
Welcome To Wonderland

I felt like I was falling forever, I could finally see the ground. That’s when I screamed again,

“WAAAAAAHHH!” I closed my eyes tightly but it didn’t feel anything, I opened one of my eyes and I was just a centimetre off the floor.

“Wow” I whispered, suddenly I was dropped to the ground hitting my face, ‘Spoke to soon’ I thought as I rubbed my sore nose. I sat up and looked everywhere still holding my nose in my hand. I saw a door and ran to it, I opened it but the door was too small for me to fit thorough.

“Are you serious?” I whined. I huffed and sat next to door; I peeped through the door and saw the rabbit sitting on the ground reading my book, I tried calling out to him but my voice didn’t reach him. I backed away from door and turned around. To my surprise, there was a table which wasn’t there in the first place. I walked towards and saw some cookies that had the words ‘eat me’ on it, it looked delicious. I my lips and thought ‘It wouldn’t hurt to eat them right?’ I picked on up and took a small bite from it, I was just about to take another bite when I felt myself shrink.

“What the –“ The tables started to grow bigger and everything started to look bigger. I looked at myself, I was so small! I started to grow scared that’s when a light bulb lit up in my head. I gasped and turned towards the door, I could fit through it! I ran towards it and opened the door. I took a deep breath and walked through it, I looked everywhere and found myself in the middle of a forest. The place was beautiful, then a shadow feel upon me. I looked up to see a larger version of the white rabbit from before.

“Wah” I took a step back in caution. The rabbit bent down to my height,

“Ah, Alice you made it!” He joyfully cried. I slowly nodded, he dug through his front pockets and pulled out a ‘eat me’ cookie.

“Here, Alice, eat it and you can grow to your normal size again”. I grabbed a bit of it and ate it, I started to grow big again. I smiled and looked down at myself, and gasped. I had a dress on, I remembered wearing shorts not a dress.

“Where am I, rabbit?” I asked. He looked at me slightly offended.

“It’s Peter, Alice not rabbit” He snapped, I pouted.

“It’s Hyun Mi, Peter not Alice” I snapped back. I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest, we both turned around with our backs facing each other. I was just about to walk away when I heard a roar, I jumped and crouched behind Peter, hiding from danger.

“What was that?” I whispered. Peter smiled and screamed out,

“Hwajae! Over here!” He waved his hand back and forth, trying to get the animals attention.

“YA! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!” I screeched out. Then a huge shadow illuminated both of us, I looked up and saw a big red dragon. I screeched and ran behind a tree, the dragon landed in front of us and Peter bowed at it. Peter looked back at me and gestured me to come over, I shook my head and stayed rooted at my spot. The dragons’ eyes were piercing into my own, as if looking into my soul. Peter sighed and walked behind me, placing his paws on my back and pushing me towards the dragon. I couldn’t stop shaking, the dragon took a step forward and I took a step back. He bowed to me and I bowed back my eyes never leaving him.

‘I won’t hurt you, Hyun Mi’ the dragon calmly said in my head. I looked at him for a bit before relaxing just a bit.

“How can I make sure of that?” I asked out loud, Peter looked at me with a titled head before realising I wasn’t talking to him. His mouth opened like a gaping fish, ‘SHE COULD TALK TO HIM?!’ he thought in his head.

‘Trust me’ the dragon replied. I stared at it for a second before nodded. He was so familiar, I’ve seen the dragon from somewhere but I couldn’t out my finger on it. I took a step forward, feeling brave.

“What’s your name?” I asked, I was in front of the dragon now. I reached out a hand and his head.

My name is Hwajae Yong but call people call me Hwajae’. I smiled softly and nodded, I stared into his eyes and felt like I  was in a deep trance. Little did I know my eyes were turning blue, Hwajae’s eyes widened at this.

“I’ve had this dream, where I was in the middle of a flower field, I was sitting on a red dragon. There was also a blue dragon with me” I slowly said still patting his head. My head titled to the side, ‘why was I telling him?’ I thought. For some crazy reason, I trusted him to tell him my dreams. He nodded,

‘Go on’, He urged me on. I nodded about to continue but suddenly I heard Peter scream. My eyes turned back to its original colour, which was black. I turned around and was Peter running towards us.

“This is bad, really bad, MAMA isn’t going to be happy about this.” Peter mumbled.

“MAMA?” I asked.

‘Another way to say her majesty or queen’ He dragon replied. I looked at him and smiled, thankfully he was here to answer my question.

‘What is it Peter?’ Hwajae asked the flustered rabbit.

“The red soldiers are coming, they found out Alice has returned to Wonderland” Peter replied, fiddling with his watch.

‘Let’s bring her back to MAMA’ Hwajae said as he bent down for me to hop on his back. I backed away,

“No, I can’t” I whispered, backing away more. Peter shot me a look,

“Why not! Alice you have to get on! The red soldiers will kill you!” Peter screamed. ‘The red soldiers?’ I thought, I shook my head again, I was afraid of heights and I am not stepping on to that dragon. Hwajae took a step towards my direction.

‘Hyun Mi, get on I won’t drop you, trust me’ He looked into my eyes. I slowly nodded and took timid steps towards him. Peter heaved me up onto Hwajaes’ back.

“Here Alice, wear this” Peter gave me a black cloak. I put it on and slipped the hood onto my head, concealing my red hair. I closed my eyes and hugged Hwajae’s neck. Peter looked between me and Hwajae, ‘Weird, Hwajae usually doesn’t let strangers talk to him or at least touch him except for his master, she must be the one then’ Peter thought as he kept observing. Hwajae turned towards me and saw that I was freaking out,

‘Hyun Mi, tell me more of your dreams’ He asked, trying to get my mind of the trip. I slowly lifted my head of his back and stared at him. I cleared my throat and slowly answered him.

“I once had this dream where I was a little girl and I was playing around with these rabbits…..”I trailed on. My mind was completely off this ride after a few minutes. Peter would sometimes interject into our conversation but other than that it was a calming ride.

‘Hyun Mi, look where here’ Hwajae cut me off, I lifted my head and saw a big white castle in front of me.

“Wow, where is this place?” I asked no one in particular.

“You’re at the heart of Wonderland, Welcome to Wonderland Alice” Peter replied, using his paw to gesture around the place.


CHAPTER TWO IS UP ! WOOO ~ I know is crap but its only the start ! it will get better once everything is introduced ~

I dont know if I'm going to update tonight or tomorrow and the day after but i'll try ! ~


Unti next time BYEE ~

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onigiri- #1
I sarang this story very very very much. Author-nim, I sarang you. Kekeke I loveeeeee everything <3 I even love you author-nim <3
KPanda #2
Chapter 17: Finally!!!!Woooo woooo.it's amazing can't wait to see what happens next =)
Chapter 17: Yay! finally an updateeeeee! ^^
Chapter 17: finally rescued, i was so happy just seeing the title ^_^
Chapter 16: she remembered! i loved the bleach moment lol
Chapter 16: I cant understand is that a flashback or the reality
Chapter 15: i hope the headless hunter would turn good somehow
Smileyblu #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon !...