Chapter 15

I miss you, I love you

The next day Bomi came and saw Jihoon still at the same place and same position, she made that sorry face, yet she acted like she didn't see him and walk into Taecyeon's room.

Jihoon didn't care as long as Bomi listens to his words, that's when he'll stop.

"How are you doing oppa?" Ask Bomi as Jungyoon was there too.

"I am doing good" said Taecyeon.

"Oppa, I bought you some food" said Bomi.

"Thank you" said Taecyeon.

"You can enjoy your food, I am going to leave now" said Bomi.

"Where are you going to?" Ask Taecyeon.

"I got school to head to, I just came here to drop it off for you" said Bomi.

"Thanks, you are very kind" said Taecyeon.

"I'll come back later" said Bomi.

"Alright then" said Taecyeon as Bomi walk out of the room.

Jungyoon and Taecyeon smile at each other as Bomi left the room.

"I'll help you" said Jungyoon as she prepare the food for Taecyeon.

Bomi stop to look at Jihoon as he still remain on his knees, she didn't know what to do yet but leave immediately without talking to him.

Couple days passed, Bomi comes and visits Taecyeon and Jihoon still remain on his knees just to get to talk to Bomi, but she ignores him though it was hurting her as well.

One night Bomi came and Jihoon wasn't there anymore, she was relieve yet worry where Jihoon went.

"Oh, he's not here anymore, yet I feel bad for him he didn't even eat or drink anything for a couple of days" said a nurse to another nurse.

"I wonder where he could've went to, with such a weak body at the moment" said the other nurse.

"Oh well as long as you went somewhere instead of here" said the other nurse.

Bomi was worry about Jihoon yet she was relieve that he wasn't there anymore.

Couple of days went by and Jihoon never appeared anymore, Bomi was starting to wonder where Jihoon went.

"Bomi can we talk?" ask Jungyoon to Bomi as Taecyeon was sleeping.

"What is it?" ask Bomi.

"Not here" said Jungyoon as she walk out of the room and Bomi followed.

"What do you want?" Ask Bomi.

"I know that you know about me and Jihoon, but whatever we've done was a mistake, we did it without knowing that we are hurting the people that we love" said Jungyoon.

"What are you talking about?" ask Bomi.

"Jihoon, he loves you a lot, I can tell" said Jungyoon.

"Why would you think that huh?" Ask Bomi.

"Because I know him very well then anyone. Yes he may love me but that was the past, now you are the present time for him and you probably don't know this but Jihoon is leaving back to America tonight" said Jungyoon.

"What are you talking about? Jihoon is leaving?" Ask Bomi.

"Yes, he is leaving tonight, I just got a call from him and he say that he won't be coming back to Korea anymore" said Jungyoon.

Bomi started running as fast as she can out of the hospital.

"Taxi" shouted Bomi as she got into a taxi cab.

She first went to the house and didn't see Jihoon's belongings anymore so she quickly went back to the taxi cab and ask to go to the airport.

"Please drive faster" said Bomi.

"He loved you, your the girl that changed his life, he never really had anyone there for him and when I realize he loved you by saying those words, he loved you, but then you wouldn't listen to him at all. But he told me to give this letter to you before he left.

Bomi read the letter as she was heading to the airport.

The Letter:


I don't know how to say this, whether you believe me or not, I'll give it a shot, but whatever we had was the best memories I had in my life, knowing a girl like you has made me realize that hurting the people you love will only hurt you back. I am sorry for what I've done, and I don't ask for forgiveness from you. I just want to tell you that I secretly fell in love with you once I knew your background history. Yes I am an idiot he fell in love with the person who he was trying to hurt in the first place. I want you to be happy now, you're free to do whatever you want in life now, I won't stop you or be there anymore. If this is what you wanted, I am happy for you too. Seeing you happy is better than seeing you hurt and hating me. As you reading this letter I am heading off to America, and I don't know whether I am coming back or not, we'll see about that. Live your life the happiest as you can, the person I love.

Pyo Jihoon.

Bomi was crying when she was reading the letter. Bomi ran into the airport and was looking for Jihoon.

"Flight to America" said a lady.

Jihoon got up and walk to the line and was waiting in line. Bomi was searching for Jihoon really hard and was crying as she was looking for Jihoon.

Jihoon gave his ticket to the employer and Bomi spotted Jihoon and ran to him, but it was too late, Jihoon went inside even before she can shout for his name or anything.

Bomi fell down onto her knees and started crying really hard.

"Jihoon-ah" cried Bomi as she was on her knees.

"Andwae, andwae, andwae" cried Bomi people were looking at Bomi.

Jungyoon came in the after a long time taking a deep breath for a fresh air. "Where did Bomi go?" ask Taecyeon.

"She left, she told me that she had something urgent to do so she left" said Jungyoon.

"Alright then" said Taecyeon.

Jungyoon went to Taecyeon and lay on the bed with him, "I love you" said Jungyoon.

"I love you too" said Taecyeon as he kiss her on the forhead, her tears fell down on her cheeks as she cuddle with him on the hospital bed.


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Chapter 17: OUCH. Sorry for not commenting. I really hate you Jihoon you made Bomi so sick and hurt! AARGHH!
Chapter 6: aigoo. bomi likes taecyeon. ouch! pls update soon
Chapter 5: Jihoon and Jungyoon! I hate the both of you so much!!! >< aargh!
Chapter 1: I hate the girls who hate bomi. ><