No Body Knows

After settling their relationship status, Minho headed off to have his own shower and Taemin lay down on his bed. His mind was racing and while he knew that he should be doing his assigned homework for the day but he just didn’t want to. 

Minho emerged from the shower, dressed in a pair of jogging pants and a plain blue t-shirt and looked at Taemin, “Do you want to watch a movie while we do homework?” 

“I didn’t really plan on doing anything tonight.” Taemin admitted, sitting up on his elbows. He took in the look on Minho’s face, “what?”

Minho raised an eyebrow, “Did Lee Taemin just say he wasn’t planning on doing homework?” He teased the younger, knowing that nothing would usually put Taemin off doing his work, but he guessed there were bigger things than risking losing a scholarship that didn’t really exist.

“Shut up.” Taemin muttered, dragging himself off his bed. “Fine, you pick a movie.” He shuffled out to the small living area to grab the bag he had tossed earlier. He had to pick up all of the items that he had shoved into it when he ran out of class that had fallen out and lay scattered on the floor.  He noticed that Minho’s bag was also dropped just inside the door and he grabbed it too. 

Minho was grinning as he walked into the room behind Taemin, “Zombie movie?” He said, holding up a DVD case. 

Taemin shuddered, he loved horror movies and tended to laugh while other people screamed in terror but zombies were creepy. “Sure.” He walked over to the couch and pulled the coffee table closer, depositing their stuff on it. 

“If you’re too scared we can watch something else.” Minho teased.

“Zombies are gross creepy,” Taemin said, “they shamble around and drop body parts and moan and eat face. They’re gross and creepy but they don’t scare me.” He watched as Minho set up the movie. 

“I’m going to grab drinks.” Taemin said, moving towards the kitchen. 

“Can you make coffee?” Minho asked, not looking at Taemin while he fiddled with the remote control, banging it twice before turning it over to remove the batteries. “Needs new batteries.” He muttered to himself before heading over to the cabinet where he kept extras. 

Moving into the kitchen, Taemin stepped over their shirts still piled on the floor and made a mental note to pick them up later and moved to start the coffee. Picking two mugs from the cupboard he breathed in the smell of the percolating coffee. He added the cream and sugar to the empty mugs and smiled to himself as he looked around the kitchen. 

He never expected that he’d ever find a boyfriend, never thought that the weird Korean kid would ever find someone that would want to take the chance. A tiny, mostly to himself, smile turned up the corners of Taemin’s lips. Everything was happening so fast that Taemin was sure that it couldn’t last. 

Right now though, he didn’t care. He was going to take what he could get while it was there to take. He liked Minho and obviously Minho liked him back. The coffee machine beeped to show it was finished and Taemin poured the dark liquid into their mugs, his thoughts drifting off.

One green and one blue mug in hand, Taemin walked back into the living area. The opening screen played and Minho hit play as he saw Taemin enter. Setting the coffees down on the table, Taemin sat himself down at the opposite end of the couch from Minho. There wasn’t a big space between them, but it was enough that Minho raised an eyebrow at him in an unasked question. 

“We need to do our work.” Taemin said, pulling his books towards him. “If we sit any closer, I don’t think I’ll want to do anything.” 

Minho gaped at him, nodding to show that he understood. He picked up his coffee and took a sip before moving for his own books. He couldn’t believe that Taemin admitted that but he couldn’t deny to himself that he was thinking the same thing. 

So they worked and watched, Minho getting up after a while to refill their coffees and to bring back snacks. When the movie was almost over, Minho sighed and looked over at Taemin. The younger was engrossed in the movie, his homework already finished and set neatly back in his bag. “We should add haircut into our date.” Minho said, reaching out to ruffle Taemin’s hair. 

Taemin blinked and turned to look at Minho. “You have a problem with my long hair?” Taemin said, shoving Minho’s hand out of the long locks. 

“Just that I’m sure you’re going to want to make a good impression on Jinki and not go looking like a kid who can’t keep his appearance up.” 

“Are you saying you don’t like my appearance?” 

Taemin’s voice was so steady that for a moment Minho wondered if Taemin was really upset. He tried to stutter out an explanation but failed. He tried again but stopped when he saw Taemin’s lip twitch. “You’re teasing me.”

“You’re not the only one allowed to do that in this relationship.” Taemin shifted himself over on the couch. “Are you all done your homework?” 

Minho nodded, he still had a page to do for math, but he’d do that during English. 

“Wanna make-out?” 

Minho’s eyes widened at the question and nodded erratically. 

Taemin grinned and moved quickly, straddling Minho’s legs and bending over to capture his lips. He might still believe that this was a dream and any moment he would wake up, but he was going to enjoy that dream for as long as possible. Screw being nervous or waiting to get what he wanted. They were jumping into a relationship and Taemin figured it might as well be with both feet.

They kissed slowly on the couch, Minho’s hands moving to roam Taemin’s long back, flittering down to touch his lower back and teasing lower on each pass. 

Taemin whined and shifted his hips, pressing down against Minho’s and felt the older push back. His heart raced and while he didn’t think he was ready just yet to push the boundaries of their relationship so early, he was going to add the feeling of Minho’s body against his to his shower fantasies for at least the next little while. Minho's breath quickened as hard, soft sounds filtered from his lips and spurned Taemin on. 

They missed the end of the movie and only broke apart when the music repeating from the title screen became less background noise and more annoying. When they broke away, Taemin realized that he was sporting a slight problem. 

Taemin climbed off Minho’s lap, unable to hide his own issue and trying very hard to ignore Minho’s. Minho cleared his throat as Taemin moved to take the empty mugs to the kitchen, again ignoring their shirts on the floor. 

“I’m going to take a shower.” Minho said, appearing in the doorway. “Again.” He flushed as he realized how awkward he was acting, but he needed to deal with his own problem and in his bed was not an option. 

Taemin nodded as he quickly washed the mugs, he didn’t turn around because he knew that if he did he would want to do more with Minho than he was ready for and he didn’t want to regret that. 

Minho moved off and Taemin waited until the door to the bathroom closed. A thought crossed his  mind and he flushed, embarrassed before moving to grab Minho’s shirt off the floor. Holding it up to his nose and feeling like a ert, Taemin leaned against the counter and undid his pants. 

It didn’t take him long to finish and he wiped the mess on his own still damp shirt. He heard Minho leaving the bathroom and cursed the fact that he missed the water turning off. Dropping the shirts, he covered himself and rushed to the bedroom. Minho stood by his own bed and watched with amused suspicion as Taemin rolled into bed. 

“Goodnight.” Taemin said quickly and Minho chuckled at the embarrassed tone. He could guess what Taemin had just done, he had wanted to go further, but with how Taemin had tensed when Minho’s hands touched his thighs, he figured that the younger wasn’t ready. While he wasn’t a stranger to he was going to let Taemin set the pace. 

“Goodnight.” Minho echoed and slid under his own covers. He was feeling comfortable and sleepy and it didn’t take long for him to drift off. 




The next morning any awkwardness that had lingered from the night before was gone. Lucky, considering Key woke them up barely after sun up by barging into their room. “Oh good, they’re still dressed.” 

Minho threw a pillow at Key, missed and hit Jonghyun. The oldest caught the pillow after it hit him in the face and held onto it while he began to beat Minho’s prone form with it. 

Key rolled his eyes before pulling the covers off of Taemin. “Get up.”

“Too early.” Taemin whined. “Go away.”

“Don’t you tell me to go away.” Key said, poking Taemin in the ribs. “I’ll start breakfast, you dressed.” He bounced twice on Taemin’s bed before standing up and heading into the kitchen. 

“Why so early?” Minho grumbled, now wide awake from Jonghyun’s attack, 

“Because we need to plan.” Jonghyun filled in. “The girls are livid that we didn’t tell them right away and they’ve figured out that we know something that we’re not sharing. We have to decided what to tell them and what not.”

Before anything else could be said, Key’s voice, loud with outrage, came shouting from the kitchen. “CHOI MINHO!” He shouted from the kitchen before he emerged from the doorway holding something in his hands. “If you defiled my son in the kitchen I’ll kick your all over this dorm.”

“Yeah Minho,” Jonghyun echoed, his voice significantly lighter, “you had better have at least wined and dined him first.” The oldest looked like he was about to enjoy what was coming. 

Minho glared at both his friends as Taemin flushed red, but it was Taemin that actually spoke first his voice surprisingly steady, “Hyung, sometimes you just have to do it on the kitchen table. Had to make sure it was nice and sturdy.” He winked at Minho as Key spluttered. 

Minho stared at Taemin, gobsmacked as he wondered where this Taemin came from. He wasn’t about to complain though, “did you just…” he laughed, watching as Taemin dragged himself out of bed. The youngest was bright red with embarrassment as he took the shirts from Key’s hands. 

“I’m kidding.” Taemin said, also now awake and trying to think of an excuse that didn’t include in the kitchen. He decided to patch up the truth. “I spilled dish water all over myself and Minho got wet helping dry me off.” He took the clothing to the bathroom, giving it a quick look to see if Key could see the evidence of his activities. His own shirt was stiff in an odd way where it had dried and it was obvious why. 

“I’m sure he did.” Jonghyun said, wriggling his eyebrows at Minho when Taemin reappeared. 

“We eat in the kitchen.” Key said matter of factly. “As least keep your depraved activities to surfaces we don’t eat off.” He shot Taemin a look. 

“We didn’t do anything.” Minho said, now mostly dressed in his uniform. “Not that it’s any of your business if we did.” 

Key grunted and turned back towards the other room. “Everything is my business.”

“Or at least you make everything your business.” Jonghyun muttered, not quite quiet enough for Key to miss.  

Key stiffened like he wanted to say something but didn’t. 

“You’re not getting breakfast.” Minho said, grinning at his older friend. 

Jonghyun’s eyes widened and he rushed to Key, wrapping his arms around the younger as they disappeared into the kitchen.

“Don’t forget we eat in there!” Minho shouted earning himself a curse in return. He then looked at Taemin, “something you want to tell me?”

“Not in the slightest.” Taemin said, the red flush retreating from his face but still there on his neck. 

Minho grinned, moving to give Taemin a quick kiss before heading off to the bathroom. “Gotta brush teeth before I kiss you properly.” He said softly causing Taemin to smile. 

“Me too.” Taemin said, following Minho into the bathroom. Standing side by side at the counter, Minho passed Taemin his toothbrush and Taemin passed the toothpaste. They made funny faces at each other as they looked in the mirror at each other’s reflections. 

Minho spit first, wiping his face with the back of his hand and the second Taemin was finished and had put his toothbrush back in the holder, Minho grabbed his shoulders, spun him around and kissed him. 

Taemin put his hands on the counter behind him and pushed himself into a sitting position to give himself the higher angle. He was finding that he liked being in control of the kisses and planned to take every chance he could at it. 

“For s sakes.” Jonghyun’s voice came from the doorway, making the other two break apart. He had a hand covering his eyes. 

“Hyung! Taemin whined, “We don’t barge in on you and Key kissing.”

Jonghyun peaked out from between his fingers. “That’s because we lock the damn door.”

“The risk makes it more thrilling.” Minho said, hands now at Taemin’s waist, thumbs rubbing circles on the youngest’s hips. 

“If you need risk this early on you’re clearly doing something wrong.” Jonghyun removed his hands completely and gave them a salacious grin. 

“ off.” Minho said, helping Taemin off the counter. He pushed past the teen in the doorway and holding Taemin’s hand dragged him into the kitchen where Key was waiting with a knowing look. 

“Shut up.” Minho said, dumping out the remains of last night’s coffee and starting a new pot. 

Key just continued to cook, looking up every so often to give Minho that look. Jonghyun appeared in the doorway and grinned his stupid grin. “You owe me a .” He informed Key, who simply rolled his eyes. 

“It was a stupid bet that I never should have made.”

“Doesn’t matter. I won so you have to pay up."

“Please not in our room.” Taemin said as he set the table. 

“Why not?” Jonghyun began to tease. “Minho could probably use the pointers.”

“Minho does not need any pointers from either of you, thank you very much.” Minho replied. “Although from what Key has said before, you do.”

Jonghyun moved quickly and punched Minho on the arm. It started a wrestling match that ended with Key screeching at them to knock it off when they nearly upset the table and Taemin was nearly caught in the crossfire. 

“Now sit down, shut up and come up with a plan!” Key slammed down breakfast and took his own seat. “All we do is talk about plans but we never really decide on anything, now lets figure this out. We’ve run out of time. Something has to happen and we have to figure out what that is.”





So I may have had this chapter up and forgot to take it off draft.... Can I just blame Taemin and his new teaser photos? 

Anyways, thank you guys for all your love! You are all so amazing and I'm the luckiest for having you all as my readers!

Please keep subscribing, reading, commenting and liking! Hugs to you all!

All my loves 





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Smile_always_shri #1
Chapter 53: Ur story is awesome
Onew-1989 #2
Chapter 53: Sorry to hear about your lost. I’m excited about the update. Looking forward to your next chapter.
shojinryori #3
Chapter 52: Woo, hot hot! Phew. Well written!

I can’t help but worry about Jinki left on his own at the hospital. Surely something bad will happen when no one’s looking? I want the boys to make sure one of them is there with him 24/7...
Chapter 51: Ok so I definitely wasn’t expecting THAT...but I can’t say I don’t like it ;)
Chapter 51: I would be upset with Taemin too
I live the boy but if he tried that with me ....


I'm gonna tickle him to death*^*
Chapter 51: I kinda wanted to cry for Taemin the poor baby has gone through alot.... BUT THE ENDING GOT ME DEAD OMG
Just found this and it is an amazing story. I hope another update is coming soon. You have done a great job so far. Thank you for this story. I love it.????♥️♥️♥️
shojinryori #8
Chapter 50: Ok, I’m caught up. This is such a great story arc, and I’ve been glued to the screen all evening reading. I’m so glad you’re continuing on with it.
shojinryori #9
Chapter 17: What the heck? Poor Taemin. And that bastard Yunho, he’s always trouble. Grr.

(I just discovered your story today, and I’m now reading from the beginning. OMG it’s fabulous! I’m so glad there’s lots of chapters to go.)
Chapter 50: So glad to see you back !! Things are picking up speed again and I can't wait to see what happens next !!! i also can't wait to be able to see jinki with the crew, especially now that he knows taemin is who he was looking for !!!!!