Breakfast with EXO

Welcome To Wonderland


I groaned and rolled over to my side and pulled the soft blankets over my head, the door creaked opened slowly.

“Uh, Hyun Mi?” I didn’t reply, the stranger walked to the side of my bed. I brought the blanket down a bit and peeked at the stranger.

“Ah, Chen why are you here for?” I asked, sitting up while ruffling my hair. Chen grew red and fiddled with his fingers behind his back.

“D.O and L-Lay are making breakfast r-right now and S-Suho told me to g-get you” He stuttered looking everywhere but me. I nodded slowly before standing up on the bed and headed for the closet.

“Can you tell them that I’ll be down in a few minutes?” I asked sweetly, Chen blushed and then nodded before rushing out of my room like a lightning bolt. I frowned and titled my head to the side, I shook my head before going back to picking out my outfit. I stood in front of it with my arms crossed for a few seconds before I saw a pretty vintage dress. I pulled it out of the rack and took it with me to the shower. I entered and I was surprised at how big and pretty the bathroom was. I slowly put the dress on one of the hooks and stripped off my clothes before heading into the shower room. I took a quickly shower and dried myself, I blow dried my hair and let it down naturally. I slipped on the dress and looked at the body length mirror.

I still couldn’t believe that I was in ‘Wonderland’ as they called it. I sighed and put on black boots with small platforms and walked down the stairs. I heard yelling and whining coming from a certain place. I followed the noise and arrived and the table full of guardians. I stood there surprised; the guardians from yesterday were different from todays. Today they were livelier and having fun. Xiumin was the first one to notice me,

“Ah, looks like the princess has woken up!” Xiumin winked. All 12 heads turned to me, I bowed out of respect.

“No need to bow Hyun M, just be yourself” Suho called out from the kitchen.

“Ah, yeah” I timidly said. It got awkward so I walked into the kitchen to see Suho, Lay and D.O cooking.

“Do you need any help?” I asked from behind D.O. He jumped and whirled around clutching on his chest in shock.

“Omo! Hyun Mi don’t you make noises when you walk?!” D.O exclaimed. I giggled and shook my head. Lay walked up to me and whirled me out of the kitchen.

“You’re the guest! You can’t take a step in the kitchen~” Lay whispered in my ear. I turned bright red at the contact. I nodded and then he left, walking back into the kitchen to help Suho and D.O with breakfast. I stood there with my hands behind me; Sehun ran up to me and hurled himself at me.

“GOOD MORNING HYUN MI!” He cried out in joy. I stumbled back and Kris caught me before I could fall, he slapped him lightly in the back of the head.

“Ya, you nearly killed her” Kris said before helping me stand up properly which was really hard since I have large weight clinging onto me like a koala. Sehun pouted and stuck his tongue out at his Duizhang before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the table. He made me sit in between Luhan and himself.

“Good Morning Hyun Mi ah” Luhan said, flashing me one of his famous smiles. I blushed and nodded, greeting him back. Once I sat down Sehun fired away with his whining, I couldn’t keep up all I know was that he was talking about how his hyungs never treats him right.

“Ya maknae! You’re going to give her a headache, it’s so early in the morning and your already bugging her with your whining” Luhan scolded, shaking his head at his dongsaeng. Tao giggled at Sehun but stopped once Kris shot him a look. Sehuns bottom lip stuck out like he was pouting and pretended he was crying. My caring side came out and I wrapped my arms around his shoulder while his head.

“There there Sehun, Luhans just worried about me, don’t take it to heart arasso?” I comforted. He nodded before smirking at his hyungs who were scowling at the scene in front of them.

“Don’t spoil him too much, he might cling onto you a lot” Baekhyun warned, shaking his head at the maknae. Chanyeol nodded his head, agreeing with Baekhyun. I just giggled before nodding, taking his advice to heart. Suddenly I saw a ball fly past me and hit Sehun in the head; I gasped and looked at him before staring at a giggling Luhan.

“HYUNG!” Sehun wailed, rubbing his head where the ball hit him.

“H-how did you d-do that?!” I asked, shocked. Kai appeared out of thin air still with bed hair; he yawned and plopped down next to Chanyeol.

“H-How?” I asked pointing a finger at Kai; he looked at me before smirking.

“How what? How do I look so hot after waking up?” He smirked; I made a face and turned to Kris.

“Ah, we forgot to tell you, we all have powers” Kris explained. My mouth dropped open like a fish; Xiumin laughed and placed a finger on my chin, closing my mouth.

“That’s what makes us so strong against everyone else” Chanyeol explained, holding out his palm. Suddenly a fire appeared, flickering from his palm.

“Wow” I was captivated by the fire that I didn’t realise that Luhan was moving things one the table, making way to out down the breakfast.

“We can tell you all our powers when Suho and the others get here” Kris said. As if on cue, Suho Lay and D.O came walking in with 2 plates of food and plates. I shot up from my seat and helped them set up, the food was mouth-watering. One plate contained seafood pancake and the other contained small slices of kimbap. Lay went back into the kitchen to grab the beef soup. We had various side dishes like kimchi; we all dug in once we setted up everything.

“I heard you guys talking about our powers” Lay spoke up. I nodded eager to know about their powers.

“I’ll start of first, I have the power of flight and fire. You have met him already but I have a pet dragon, Hwajae” Kris said. I nodded, speaking of him, where is he? I better find him later I thought.

“I have the power of water, I also have a pet dragon but instead of fire he is a sea dragon. His name is Mul-Eul” Suho smiled as he held out his palm like what Chanyeol did but this time a water sphere appeared, spinning around in circles. ‘Ah, so that dragon was his’ I thought nodded my head. Next was D.O,

“I have the power of earth, I would like to show you but I could end up breaking the castle” D.O exclaimed, he chucked once he saw my reaction. I noted that I shouldn’t get on his bad side.

“My power is teleportation” Kai coolly said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“I have the power to stop time but I’m also good at sword fighting and wushu!” Tao joyfully said, shooting me an eye smile. Seems like the powers fit him pretty well.

“I can heal things, I don’t really participate in battles” Lay gently said. I nodded, no wonder why his so gentle and kind.

“ I have the power of light” Baekhyun said softly, his power also suited him pretty well.

“As you say before, my power is fire” Chanyeol said.

“My power is frost” Xiumin said with a mouth full of kimchi. I inwardly cringed but nodded, moving onto the next person.

“As you say before, my power is telekinesis” Luhan said moving his finger a bit, the fork in front of me moved to the side a bit, following his finger.

“I have the power of lightening” Chen muttered. ‘Sigh, I have to make him open up to me’ I thought to myself. Last but not least, it was Sehuns turn.

“I have the power to control WIND!” He exclaimed dramatically. He waved his hands around and a light wind rushed past me, I shivered a little.

“But my power is better” Tao cried. Another war between the two maknaes broke out again. Kris and Suho tried to calm them down but it didn’t really work. I looked around and saw Chen sitting silently eating, I placed a pancake on his plate. He looked up surprised before thanking me.

“No worries” I sweetly said, his face turned bright red. This action caused all the guardians to whine, I backed away a bit and giggled at them, sure they possessed powers but they were still immature. It was a fun breakfast but on the other side of Wonderland wasn’t so fun. The black queen, Li Yeun-Ja was furious as ever.

“What did you say?!” Yeun-Ja screamed, a vein appearing on her forehead. The red solider whimpered back a bit.

“I-I said A-Alice has r-returned, your highness” He whispered.

“ALICE HAS RETURNED TO WONDERLAND?!” She cried standing up, slamming her hands on the table. Everyone in the room cringed back, not wanting to face the black queens wrath.

“Y-Y-Yes your highness, I saw her with the white rabbit and one of the guardians’ dragon” He muttered, lowering his head down in fear.

“YOUNG SU!” She screamed on top of her lungs. Her servant came running in like a headless chicken,

“Yes my lady?” He asked bowing down at her.

“OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” She screamed. The red solider gasped and pleaded for another chance but he was being dragged away by 2 other red soldiers.

“My lady, that’s the 12th solider you have beheaded this week, we are losing our men” He informed her. She turned around and shot him a look.

“Are you questioning my work?! Would you like to be the 13th?!” She cried out. Young Su backed away, taking a few steps backwards.

“No my lady” “Good”. She got up and walked down the dark hallway that lead to her room.

“Alice, watch out. This time I’ll defiantly kill you for good” She smirked as she shut her door, concealing her in darkness.

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onigiri- #1
I sarang this story very very very much. Author-nim, I sarang you. Kekeke I loveeeeee everything <3 I even love you author-nim <3
KPanda #2
Chapter 17: Finally!!!!Woooo's amazing can't wait to see what happens next =)
Chapter 17: Yay! finally an updateeeeee! ^^
Chapter 17: finally rescued, i was so happy just seeing the title ^_^
Chapter 16: she remembered! i loved the bleach moment lol
Chapter 16: I cant understand is that a flashback or the reality
Chapter 15: i hope the headless hunter would turn good somehow
Smileyblu #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon !...