chapter fourteen : the End?

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)

Chapter fourteen : The end?


-Half a year later-


“You know, we aregoing to a wedding, not a funeral. Please smile.” Haneul asked Miharu from the driver’s seat of her beat up bug.

“I am smiling.” Miharu said with a deadpan voice.

Haneul could only roll her eyes.


Since half a year ago, Yunho and Miharu had no contact between them what so ever. Miharu knew she should be happy to but that chapter of her life to rest but she wasn’t. Yunho was right, once she loved someone it was till death do them part. She tried to categorize her love for Yunho as that of first love or friendship love or brotherly love but she knew she was kidding herself. She loved loved Yunho but she was too scared to try things out with him again, especially after seeing him dating another woman.

A few weeks after their elevator talk, Miharu went to dinner with Hanuel to find Yunho laughing and smiling contently at the woman seated in front of her. She wanted to be happy for him but she wasn’t. Nothing was making her happy, not even her renewed friendship with Jaejoong and the rest of the crew nor her work. She wanted Yunho but did she really? Was she ready?


“I saw Yunho enter Chef Pierre’s restaurant.” Miharu said out of the blue. “He’s getting married too.” Miharu said. “When I went to see Chef Pierre, I saw Yunho leaving with the woman we saw him with at the restaurant. He said they were planning his wedding. He really loved him.” Miharu said sarcastically.

Haneul just shrugged.

“For a , you are awfully quiet. Why aren’t you bashing Yunho with me?” Miharu asked.

“You broke up with him sweetie. I really can’t bash the guy.” Haneul said. “Plus, you told me that about a million times since a few months ago and if I’m not mistaken, about 5 times since I came to pick you up.  All the bashing I had is gone. No more ammunition.”

Miharu frowned at looked out of the car window.


Haneul’s thoughts about Yunho have been quite reserved from the past few months, whereas prior to that she would make Yunho her bashing target all the time. Now that Miharu was ready to bash him, she didn’t support Miharu.

“I just want to eat some choco ice cream. Why are you dragging me to this wedding? I’ll just darken the mood.” Miharu sulked.


Haneul pulled her out of bed at 5 in the morning and got her ready to come with her at a wedding of people she knew nothing about. She would have come with Haneul voluntarily if this was a wedding Haneul has organized and she needed extra hands but that was not the case. She didn’t want to sit in a pew and watch a happy couple start their life together.


“You need to come.” Haneul said and with that ended the conversation.


The rest of the drive was silent and Miharu spent the last 20 minutes of the ride sleeping. They finally arrived and Miharu was surprised to see so many familiar faces walking in to the small chapel.


“Miharu let’s go.” Haneul took hold of her wrist and walked her to the chapel. They entered the chapel and the chapel went silent, every eye turned to look at her.

“Hi…sorry. Not the bride yet.” Miharu said uncomfortably as she bowed at the guests. “Auntie!” Miharu said surprised to see her aunt. She waved at her aunt and then looked around to see Yunho with a gorgeous white tux infront of the altar.


Miharu gasped. It was Yunho who was getting married.


“Haneul I’m leaving.” Miharu turned to where her friend was supposed to be but she was nowhere in sight. She looked at Yunho one more time and saw him running to her. She quickly turned to leave only for Yunho to stop her.

“Miharu…” Yunho whispered her name as he held her wrist tightly.

“Congratulations in your impending nuptials.” Miharu said, her back still to Yunho.

“Miharu look at me.” Yunho’s hand slid into her and swiftly intertwined his fingers with hers.

“You really shouldn’t hold me like that.” Miharu whispered, conscious that they had an audience. "I don't want your bride - "

“I wish my bride would at least look at me." Yunho whispered as he stepped closer to her but she stepped back.

"Yunho...this is really inappropriate."

"Yes it is. My bride still not wearing her wedding gown."

Miharu fixed her gaze at the floor not wanting to see his furious future wife storming to her but instead of a screaming jealous banshee all there was was silence.

"Maybe it's because I haven't asked her to marry me yet." Yunho tugged her hand and she easily came crashing against his body.

He kissed her hand and went on bended knees.

"Ono Miharu, will you marry me?" Yunho asked her. Soon, Miharu's 4 year old nephew, led by Haneul, came to Yunho and held a ring box. "Please marry me Miharu, infront of all our family and friends I ask you to marry me and spend the rest of our lives together, please."


To say that Miharu was shocked and confused was an understatement. What was going on?


" When? The bride? What?" Miharu looked at him and the ring and then back at Yunho again.

"I cannot not have you in my life. I don't know what else to do to prove to you that I really love you, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, that you are the only woman I see, the only woman I want to ever love, the only woman I do love. I am serious Miharu."


Miharu wanted to say yes, she badly wanted to but she was scared that this was the beginning of it all again. That they'd get married, and once the honeymoon was over she wouldn't be able to look at Yunho without suspicion.


"I'm laying my love and life and pride in the line for you. You can take a leap of faith and believe and trust that I will never again look at anyone else or you can humiliate me and trample over my feelings and walk out of this chapel and this time I promise, I swear infront of god, in front of our family and friends that I will never contact you again."

"I...I don't - What about that woman you are dating?" Miharu asked confused.

"I'm not dating unless you want me to date you." Yunho said sincerely.

"But I saw you at the restaurant moved on, you were dating!"

Yunho thought back at the one time he saw Miharu at a restaurant and finally remembered who he was with. "Our wedding planner!" Yunho looked around the chapel and finally found her. He finally pointed at the woman Miharu saw with Yunho and found her  arking some orders at her walkie-talkie.

"Miharu..." Yunho called her attention back at him, he was still kneeling and held the engagement ring in his hands for her. "Please marry me. I promise you won't regret it."

Miharu was ready to reply when she was interupted by Junsu.

"Marry our hyung Ono Miharuuuu~~!!!" Junsu squealed from the second pew.

"Marry my son!!" Yunho's father cried out from the first pew.

Miharu looked to the side to see Haneul and Jaejoong in the shadows.


"I say you marry him just so he stops bugging me about you and so that I won't have to here you moping after him." Haneul said.

"I agree with it."

"Stop calling me it she-man!" Haneul hissed at Jaejoong.

"If he cheats again this thing will calw his eyes out."

"I'll claw your eyes out." Haneul grumbled at Jaejoong.


"Please marry me Miharu. I promise you won't regret it." Yunho said bringing her attention back at him.

"Does that ring fit me?" Miharu asked him with a big smile on her face.

Yunho smiled widely, stood up and kissed her thoroughly infront of them all.

"I love you so much hon. Thank you thank you thank you." Yunho repeated between kisses. "I love you so so so so much."

"I love you too. I'm so glad you never listen to me and didn't move on." Miharu said honestly. “I’m so glad you weren’t dating. I’m so glad you’re so stubborn and keep running after me long after I gave up hope for us.” Miharu cried happy tears.


"Ahem...happy couple. We need to get the bride ready." The wedding planner said and tried to break apart their happy reunion.

"Stop kissing her!! She's still my baby!! You can do that later tonight and you better make me grandkids." Miharu's mother pulled them apart.

"Okaachan!" Miharu smiled happily and hugged her mom. "I thought you and dad where in D.C."

"I'm sure Ambassador Fujisaki can handle the Americans without your dad for a weekend." Her mother reassured her. "Now let's go and change to your wedding dress."

"Wait!!" Yunho jogged up to Miharu and slid the engagement ring on her. "Have I said thank you yet?" Yunho asked her.

Miharu nodded.

"Have I said I love you yet?" Yunho asked.

"Oh for crying out loud! Enough! You got the rest of your lives to be mushy. Disgusting." Haneul said as she dragged Miharu into a spare room of the chapel.



The end!








Wow...rushed ending much? Lol. I just want to put this fic behind me and start or end other things. Plus, Miharu and Yunho were apart long enough. I don’t want them to suffer too much. Hope you all enjoyed. Kisses and thanks for all the support!!

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke