
Welcome To Wonderland


I heard shuffling and footsteps outside my room, I was planning to go and check what was going on but I was too lazy and decided to continue lying on my stomach on my bed. Suddenly my bed room was thrown opened, revealing a huffing and puffing Baekhyun.

“Oh my god, thank god you’re safe” He sighed out before rushing over to the side of the bed.

“Oppa, what’s wrong?” I frowned while sitting up. He didn’t reply and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the room.

“Yah! Baekhyun!” I squealed as I was pulled down the stairs. He stopped and hid behind the wall, peeking out once in a while. I got a better look at his expression, his eyebrows were pinched together as he frowned deeply, his lips were parted as he gulped down air and his fringe stuck to his forehead due to his sweat. I tugged onto his sleeves making his attention fall onto me.

“What’s happening?” I whispered. Baekhyun looked at me before peering out behind the walls. I heard some shouting, then the floor rumble furiously.

“Kyungsoo” I heard him mutter under his breath. Kyungsoo? As in Do Kyungsoo?! He was the one that made that earthquake like motion?! My eyes widened in fear but Baekhyun distracted me by dragging me again. We kept running until we reached the backyard, he led us towards the right side of the garden and crouched down. He pulled a handle and jerked it upwards, I gasped as I leaned over his body. It was a little hideout; he jumped in and grabbed my hand, helping me in. He held his hand out and light flickered from his palms, lighting up with hall way. We kept walking until we reached a room; he opened the door to reveal some of the EXO guardians. They all turned towards us and rushed over; bring me into a group hug.

“Thank god you’re safe!” Lay breathed out. I scanned everyone’s faces and realised that Chanyeol, D.O, Tao and Chen were missing.

“Where  ... are the rest?” I asked. They sat in a circle and I joined them, placing myself in between Suho and Xiumin.

“They’re out there fighting” Kris spoke out, his face deadly serious.

“FIGHTING?! WHAT?” I shrieked out, my mouth gaping. Xiumin placed his finger under my chin and pushed it up, sending me a slight smile.

“They’re here” Suho muttered. I turned my head and looked at me.


“The red soldiers”

“The red soldiers?” I repeated, I frowned closing my eyes to remember where I heard that praise from. Then it clicked the people that were working of the black queen, whom wants her dead. I paled as I stared at the air in front of me; a hand placed itself on my shoulder causing me to jump a bit.

“Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to you” Luhan reassured as he squeezed my shoulder. I nodded robotically and look a gulp of air. We sat in silence as we waited for the 4 boys to come back, unharmed.

“Are you sure they are alright? What happens if they need help?” I asked worriedly.

“You don’t have to worry Hyun Mi, they are the best fighters out of us” Sehun spoke out for the first time I got here. His voice was serious and calm, different from his usual cherry bright tone. I gulped and nodded, hugging me knees against my chest. Moments later the door banged open and in stumbled in the boys, wiping their sweat with their hands. I was the first one to move; I jumped up and ran over to them, checking for any wounds.

“Are you guys okay?! Do you need Lay to heal you?!” I asked worriedly, I probably sounded like D.O right now but I really didn’t care. They softened and smiled; Chanyeol reached out and patted my head, reassuring me that they were fine. They turned serious once they faced their brothers.

“We defeated them but they said that this is just the beginning” Chen frowned. Suho sighed as he rubbed his temples while Kris nodded seriously. Tao’s expression was dark and scary, I was about to walk to him to see if he was alright or not but D.O jerked me back, shaking his head. I opened my mouth too protest but a dark voice interrupted.

“His here” Tao growled out, his sharp eyes glaring at the floor. They tensed up, some had their fist clenched.

“Who?” I asked but no one replied.

“The headless hunter” Lay whispered out.

“The ... headless hunter?” I remember Kris talking about him.

“The headless hunter?” I asked, titling my head to the side. Sehun clung onto my arm tightly while Luhan’s grip around me tightened.

“The headless hunter is someone that works for the black queen, he is a ruthless hunter that chops off his victims head and brings it back to the black queen as a saying of ‘I killed him and this is the proof’, the only clue besides that is a knife with his symbol on it” Baekhyun explained, looking at the knife with disgust.

“Omg” I whispered out. The atmosphere was dark and eerie, no one spoke up, they were all deep in thought, even the two loud maknaes.

“Let’s get out of here” Kris commanded, even one followed him as he led the group out. D.O and Tao were next to me as we walked back, Chanyeol, Kai and Luhan were behind us and Chen, Xiumin and Lay were in front of us, they were acting as ‘bodyguards’. Kris and Suho stood at the front, scanning the surroundings carefully. Sehun and Baekhyun were at the back, scanning behind us in case someone makes a sneak attack. I was shivering in fear, D.O and Tao took each side of my hands and squeezed it, giving me a smile. They led me to my room but checked the bathroom and the bed before letting me go in. Why were they being like this? It’s because I was wanted dead by the black queen, that’s why she sent the headless hunter to kill me. I went into the room and sat on the edge, twiddling with my fingers.

“Hyun Mi ah, we are just outside okay? If you see anything strange, scream” Luhan informed me as he closed the door. I took a deep breath and looked around the place before crawling into my blankets. I leaned across the head board of the bed and scanned my surroundings, not daring to blink.

“Where is he?!” Sehun hissed under his breath as he paced back and forth the room.

“Easy maknae, we will catch him” Luhan soothed, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Hyung, what happens if his already taken Hyun Mi?!” He yelped out.

“We checked her room, he can’t be in there” Luhan shook his head. Oh but was Luhan wrong, very wrong. The headless hunter was already in her room, his red eyes twitching with excitement as he scanned my expression. Fear, his loved the way that I was expressing my feelings. He loved the way his victims would look before he would slaughter them, they would scream for mercy, plead for forgiveness. That’s right, he liked it when his victims would die, he would show the world what true fear was. He was normal, just a bit crazy. He didn’t posses anything, only a scythe (sword like thingy) he used to behead his victims and a few magic spells. I felt someone staring at me; I brought my shaking hand out, stretching it in front of me. I used light to light up my dim room a bit, I eyes widened as I caught a pair of red eyes staring at me.

“AAHH! KRIS! BAEKHYUN! LUHAN! HELP!” I screamed out, a blur rushed past me and clashed his hands on my mouth.

“Shut it” He dangerously whispered. I bit onto his hand, hard.


“HELP ME! SEHUN! TAO! SU-“ I was cut off as he clasped his hand on my mouth again.

“Shut your trap otherwise I’ll behead you right now” He threatened, his red eyes glaring right at me. The door banged open and Chanyeol stood there shocked. The headless hunter cursed under his breath then threw me over his shoulder and jumped out from the window.

“YEOL! CHANYEOL!” I shouted as I stared at him, tears were tumbling down my pale face. He cursed out loudly and rushed over to the window preparing to jump out but realised that he could fly.

“HYUN MI!” He shouted but we were nowhere in sight. I looked behind me and started to kick my legs. The hood from the cloak he was wearing fell, revealing his face. I gasped as I stared at him; he looked like a normal boy nothing like what I imagined. He had a slim face and dark sharp red eyes, his black hair was tousled roughly but he wore a scary smirk on his face as he fly in the sky. He turned slightly and caught me staring.

“Ah, can’t have you awake now can we” He smirked as he waved his hand in front of my face, I immediately lost conscious and went limp against his shoulder.

“Now, off to the dark queen” He darkly said.




- tellmewhatislove

this is how the headless hunter looks like !

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onigiri- #1
I sarang this story very very very much. Author-nim, I sarang you. Kekeke I loveeeeee everything <3 I even love you author-nim <3
KPanda #2
Chapter 17: Finally!!!!Woooo's amazing can't wait to see what happens next =)
Chapter 17: Yay! finally an updateeeeee! ^^
Chapter 17: finally rescued, i was so happy just seeing the title ^_^
Chapter 16: she remembered! i loved the bleach moment lol
Chapter 16: I cant understand is that a flashback or the reality
Chapter 15: i hope the headless hunter would turn good somehow
Smileyblu #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon !...