What is Happening?!?

Please Love Me Back
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Kris' Pov


A week has passed yet Minhee has not yet woke up.The doctor said that she will be waking up soon but she is not budging.

I am a complete mess.Her parents can't take care of her well since they have business and they would try hard to visit her.So I am taking care of her.

I don't know why but I felt something different in my.Butterflies in my stomach and a rising heart beat.Should I call a doctor because I have problems?

Then I saw her move her fingers.I quickly called the doctor and the doctor came rushing.He said that she will wake up in this day.I am excited and afraid.Excited because we know that she is safe and afraid because she might forget us.Mix feelings just went in me.

I went back home to change clothes.I should look presentable to her.She is waking up soon.

I called her parents about that and they sounded so thrilled.They told me that they would come and visit her tomorrow.

Well this is me I look awesomely awesome..That is me the KRIS WU.

I was walking in the streets to find her something that she likes.I remembered that she likes bubble teas but it might melt in there.So I have decided to have a cake.

Then I found myself questioning myself...Why am I doing this to her? do I really like her?

Well she interest me.

When I was on my chain of thoughts I found an old friend of mine.

"GEGE"Tao said happily


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Chapter 1: Come back here just to re-read this lovely works of yours❤️ And I just roftl seeing the meme lol ?
Missmaya #2
Chapter 50: For a moment I thought she will end up with Luhan and that's made me sad. So glad to see that she ends up with Kris. Love it <3
biankita_27 #4
Chapter 15: Hot angry bird is just perfect for her ^_^
biankita_27 #5
Chapter 9: I feel sad. Poor Minhee.
hanyz1 #6
Chapter 15: i hope she will be with the angry good looking bird guy
Chapter 51: Finished this in two days! Cute fic XD
Chapter 50: Haha;;; they're so sweet although they keep bickering all days
kimskylar #9
I decided to give this fanfic a try :)화이팅ㅇㅇㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ
livihwang #10
Chapter 51: I love your storyy <3 ^^