in the name of love

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the synopsis


Title: in the name of love

Genre: Romance, friendship, slice-of-life

Ratings: All ages


“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."

– ia Woolf


In college, six students became best friends hosting a weeknight romance-themed school radio program, called "In the Name of Love".

Ten years later, they find themselves all in occupations intrinsically linked to matters of the heart: Wendy Son is a wedding planner who calls herself Cupid’s assistant, Nakamoto Yuta is a wedding dress designer who brings the wildest wedding dreams to life, Jung Jaehyun and Kim Jungwoo are relationship therapists who try to save romances at the brink of falling apart, and Johnny Suh and Kang Seulgi are divorce lawyers who help people when it’s time to let go.

As they involuntarily become involved in cases of romantic mishaps and arterial bursts of love, vicious cycles of breaking up and inevitably making up, they struggle to find a balance between their ideals and keen senses of reality. They soon begin to realize that life is not quite what we make of it, and sometimes, love comes in the most irrational and unlikely forms.



the main characters

{in order of age, not importance}



Johnny Suh. 33. Divorce lawyer.



Kang Seulgi. 33. Divorce lawyer.



Wendy Son. 33. Wedding planner.



Nakamoto Yuta. 33. Wedding dress designer.



Jung Jaehyun. 32. Relationship counselor.



Kim Jungwoo. 32. Relationship counselor.




the supporting cast


Irene Bae. 34. Professional dancer. Johnny's ex-wife.

Moon Taeil. 34. Medical researcher. Seulgi's older brother.


Mark Lee. 25. College student and professional dancer. Wendy's younger brother.

Shim Ryujin. 25. Professional dancer. Changmin's daughter.


Jung Sooyeon. 38. Socialite. Jaehyun's older sister.

Jung Soojung. 33. Socialite. Jaehyun's older sister.


Zhang Yixing. 38. Lawyer. Seulgi's ex-boyfriend.

Ningning / Zhang Yizhuo. 25. Grad student and receptionist at Jungwoo and Jaehyun's clinic. Yixing's younger sister.



the episode groups

{Each "episode" will consist of several chapters with several intertwined "cases" about the lawyers' clients, the therapists' patients, the wedding planner & designer's clients}


case #01: chapter 01 - chapter 11

Featuring: Yunho, BoA, Sungchan, Minho, Yuri, Siwon, Sooyoung


case #02: chapter 12 - chapter 23

Featuring: Changmin, Victoria, Jaemin, Yeri


case #03: chapter 24 - chapter 31

Featuring: Luhan, Yoona, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun, Jessica, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sunny, Sooyoung, Shotaro


case #04: chapter 32 - chapter ??

Featuring: Kai, Joy, Sungjae, Seohyun, Kyuhyun, Onew, Tiffany, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Tzuyu, Baekhyun


case #05: chapter ?? - chapter ??

Featuring: TBC - will be a surprise




the tracklist

{Coming soon}





the author's note



Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry for the multiple changes on this story.

I was speaking to my friend, Bee, who this story is dedicated to, and I got SO much inspiration to write this. It's inspired by a lot of dramas, movies and books, but I've recently really been into Hospital Playlist and wanted to make something really feel-good, toned down, and simple.

This story is about six friends who used to run a late-night romance-themed radio program in college. The story starts ten years after the older ones have graduated, where they are all in romance-related careers. The story follows their friendships, but also the different "cases" they see in their jobs. So for instance, Johnny and Seulgi's clients, Wendy and Yuta's clients, Jaehyun and Jungwoo's patients. Though they're all in different fields of work and each "episode" will see different sets of clients for each one of them, you'll see how everything links together. I've planned it such that everything links :) And we have SMTOWN stars feature as their clients/patients.

All of the main characters are equally important, with compelling backstories as to why they're doing what they're doing. But overall, this is more a story about friendship and about coming to term's with one's relationships (not necessarily romantic) with the people around them, whether it's family, friends, lovers, etc. I intend for this to be a feel-good type of fic, but also be warned that it might be a bit sad at some parts.

Hope all of you enjoy!

Dedicated to Bee, who I'm so glad to have found as a friend <3

- C

P.S. This story was started in June 2021, replacing an old mystery fic of mine with similar friendship vibes.

Note: There may be a few chapters with trigger warnings at the later half of the story, for reasons that I will mention in the chapters themselves. However, nothing will be very graphic. Most of it will just be alluding to certain situations.

P.S.S. My Twitter is @colorme_candy! Feel free to follow me there. Let's chat!


Poster credits:

Main poster and also forewords poster credits to the amazing Alis, who has this amazing poster shop - BEEB gfx, please check her out!


Chapter layout credits:






“The world is a stage and the play is badly cast.”

– Oscar Wilde

I wrote 2 pages today!!! Hopefully I can crunch out an update by today!!!


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Chapter 55: Hey Candy! I just caught up with this story (I started reading it two years ago, but never got very far with it). I hope you’ve been doing well and staying healthy <3

I don’t want to make my comment too long because I know I can go on and on forever, but my favorite things about your story so far:
1. Irene and Johnny getting back together!! I feel like many people don’t go through this route because they see moving on as character development, which it is, but I think forgiving and re-loving someone is also character development.
2. The Changmin and Victoria case made my heart ache </3.
3. I love Jaehyun and Seulgi!! Jaehyun is probably my favorite character. I love their relationship and their character flaws, and I actually relate to them both in so many ways.

See you later Candy! Hopefully I’ll be back by your next update, but life is crazy and pulls me in so many directions.
Chapter 55: I've been a silent reader for the longest. Life is busy so I just hop in for a couple of minutes to read but truly this story is incredible! I remember being giddy with joy with every update. Truly so well written and I'm excited that you are back! Will be rereading to help freshen up some things. AAAHH super excited for what's to come.
rxdacted #3
Chapter 55: thank you for coming back!!!
Chapter 54: HELLO OMG! i'm so glad this is knew of the ones you're choosing to revive bc this was one of my favourites!! but i'd read anything you choose to revive anyway hahaha. so looking forward! tho ill take my time catching up bc ive forgotten quite a bit before reading the latest chapter hahaha
minhoyyuri24 #5
Chapter 55: omg I'm so excited!! it's great that you're back
update soon ❤️
Chapter 55: AAAAA IM SO EXCITED TO READ THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!! im curious of how all of this will unfold slowly. im putting my faith in you <3 but stay healthy okay?
Perplexed between reading the teaser to calm my appalling curiosity or torturing myself further by just waiting for the full chappie !!!
haleyjohfam #9
LETS ING GOOOOO i cant get into my original account but the fact that i checked this on a whim and came back to an update? Oh I can die happy. This story is my happiness. No one writes like candy.
smartpanda1010101 #10
Chapter 55: i think christmas came early haha! i love hearing jaehyuns thoughts as it serves to only solidify how over the head he is with seulgi! excited to see how jaehyun has helped soojung in the past as well