chapter six

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)


Chapter six:


For the next 3 months Miharu helps the soon Jung couple make their dream wedding and throughout all this time Miharu and Yunho have barely spoken to each other. Miharu tries and tries to be closer to Yunho wanting to put a closure to their marriage but Yunho erected a wall between them he seemed to have no intention of breaking down.

Miharu pressed the doorbell to Yunho's apartment hoping that this encounter could be quick and painless.

It usually was quick; painless, not so much. For the past three months Miharu has helped the soon to be wedded couple in their wedding peparations. Due to Haneul's packed schedule Miharu had to accompany them in their appointments as Haneul's representative. Usually it was better when Mina was around. Mina filled the silence and awkwardness that was present whenever Miharu and Yunho would be left alone. Miharu would sometimes catch Yunho smile at her or look at her in pity but that was quickly followed by an angry glare when he notices that he was caught. She tried to talk to him or make it less awkward but Yunho erected a wall so thick between them a sledgehammer wouldn't be able to tear it down.

 She tried so many times that she finally gave up trying. It was a useless endeavor, Yunho would never be anything more than a customer to her.

Jaejoong opened the door and Miharu sighed knowing what was coming up next. "What are you doing here? Are you delivering our pizza?" Jaejoong asked. 

"I'm just here to give Yunho the table setting sample pictures. Mina said she'll swing over here after her dress fitting." Miharu said with a deadpan voice as she dug for the binder in her bottomless bag. 

"You could sound more happy to see me." Jaejoong said sarcastically. "Or maybe you're not happy since it wasn't Yunho who opened the door." 

"Where is that binder?" Miharu murmured over and over again hoping to drown Jaejoong's snide comments.  

"You know what Miharu, this is really pathetic. Always being around Yunho. He'll never take you back. Forget it." Jaejoong said. 

"I'm just here to help." Miharu sai giving up on the search for the allusive binder. 

"Really? Don't be a home wrecker, twice. You ruined your marriage with Yunho don't ruin his second marriage." Jaejoong said.  

"I'm just trying to help. I don't have a hidden agenda."

"Of course you do. es like you always do." he leered in, looking straight into her eyes, their noses inches apart. Miharu pushed against his chest wanting to put some space between them. 

"Stop calling me that." Miharu said pushing against his chest but Jaejoong kept getting closer and closer to her making her feel claustrophobic. 

"You don't like being called a ? How about traitor? ? Betrayer? ?" Jaejoong asked, his voice raising with every word he uttered.

 Miharu couldn’t handle all the hate being thrown at her and slapped him across the face.

Jaejoong felt his cheek and winced. "Wow. The truth does hurt." Jaejoong smirked as he felt his cheek.

"Why do you hate me so much?” Miharu asked him as calmly as possible not wanting to create a scene.

“How can I not hate you?!” He threw back at her. “You were my best friend. You betrayed me. I trusted you. How can you be just like every other girl. You were supposed to be – ”

“It’s not my fault you dated crappy cheating women! Don’t put them and me in the same category!” Miharu took a deep breath to calm herself. “Jaejoong don't hate me. I want my bestfriend back. Can more than ten years of friendship be destroyed by one night?”

“Yes.” He said and left, leaving Miharu crying in front of Yunho’s apartment.

“Don’t cry. Stop it.” Yunho said. He approached her and reached out to give her his hankie but instead Miharu ran to him and hugged him tight burying her face in his chest using his shirt as the hankie.

“Yunho~!!” Miharu wailed.

“There there…stop crying.” Yunho patted patted her head with one hand while the other s around her shoulders.

“I’m sorry. I’m really am.” She wailed against his chest. “I never meant to cheat on you. I love you so much! I never meant to hurt you! I drink then two then three and then I wake up somewhere with no clothes and memory. I’m so sorry Yunho!” she wails wetting Yunho’s shirt. “I love you so much please believe me.”

“Stop crying Miharu.” Yunho patted her back trying to calm her down.

“And the guys! I never meant to hurt any of them. Especially not Jaejoong. We’ve been friends since forever! He’s my best friend! I never wanted to hurt him or betray him. I want them back. I want my old life back! I don’t want you guys hating me. I don’t want Jaejoong hating me. I don’t want you hating me!!” She said between hiccups.

“Miharu.” Yunho sighed and pushed her off him andlooked at her. “I don’t hate you.”

Miharu stopped crying and her hiccups slowed but she kept her gaze on the floor.

“Miharu.” Yunho said more forcefully shaking her by the shoulders. “Miharu, I don’t hate you. So please, don’t cry anymore.”

Miharu looked at him trying to digest what he said. She looked at him and when her hiccups stopped she couldn’t help herself but kiss him.

Miharu pecked his lips then planted another kiss then another and after the fourth chaste kiss, Miharu felt Yunho cup her face and kiss her. Miharu felt Yunho her lip seeking entrance and she granted it to him. For the next few moments they busied themselves with reacquainting themselves with the interior of each other’s mouths.

The elevator bell rang off in the distance signaling its arrival in the floor. Miharu broke off the kiss in shock. She touched her lips and looked at Yunho’s lipstick smeared lips.

“Oh god! Yunho…” Miharu whispered, not exactly knowing what to say.

“Miharu…” Yunho whispered and took a step closer to her.

“This is bad. This is so bad. This is extremely bad.” Miharu told herself.


“Oh my god. I am a total

.” Miharu said feeling tears starting to stream down her face.

“Miharu don’t say – ”

“No! Stay there.” She said and held up a hand and taking a step back. “Please stay there. This is so embarrassing. I…I better leave.” She said and turned towards the stair.

“Wait! Stay.”

“This is bad. This is extremely bad!” She murmured to herself as she sprinted towards the stairs.



* * *


Hey you all!!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for taking the time to read this and to those commenting thank you. 

That's all. :)

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke