finished this in two days! Cute fic XD
Chapter 50: Haha;;; they're so sweet although they keep bickering all days
kimskylar #9
I decided to give this fanfic a try :)화이팅ㅇㅇㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ
livihwang #10
Chapter 51: I love your storyy <3 ^^