Ch. 22- Blue Eyes, Red Waters

The Instincts of Love

(A/N: Warning...mistakes are probably in here. Please excuse them! v(^_^)v )

Sungyeol  took slow steps as he got near to his father. Myungsoo and Sunggyu were both confused as to what was happening. Neither of them knew Mr. Lee had a son. They always thoughts him and his wife never had children. That's what they remember, however.

"Dad, what have you been hiding for all this time? What bout mom? Chanyeol?" Sungyeol stopped, eyes widening. "Y-You... You knew Chanyeol was a werewolf as well, didn't you? What about mom then? Does she know anything about this?"

Mr. Lee let out a deep sigh and walked over to his son. He gently placed his hands on Sungyeol's shoulders who flinched away. Sungyeol was angry, frustrated, and most of all...confused. Mr. Lee saw all of the emotions running through his son's mind, but there wasn't much he could do. Not unless Sungyeol calmed down which wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Please, Sungyeol, calm down. At least let me speak."

Sungyeol yelled back. "I am! I want to know what is going on? Ever since I have meet Myungsoo's family, my whole life has become crazy! Werewolves are everywhere! I can't stand it!" His hands went up to the air and then to grab onto his hair in frustration. However, Myungsoo felt a pang to his heart when he heard Sungyeol say that it was practically his fault for ruining the other's life. Sunggyu sensed what his brother was thinking so he placed a hand on Myungsoo's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

His father hugged his son tightly, making sure Sungyeol couldn't get away. Sungyeol immediately wrapped his arms around his dad and sobbed into his dad's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Sungyeol-ah, I want to tell you the whole truth. Not right now. I can't tell you because it isn't time. Please, calm down." He rubbed small circles on Sungyeol's back. It made Sungyeol calm down a little bit, only a little bit.

They both pulled away: Sungyeol wiping away his tears and Mr. Lee confused as what to say next. Myungsoo wanted to go comfort his friend, but held the urge back. Deep inside, there was the desire to take away Sungyeol's pain and put it inside himself. Sunggyu watched the father-son scene, a bit jealou of it.

"Dad, so you're a Secretkeeper then? How come you never told any of us? And what about Chanyeol? You knew about him too as well, didn't you?" Mr. Lee nodded his head.

"Yes, I've known Chanyeol was a werewolf the moment we met him. Your mom and I aren't werewolves so Chanyeol isn't our son nor is he your brother."

Mr. Lee braced himself; getting punched, slapped, yelled, whatever there was to let out Sungyeol's frustration. Nothing came. Instead, Myungsoo caught a unconscious Sungyeol.

"Sungyeol! Sungyeol! Yah! Lee Sungyeol!" Myungsoo shook him and slapped Sungyeol's cheeks a few times. There wasn't a response. As fast as he could, Myungsoo lifted Sungyeol up and headed to his room. That means it left Sunggyu and Mr. Lee downstairs.

"I'm Mr. Lee, but maybe it will be best if you go home. Have you heard about Chanyeol's situation?"

Mr. Lee nodded his head. "Yes, I have heard. He has changed into a werewolf hasn't he? Because of Baekhyun too. The alpha personally came to tell me the details. Even my wife was there as well." He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his greying hair. Sunggyu could see the signs of old age. Werewolves tend to live a lot older, maybe even immortal.

Sunggyu patted Mr. Lee's shoulder as he escorted him out to the door. He also promised the doctor he will have Myungsoo send Sungyeol home before it gets too dark. They smiled at each other as Mr. Lee drove off in his car.

"Hyung, did he leave already?" Sunggyu turned around to see Myungsoo standing behind him. He could tell the younger was a bit mad and worried. The older knew what was going on in Myungsoo's head, but decided to not say anything about it.

Myungsoo went to sit on the couch and sighed deeply. "Sungyeol is peacefully sleeping upstairs. I was worried there for a second that Sungyeol was going to go on a rampage or something."

Sunggyu, however, thought about that. What if Sungyeol continued on and didn't pass out? What if Sungyeol wasn't truly...human?  What if there was something greater out there that nobody knew of? The thoughts invaded his head, leaving no room for anything else. Myungsoo noticed that his brother was still standing up so he called him over.

"Myungsoo, we've known the Lees for a long time. Practically since we were born. But how come I don't remember ever meeting Chanyeol-sshi or Sungyeol-sshi?" Sunggyu pondered as he sat down on the couch.

Myungsoo thought about it as well. There weren't any memories of those two that he can remember. He doesn't remember ever meeting or playing with two children. The names Sungyeol or Chanyeol don't bring a light to his memory.

On the other hand, the dreams of that boy. In the snow. Playing together. And then-

"Argh! M-My head!" Myungsoo fell to the floor as he clutched onto his head tightly. With one hand on the floor and the other on his head, he tried to somehow make the pain disappear. His brother ran over to his side and helped him up. That wasn't a good idea: Myungsoo pushed Sunggyu away with so much strength, he flew to the wall. "S-Sunggyu-hyung... Sungyeol..."

The pain from the impact made Sunggyu blackout for a few seconds before he realized where Myungsoo was heading. He tried to get up, but a voice stopped him. A hand appeared on his shoulder, restricting from any movement. Sunggyu looked over his shoulder to see the transparent figure once again.

"You! Why do you keep following me? What business do you have for me?"

"Don't go to the lake today...:

Sunggyu stood up with the help of the now dented wall. The figure moved back, floating in the air. "Why? Why shouldn't I go?" It looked at Sunggyu sadly before it enveloped in a hug. The sudden hug shook Sunggyu's heart: a hug light as a feather but warm like the sun.

"Please, don't go. Please... If you go, you won't ever come back. You will be gone forever."

The figure disappeared into mist leaving Sunggyu wondering what the words meant. Suddenly, his phone started to vibrate so he took out his phone to see Woohyun had texted him. He was a bit shocked because Woohyun doesn't usually text him.



From: Woohyun Pabo

Come over to the lake. I need to talk to you. Please... It's important.



"If you go, you won't ever come back. You will be gone forever... What did it mean by that?" Sunggyu gripped onto his phone tightly before he grabbed his jacket and ran out of the house. Totally forgetting Myungsoo's situation and heading to the lake where Woohyun will be waiting for him...


...or will he?






Myungsoo held onto the railing as he walked up the steps. One by one, he got to his room. In that one moment earlier, he saw the image of a boy covered in blood. Then there was him as a child. A pup to be more exact. But the image of the souless boy scarred him.

He turned the doorknob and opened the door. There laid Sungyeol peacefully sleeping, not knowing what was happening. With slow steps, Myungsoo approached the sleeping boy. The images of the dead boy appeared in his mind thousands and thousand of times.

It was suffocating him.

Blood. Blood everywhere covering the white, pure snow.

A boy. A werewolf pup. No, now two boys.

Snow falling around them as if luring the two boys into sleep. A very deep sleep. So deep that neither of them will remember the other.

"S-Sungyeol..." Myungsoo's eyes had turn a bloody red. The smell of Sungyeol made him go haywire. He just wanted to touch the other...make the other his. "Sungyeol, wake up. I-I need your help." He suddenly fell onto his knees, a hand grabbing onto the edge of the bed. In order to calm himself somewhat, he bit into his arm, blood splashing at his lips.

After a few minutes, Myungsoo was finally able to stand up. His body hovering Sungyeol's: nothing was going to stop him. He gently the other's cheek like it was a feather. Lower and lower did he get. Sungyeol didn't feel anything. Nothing. At. All.

"P-Please forgive me... My body is moving on its own." 

Caressing Sungyeol's cheek with one hand, the other on the bed to hold himself up, Myungsoo's face leaned forward. Inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, he got even closer. Myungsoo truly didn't know what was happening. He was scared of himself, Sungyeol waking up, and what is happening now and afterwards.

It was as if Myungsoo's body and heart wanted Sungyeol; his mind just wasn't keeping up with it. The moment Myungsoo's lips met Sungyeol's, it was as if everything else in the world disappeared. In the whole world it was just the two of them. Nobody else can disturb their world.

Sungyeol woke up from the touch. He opened his eyes tiredly, but then he realized that he felt pressure on his lips. Not only that, but blood too. Sungyeol tried to push whoever was on top of him. Myungsoo was stronger though. With as much strength as he could, Sungyeol finally pushed the other off of him.

"Myungsoo, what the hell are you doing?! How could you k-"

He was shut off by Myungsoo's lips. Squirming under him, punching his chest, and even kicking him in groin didn't work for Sungyeol. After a while, Sungyeol finally gave up and kissed Myungsoo back. He didn't know exactly what was happening, heck, neither of them knew. However, both of them could tell something deep inside themselves that there was something bigger here.

Blood got on Sungyeol's lips, but he surprisingy he didn't mind. Sungyeol ran his hands in Myungsoo's hair while the latter was running his along Sungyeol's body. Feeling each curve and dip. Myungsoo couldn't help but enjoy the feel of the other's body. From feeling Myungsoo's hand all over him, Sungyeol moaned quietly into the kiss.

That was the moment when Myungsoo heard that, he pulled away quickly. The quick movement made him dizzy but he caught something.


Then he passed out. Right on top of Sungyeol. The latter let out a grunt from Myungsoo's body falling on him, but he was breathless from the kiss. He touched his lips; he could still feel Myungsoo's lips on his. Sungyeol's heartbeat was increasing and he swore Myungsoo could probably feel it despite being passed out.

"What. Just. Happened." Sungyeol pushed Myungsoo over so they were laying next to each other. He sighed seeing the younger sleeping like nothing just happened.

They had kissed. It wasn't just a peck, but a full on kiss. Touching everywhere and he thought he felt Myungsoo's tongue swipe against him bottom lip. The thought made him blush madly. Sungyeol hid his face into the pillow and groaned. His first kiss; take by a werewolf of all things.

Sungyeol pulled away from the pillow and stared at the younger. He couldn't help but feel this string that is attached to the both of them. A feeling that draws him to the other and the same goes for Myungsoo (despite being passed out). Sungyeol let out a small smile and brushed away Myungsoo's bangs.

"You're lucky I'm not going to kill you. You saved me way too many times for me to do that to you."

He closed his eyes, about to fall asleep, but got disturbed by someone bursting through the door.

"Sungyeol-hyung! Myungsoo-hyung! Trouble! Sunggyu-hyung is in trouble!"

This woke Myungsoo up immediately, springing from the bed and out the window. The two of them watched the other change into a werewolf in mid-air. Sungjong and Sungyeol ran downstairs. In front of Sungyeol, Sungjong changed into a werewolf as well.

"Sungyeol-hyung, please, get on my back. We have no time!"

Sungyeol was surprised to hear Sungjong's voice in his mind but got on Sungjong's back. Then they ran to where Sunggyu is...



...the lake.






Sunggyu ran and ran, still in his human form. The message didn't seem that urgent and neither did it seem like Woohyun was in trouble. So he just stayed in his human form and ran to the lake.

It was still light outside; the orange, purple, blue, and pink hues highlighting the sky. They peaked through the leaves of the trees as Sunggyu ran even faster. Even in human form, he could still run pretty fast and not sweat at all. There was this feeling in his chest that Woohyun wanted to see him for a good thing. Maybe... Well, who knows until he gets there.

Out of nowhere, the figure came out. It was floating next to Sunggyu, trying to stop him. "Sunggyu, please stop. There is no need for you to go. It will only end in a disaster."

"And why should I listen to you?" The figure smiled sadly.

"Because I saw your future..."

This stopped Sunggyu in his tracks, but it was already too late to go back. He was already at the lake, and right in his sight was Woohyun and Jiyeon. Sunggyu's heart dropped and shattered into a million pieces. His body was stuck. He couldn't move.

Woohyun and Jiyeon were hugging each other. Woohyun's back was facing Sunggyu, but Jiyeon was looking directly at him. She smirked at him as she pulled away and kissed Woohyun right on the lips. It was as if Sunggyu wasn't there.

"Woohyun-ah, thank you for bringing me to this beautiful place. Let's make this place ours." She wrapped her arms around Woohyun's neck, bringing him down for another kiss.

"Yes... We should make this place ours, and not S-Sunggyu's." She whispered into his ear and smiled wickedly at Sunggyu's direction. "That's right. Because who do you love? Who do you hate?"

Woohyun hesitated and Jiyeon felt it so she grabbed onto Woohyun's arm tightly. He flinched in pain and that was when Sunggyu noticed something was wrong with Woohyun. His eyes...they were empty, void of any emotion.

"T-The person I love is you... The person I h-hate is Sunggyu..." Jiyeon Woohyun's cheek and patted it like he was a pet.

"That's right. You love me and will always love-"

"Let him go you foul beast! Rebel!"

Jiyeon got cut off as he lunged at her. She pushed Woohyun away came at Sunggyu bearing fangs and claws. They pushed each other away, putting distance between them. Sunggyu saw Woohyun unconscious so he ran over to him. He let out a sigh to see the other was still breathing.

"Y-You idiot. You truly are an-"

"He is mine! Get your hands off of him!"

Sunggyu turned around: Jiyeon changed into a werewolf. A deep brown like the earth, but her eyes were black her soul. Sunggyu growled at the sight and changed as well. He put himself in front of Woohyun. To protect him. To save him from Jiyeon. To make sure Woohyun doesn't end up as Jiyeon's.

"I won't let you have him! Not with the way you are!"

"And who do you think made me this way?! It's your fault! All your fault!"

Jiyeon pushed herself from her back feet towards Sunggyu. She jumped into the sky and dived right at Sunggyu. In order to make sure Woohyun didn't get hurt, he used his tail to push Woohyun away. Sunggyu took the brute of the attack but Woohyun was at least safe.

"If only you hadn't killed me then I would have been still human! But no! After that a Rebel came and made me his mate! I won't forgive you, Kim Sunggyu! I still love Woohyun, and I won't let you have him!"

She bit into Sunggyu's neck making him whimper from it. He was able to push her off with his hind legs, sending her to a tree. Then he ran full force at her. Sunggyu headbutted into her chest and there was the sound of a rib cracking. Jiyeon fell to the ground but got right up.

Sunggyu was about to back away, but she caught him by jumping at him. They turned and turned in the grass clawing at each other's face. Sunggyu tends not to fight girl werewolves because they tend to be a bit weaker, but he was sure not going to go easy on Jiyeon. However, when he heard another howl, no, howls, he back away from her.

Three werewolves appeared from the trees and went at him. Jiyeon watched the scene and smirked on the inside. She walked over to Woohyun while she let the other three deal with Sunggyu.

The black wolf bit Sunggyu's neck, the silver one attacked his body, and the dark brown went for his right hind leg. Sunggyu felt himself fall from the sudden attack. But he tried to fight back. He turned his head slightly and bit into he black's neck, tasting blood in his mouth. With as much strength as he could, he was able to throw the black one.

Sunggyu dropped onto his side, landing right on the silver's muzzle. The silver whimpered, trying to get out, but Sunggyu put so much pressure that the sound of a nose breaking made him smile. On the inside of course.

When he got up, the silver wolf let go, and he only had to deal with the dark brown one. There wasn't much he could do because if he pulled on it, there is a possibility that he would lose his leg. He was about to flip himself once again, but different black wolf appeared, tackling the dark brown one. It let go of Sunggyu's leg, and he took this opportunity to go after Jiyeon. Though the silver one stood before him.

"Get of out my way. I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Try me then. You've killed without mercy, I'm sure you can do it again."

Slowly, Sunggyu's eyes started to turn black. One eye turned black as he charged at the silver wolf. Sunggyu bit into its neck, sending it to the ground. The silver wolf tried to fight back, but Sunggyu was in total control. Half of the other eye began to turn black as Sunggyu bit deeper into the neck.

"P-Please let me go! I don't want to d-die!"

"You asked for it! YOU ASKED FOR-"

His mouth let go of the silver's neck as he was hit on the side. He looked to see it was Jiyeon again. But this time he could see Woohyun waking up. However, his body was over taking him. He couldn't control it anymore. Anger rised in him as he attacked Jiyeon. Right in the chest once again.




Three more ribs broke. Jiyeon wasn't expecting this. Not even Sungjong, Sungyeol, and Myungsoo who were watching the scene. Woohyun had finally woken up, but what shocked him was seeing Sunggyu in his wolf form on top of a wolf he had never seen before. But he could smell the familiar scent. It was Jiyeon.

"Jiyeon! Jiyeon! NO!" Woohyun got up and ran over to her. Sunggyu realized what he had done and backed away. There was blood on his fur like his fur had turned red. Woohyun stared at Jiyeon who was panting. "J-Jiyeon... Why? How come you never told me you were a werewolf?" She turned into her human form and before all of them knew it, the black wolf picked up her and ran into the trees.

Woohyun turned to Sunggyu who was in a daze. Before Sunggyu knew it, he was punched in the face by Woohyun. It didn't hurt much since he was still in his wolf form, but he could feel Woohyun's anger. Then before he knew it, Woohyun changed into a werewolf and attacked Sunggyu.

Myungsoo ran over to stop them but Sunggyu stopped his brother by sending him a signal. The younger whimpered seeing his brother like this and neither did Sungjong. Sunggyu took all of the bite, slashes, and pain. He didn't mind it because no matter what he did, it didn't matter anymore.

It was just like five years ago. The reason why Woohyun was able to change was Sunggyu's fault. Five years ago he had killed Jiyeon by his own hands. Woohyun changed the night he found out Sunggyu was the one who killed Jiyeon. The slash mark on Sunggyu's chest...was from Woohyun.

"I'm going to kill you! Why?! Why are you doing this?!"

Sunggyu suddenly changed into his human form, and before Woohyun could stop himself...he slashed at Sunggyu's chest. The same place five years ago.

Blood spurted out from Sunggyu's chest and his mouth. His eyes turned black and slowly they were turning a grey. Sunggyu was losing his vision before he heard voices shouting for him. He slowly reached up and patted Woohyun's fur.

"B-Because I love you...Hyun."

Sunggyu's hand dropped to his side as he closed his eyes. From the trees, Dongwoo appeared but it was already too late. Dongwoo approached Sunggyu's body and leaned down to hear his friend's heartbeat. Tears fell down onto Sunggyu's chest. His heartbeat was there, but ever so slow. Dongwoo picked up his dear friend and got onto Myungsoo.

Dongwoo turned to Woohyun and glared at him with his pulsating purple eyes. "I can't believe that you went as far to hurt Sunggyu-hyung! He was only trying to protect you since you can't do that for him! You will someday regret your decision."

Sungjong, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Dongwoo along with Sunggyu left Woohyun by himself. They didn't stop or turn around. Woohyun watched them disappear into the trees; a trail of blood left in the path. Woohyun took a few steps and stared at the blood.


Black like the midnight sky when the stars are gone and the moon is hidden behind the clouds. Woohyun feared for the worst. Everything is messed up. Everything... Everything is his fault.



All of this...

I-It's my fault...


...I'm sorry...



(A/N: Finally got this chapter finished! I know they are lots of mistakes, as usual, but tomorrow I'm moving into college! I don't know when I will be able to update since  I will be getting used to the college atmosphere, but I hope you guys will patiently wait! Like you've always done! Thank you for reading, suscribing, and commenting! NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE MOSTLY YADONG!)



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Kim_MYL #1
Chapter 1: Unnie, pls finish it I love it sooo much.
haurareya #2
Chapter 23: Update pleaseeeee pleaseeee pleaseeee. I am so desperate to read the next part..
Chapter 23: Plss update this fic.I wanna see evil gyu turning the other side and kissing Lee joon in front of woohyun while smirking at dark gyu gosh
sivaranblackcat #4
Chapter 23: Pls update the rest of the story.....caantt waaaiiiitttttttt.....
Chapter 23: aren't you going to update it?
TEENTOP10031996 #6
LittleMissShawol98 #7
so are you gonna update or nah? im tired of waiting for two years for a story and i can slowly feel myself giving up on this.
merryminx #8
Chapter 23: Please continue this story authornim... I love your story so much.... still waiting for your update...
Chapter 23: Please update . Good story and I want to know what happen next.