
Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)

Hi guys! Just wanted to thank you all. The story is comming to an end. Enjoy the last few scenes.



 Chapter thirteen



-just moments after Miharu and Yunho ‘s talk from the previous chapter-


Miharu had just pushed the door to her apartment building when someone pushed her from behind. She stumbled a bit and to her surprise a strong grip around her upper arm steadied her and the proceeded to drag her to the elevator.

“What the…Yunho! You’re hurting me!” Miharu said as she tried to get away from a poker face Yunho. “YUNHO!!”

“Miharu. I’m tired, I’m stressed and I’m running low on options.” He said and angrily pushed the elevator button. “I’m not letting you walk away from me. I tried to give you space but obviously that doesn’t work.” He gritted to her, his face inches from hers, his eyes looking straight at hers.

“Yunho – ”

“I’m your husband! You’re my wife! You better act like it!”

The elevator went DING! and opened its door to reveal an empty elevator.

Miharu tried to deny what he just said but she was interrupted by a forceful shove.

“Get in.” he ordered her as he pushed her in the elevator.

Miharu stumbled in and as soon as she stepped in the elevator, Yunho entered and closed the door. He pressed the top floor and after a few moments he stopped the elevator, much to Miharu’s annoyance.

“What the hell Yunho!  Let me out now!" Miharu demanded.

"No! You will listen to me now! Stop being a spoiled brat. Ok fine! I admit it. I...kind of cheated on you." he said with a little voice. "But that doesn't change the fact that I love you. I won't let you throw away this relationship like that. We mean too much to each other. You mean too much to me! MIHARU!" Yunho started shaking her by the shoulders noticing her spacing out. "I love you. Give this one more chance. I gave you one more chance, doesn't that mean anything?"

"How many one more chances does this relationship need? You waited so long, how many years passed before you could look at me again. You were nearly married....with the woman you cheated on me with!!" Miharu pushed him away making the elevator sway a bit. 

Yunho kneeled infront of her and hugged her by the waist.

"Get off me!! Get off me!! Get. off. ME!!!" Miharu kept hitting Yunho and pushing away and struggling from his deathly grip on her.

"Hit me; get mad at me, but don't break up with me. I can't take it please. I love you. I can't lose you." Yunho said against her stomach.

"I don't love you." Miharu hissed angrily as she tried to pry Yunho's hands off her.

"Even if you didn't love me, I love you enough for the both of us." Yunho declared and Miharu stopped hitting him, stopped struggling.

"Yunho, no. I don't - "

"I love you so much it could envelope the world. I love you more than I could ever love myself, another being an object, my career, family and friends all put together." Yunho looked up to her hopefully. "You can't tell me that last week you loved me and now you don't. You're Miharu, you don't fall in love and put of love that quickly. I know you never stopped loving me too."

Miharu looked away from his piercing eyes. "I don't love you."

"Liar." Yunho challenged her.

"I don't."

"LIAR!" Yunho's voice vibrated through the elebvator. "Liar. I know you, you're lying. You love me!" Yunho stood up and cupped her cheeks and made her look at him. "Look at me and tell me you don't. Look at me and tell me what I feel is not what you feel for me. Tell me to my face. Look me in the eye and tell me!" Yunho demanded.

"I don't - " Miharu tried to tell him that she couldn't, after all these years he still knew her best. "It doesn't matter if I love you or not. All you need to know is that I cannot be with you. I...cannot. I do not want to." Miharu told him honestly. "I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm scared that you'll cheat on me every time we are not together. I don't want to be in a relationship where I think you can't be serious about. I don't trust you right now. How can I when you think like a single man. When we were married did you really think you were married? Did you believe you were married?"

“I changed! I was young and stupid and I thought I was king of the world! I was the only person in our circle of friends who was married! I just....I didn’t realize how important you were...are. I don’t need anyone else; I need you. Give me another chance please." Yunho begged her even though he already knew the answer.

"Let's just go our separate ways please. We're just not meant to be." Miharu told him and she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

The elevator doors opened to find the maintenance guys with tools.

"Are you guys all right?" The senior operator asked them.

Miharu tiptoed and kissed Yunho on the lips lightly. "I wish you the best of luck." She whispered against his lips and left a devastated Yunho.

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke