Chapter nine

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)


Chapter 9:


“Welcome!” Miharu greeted as she heard the door chime.

“Hi Miharu.” A smiling Mina greeted her from the doorway.

“Mina! Hi.” Miharu said surprised. She wasn’t expecting and hoping she wouldn’t have to face Mina again.

“I heard you and Yunho are goiong out.” She said as she approached the display of pastries Miharu was setting up.

“Ahh, yeah.” Miharu said shyly.

“It’s ok. I don’t mind.” Mina said as she continued to examine the display. “I was hoping you could make me a cake.” Mina looked at her and smiled. “I want to throw a party for my girlfriends. They really helped me through this time and I’d like to show them how grateful I am.”

“Sure. Anything.” Miharu said confused at the ongoings. “Come in my office.” Miharu signaled to an assistant chef to take over the display.

“Please take a seat.” Miharu said as she opened the door to her small office. “What cake can I do for you?”

“I really want one of those bag cakes. I love Hermes Birkin bags. Could you make it in that shape?”

“Sure.” Miharu jotted down notes. “What color? What flavor?”

“Caramel colored, and I love red velvet cake.”

“Ok. When do you need it?” Miharu asked.

“Next week.”

“Possible.” Miharu smiled at her shyly.

“Great! I’m so relieved, I know it’s short notice and you’re super busy what with the wedding season in full swing.”

“I…Anything you need.”

“Then can I ask for something else?”

Miharu looked awkwardly at Mina. Was she asking for Yunho back?

“Can you make mini cakes, like cupcakes but in the shape of bags? If you can’t can you design a cupcake with a designer bag? I wanted my girlfriends to take something home.” Mina said.


“Great! This is the list. They all like different bags and having it personalized would be so cool.” Mina handed Miharu a piece of paper she fished out of her bag.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Miharu said, not understanding what was going on.

“Great. You can just call me to settle the payment when you decide on what to do with the mini cakes.” Mina said.

“Yeah. Ok. I still got your calling card.”

“Great. Miharu are you ok?” Mina asked.

“Excuse me?” Miharu looked at Mina with wide eyes.

“You look spacey.” Mina said with honest concern in her voice.

“I’m…uhmmm…” Miharu thought of what to say.

“Please don't feel uncomfortable. Is it because you’re dating my former fiancé?”

Miharu looked away.

“Look, to tell you the truth when Yunho and I broke it off I was devastated. I thought life was over. But my girlfriends got me thinking and then I realized that I was more sad that I failed at the relationship and that I wouldn’t get my dream wedding than losing Yunho.” Mina confessed.

“I hate not getting what I want, but I hate being wrong more. I thought Yunho was the one. I thought we were destiny. And knowing we weren’t hurts. And I guess that was what I was crying for. Hahaha.” Mina laughed about it. “Then I realize, destiny was wrong.”

Miharu looked confused.

“I don’t know if you knew this but Yunho used to be married.” She said and Miharu tensed at the topic. “The first time I met Yunho was in his honeymoon.” She laughed at the memory. Miharu’s eyes went big at what she said.

“Oh! Don’t get me wrong, I just met him there but I didn’t get to know him until later.” She calmed Miharu. “Yunho was my knight in shining armor. I got a cramp while swimming and Yunho pulled me out of the water.” Both women smiled.

“I never thought I’d see him again. I must be honest, I did flirt a bit with him but he proudly showed me his wedding band and said he was taken. To ease my bruised ego he told me that if he wasn’t taken he’d be honored that I found him attractive and that he just might take me up on my offer. I fell for him right then and there and prayed that I’d find someone like him.” Mina reminisced.

“So after a few years you guys did meet again, fell in love and planned to married. Maybe you guys are destiny.” Miharu said with a hint of jealousy and insecurity in her voice.

“Oh no. We met again a few months after. He was in a stall eating and drinking by himself. I was there with some co-workers. I knew he was married but I couldn’t stop myself from going over there to him. He had a fight with his wife. He had drunk a few bottles of soju so his tongue was quite loose.”

Mina looked back at the door then at Miharu. She leaned across the desk towards Miharu. “Apparently he was having second thoughts on his marriage.” She whispered then leaned back on her chair. “We talked and a few bottles of soju later we were friends. After months of friendship and that friendship turned into something more. I never wanted to be a home wrecker but I couldn’t help it.  I had to ask him, her or me.”

“And he chose her.” Miharu said but when Mina didn’t reply Miharu felt her heart drop. “He chose you?”

“Not really. Up to this day I’m not sure who he chose. He asked for some time to gather his courage and talk to his wife but something happened between them and he said he needed time to himself so we broke up and he divorced his wife. We met again a few years after and the rest is history.” Mina finished her story. “So you see, no matter how many times destiny brings us together we just…” Mina shook her head and shrugged. "So as you see, Yunho and I are just not made to be with each other. I hope you guys can go the distance. Oh! It’s eleven already!” Mina exclaimed as she saw the wall clock. “Miharu… Miharu… Miharu!” Mina shook her hand infront of Miharu’s dazed face. “Miharu are you alive?”

“Ahh…yeah.” Miharu nodded.

“I have to go, got another appointment. Call me regarding the cake. I’m super excited.” Mina gave her the thumbs up and left.


* * * *


Waaa~~ Nobody was expecting that...or were they?



Comment replies : 


Ok guys...i know i told you i'd reply to your comments but i'm soofer sweepy..

I promise i'll reply to the next batch of comment. promise. 

I think the next chapter will also answer all the questions regarding Jaejoong's behavior. yeah.i think. So yeah....


You guys be good.

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke