Questions That Need Answers

Welcome To Wonderland


I followed after them until I reached a door. D.O opened the door for me and held it opened for me. I bowed and whispered a small thank you; he smiled at me and nodded his head. I walked in and observed my whereabouts. There was a big queen bed in the middle with soft baby blue bed sheets. There was a small hallway that led to my own bathroom; there was also a walk in closet with clothes from shorts to fancy dresses. A small table was placed near the back wall with books stacked up next to each other. There was also a small square window that had a lovely view of the town. I smiled, pleased with the room.

“Do you like it?” I spun around to see Baekhyun standing at the door way, smiling. I nodded my head,

“It’s beautiful, it was a comfy feeling to it” I said as I gestured my hands around the room.

“Glad you liked it, by the way our rooms are very near” He walked out, I followed him like a lost puppy. Outside my room stood the rest of the 11 guardians, they were all talking to each other but some were just resting against the wall. Baekhyun grabbed my wrist gently and pulled my attention to him, he smiled once he realised my attention was on him now.

“On your left is EXO-M, the order goes Kris first, then Luhan, then Tao, then Lay, then Chen, then Xiumin.” He pointed at each room as he said the names. I gulped, ‘Kris is right next to mine?!’, don’t get me wrong it’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just that I fine him rather intimidating. I took a small peak at Kris and found him staring right at me; I quickly looked away turning pink.

“On your right is EXO-K, the order goes Sehun first, then Suho, then Chanyeol, then Suho, then D.O, then me, then Kai.” My eyes widened in surprise, why wasn’t the leader first, why the maknae? I asked myself.

“If you’re wondering why the maknae first, it’s because if Sehun didn’t have his room next to your then he wouldn’t talk to us until he gets what he wants, that’s what he told us. Also we put Kai last for your own health” He informed with a teasing voice. I nodded my head,

“Hey! I didn’t say I wouldn’t talk to you, I just said that I would ignore you” Sehun cried, nodding his head pleased that the fact that he got what he wanted. Kai slapped him across the head,

“That’s the same thing you idiot.” Kai muttered, clearly annoyed that his room was so far from mine.

“Hyunng ~” Sehun whined, rubbing the back of his head in pain. He saw me looking and ran over to me, bending down at my level, and then turning so the back of his head was in front of me.

“Alice ~ Kai Hyung hit me!” He cried, aegyo dripping from his words. I blinked for a second before raising my hand towards his head, patting the top pit of his head.

“Gwenchana?” I asked, he giggled and nodded his head, the action earned scoffs of jealously from the guardians.

“HEY NO FAIR! I WANT A PAT AS WELL!” Tao cried, he ran towards me pushing Sehun to the side. I took a step back in alarm when they both started yelling at each other. I felt someone pull me back,

“Yah, maknaes calm down your scaring Hyun Mi” I looked up to see Lay scolding the younger ones. They both pouted and stepped away from each other but didn’t stop glaring. Kris pulled Tao away and Suho did the same, pulling Sehun away before they start trouble.

“Come on Hyun Mi, I bet you have a lot of questions you want answered” Lay said, winking before pulling me towards a place which I presumed was a living room. I was seated in between Lay and Kai on the either side of me, I was more on Lays side since I didn’t like Kai that much, what can I say? Frist impressions are always important. D.O can back with a tray of hot tea and gave everyone their own cup.

“Here, Hyun Mi ah,” He gave one to be, “Be careful it’s hot”. His was really kind but he reminded me of a mother. I smiled and thanked him, taking a small sip. I placed it on the table in front of me.

“Now, let’s begin answering your questions” Kris said as he stared at me with seriousness. I nodded my head and shot out a question.

“Where am I?” I asked. Suho smiled at my question.

“Ha, I knew she was going to ask that!” Chanyeol said as he pointed at me. Suho shot him a look; Chanyeol quickly sealed his lips tightly.

“You’re not on earth” Lay replied, “You’re in Wonderland”. My head titled to the side,

“Wonderland, where is that?” I asked with my eyebrows together, confused where this wonderland was. Everyone looked at each other.

“Wonderland is a place full of wonder, you could call it reality or you could call it a dream. One day you would wake up either from reality or a dream.” Kris spoke up for the first time. I frowned; it was a riddle with a hidden meaning.

“Why am I here for?” I demanded. Lay placed his hand over mine,

“You are here on a secret mission” He said. Something triggered my dreams.

“Is it to kill the jabberwocky?” I blurted out intentionally. I felt Kai stiffen also the rest of the guardians.

“H-how did you k-know that?” Kai stuttered. I bit my lip, ‘Shoot, now I’m in trouble’ I thought. I cleared my throat.

“I had a dream about this well you could call it mini flashback about this place” I muttered. All of then leaned closer,

“Go on” Luhan said.

“In one of my dreams I was only 6, I was running around a garden. I wasn’t alone,” My eyes flickered to all of them, “You guys were in it, but you were also young. We were having a great time but then suddenly the scene would change. It seemed like a town was on fire, I was getting dragged away from the scene”. I said, keeping an eye on their facial expressions, they all looked shocked. I told them the exact thing I said to Hwajae.

“Keep going” Xiumin said. I shook my head,

“I can’t, after that I woke up” I whispered.

“Tell us more” Sehun rushed. I nodded,

“There was this dream where I was seen trying to kill a jabberwocky. I heard my name, well the name Alice being screamed out so I thought it was me. After I killed it, I heard a voice saying ‘Your job is done, disappear’ then I actual disappeared. I woke up felling light headed and I had this feeling like someone was watching me from afar.” I took a sip of the now cold tea. I saw all of them look at each other with wary expressions.

“Who is Alice? Why do you call me that?” I asked, this was the question I was dying to get answered.

“Alice … was a girl that fell asleep and got lost in Wonderland. She was the one that was supposed to kill the jabberwocky but she disappeared, now a new Alice has come” Baekhyun whispered looking at me with a sad expression. I felt like they were missing something, something big but I suppose that maybe they will tell me next time.

“Please call me Hyun Mi, I feel more comfortable” I said. They all nodded,

“Are there any more questions, Hyun Mi?” Lay asked softly. I thought for a second and shook my head.

“No, but if I do I’ll ask next time” I responded.

“You must be tired, we’re all tired so let’s get some rest” Suho said as he stood up, the rest of the guardians following his action. Sehun ran up to me and linked my arms with his and dragged me to my room. He opened the door for me a said goodnight; the rest of the guardians took turn saying good night before going off to their room.

I shut the door behind me and sighed. I opened the closer door and pulled out a white dressing gown. I changed into it before hopping off into bed. I turned to my side so my back was facing window and slowly drifted off to sleep, little did I know someone was watching from the dark shadows.


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onigiri- #1
I sarang this story very very very much. Author-nim, I sarang you. Kekeke I loveeeeee everything <3 I even love you author-nim <3
KPanda #2
Chapter 17: Finally!!!!Woooo's amazing can't wait to see what happens next =)
Chapter 17: Yay! finally an updateeeeee! ^^
Chapter 17: finally rescued, i was so happy just seeing the title ^_^
Chapter 16: she remembered! i loved the bleach moment lol
Chapter 16: I cant understand is that a flashback or the reality
Chapter 15: i hope the headless hunter would turn good somehow
Smileyblu #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon !...