Chapter Eight

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)


Chapter Eight


-A few weeks later-


Miharu and Yunho have not seen each other since the night Miharu kicked Yunho out of her place. She also has not seen Mina around and Haneul (the wedding planner) has also not been complaining about Mina. Miharu didn’t know whether she was happy or sad that they were out of her life.

The weather was horrible outside, it was raining cats and dogs so when her doorbell rang she was surprised to say the least.

“I’m coming” She cried out as she went to answer the door.

She opened the door to find a drenched Yunho.

“I broke up with Mina.” He said. “I can't marry her when I still love you.”

“Yunho” Miharu whispered unsure whether in pain or for happiness at his revelation.

“I love you. I loved you when we started dating and I loved you on our wedding day. I loved you when we separated, I loved you when we were apart and I love you now.” Yunho confessed. “Miharu…say something.” Yunho begged her when she simply covered with her hands.

“Yunho.” She cupped his face and gave him the most tender kiss. “I love you too, I never stopped.” She said.

Yunho cupped her face and took control of the kiss. Never breaking the kiss he somehow managed to push her inside and tumble on the couch to get reacquainted.



-a week later-


"Yunho are you sure about this?" Miharu asked as she tightly clasped Yunho's hand between hers stopping him from ringing the doorbell. "I mean..." Miharu sighed nervously. "This is harder than when i met your parents."

Yunho chuckled. "And why is that?"

"Well, you're parents knew me before we started dating. They liked me. These guys...Well, they'd be happier to never see me again." Miharu laughed sadly.

"Miharu~" Yunho tilted her head so that she would look at him. "I love you. And there is nothing in this world that would separate us again. I know how much you care for these guys and if i can somehow repair the broken bridge between you guys and make you happy then I'd be happy."

Miharu thanked him and pecked his lips. "I'm ready." She told him and took a deep breath.

Yunho rang the doorbell. "Ready hon?"

Before Miharu could reply, the door opened to the sight of Junsu.

"Miharu?" Junsu stared at Miharu and then to their hands intertwined between them. "Hyung?"

"Hi Junsu. Did the others arrive already?" Yunho asked as he led Miharu in the house.

"I’m hungry! We’re hungry! HUNGRY!!” Yoochun and Changmin whined from the livingroom.

“If you can’t wait go away!” Jaejoong’s voice drifted from the kitchen.

“Hyung! You’re  finally here!” Changmin exclaimed as he saw Yunho come in.

“What took you so lo – ” Yoochun stopped midsentence when he saw Miharu walkin behind Yunho.

“Hey.” Yunho greeted him as if there was nothing different. “Food’s not here yet? I’m hungry.” Yunho sat on one of the sofa’s and pulled Miharu to seat beside him.

Junsu came running in the living room and gaped as he stared at Miharu seated besides Yunho. Changmin and Yoochun too were speechless at the sight in front of them. They were not expecting this ever again.

Junsu, still incredulous at Miharu’s appearance at their monthly gathering, went her and pinched her. She yelped at the sudden pain.

The three men gasped.

“Ohmygodsun!” Junsu whispered. “You’re really here.”

“You guys turned quiet. What’s going on here?” Jaejoong came strolling in the livingroom and stopped in his tracks when he saw an unwanted guest sitting in Yoochun’s livingroom.

“I’m hungry!” Yunho whined at him, trying to ignore their surprised faces. Maybe if he acted as everything was normal, everything would be normal.

“Dinner is nearly ready.” Jaejoong said as he took his eyes away from Miharu and diverted them back to Yunho. He then turned towards the three guys who still had their eyes wide open and their jaws hanging. “Come help me out to set the table.” He ordered them but they were immobilized, glued to the floor. “Whatever. I’ll just call you when It’s time to eat.” Jaejoong said and returned to the kitchen.

Miharu looked after Jaejoong, watching him walk away and felt a pang of sadness.

Yunho drapped an arm around her back and squeezed her shoulder. She looked at him uncertainly and he flashed her a reassuring smile.

"Hyung~" Junsu said with a small voice. "What's going on? Where's Mina noona?"

"We thought you were bringing her. We thought you guys made peace." Yoochun added making Miharu wince.

Yunho kissed her head and brought her closer to him making sure she realized that she was the one he chose, not Mina. "Miharu and I...we... We'll tell you while eating so we're all together." Yunho told them.

The guys looked at each other nervously.

"Dinner is ready." Jaejoong calls out from the dining room.

The three guys walk to the diningroom nervously knowing that this would be a long night.

"Honey, let's eat." Yunho stood up and held his hand for Miharu to take.

"Yunho, i think this is a bad idea." Miharu said nervously. "I shouldn't have come here. You and others rarely meet because you're all so busy. You should use this time to catch up and bond. Let's set another date to tell them." Miharu stood up. "I better go." She kissed a surprised Yunho and turned to leave.

"No No No." Yunho grabbed her hand and stopped her from leaving. "I don't want to sneak around. I want to tell them that I love you. I want the whole world to know that me and you, we're a 'we' again. That you're my girlfriend and that you love me as much as i love you. They're like family. They're my brothers. I want them to know. Please." Yunho pleaded.

"Fine. But if they don't like me, you can't break up with me." Miharu joked.

"I'll never break up with you." Yunho smiled and pecked her lips. Let's go, I'm hungry." He clased Miharu's hand in his and walked towards the dining room.

"Hyung! We have to put another plate!" Junsu fretted as he took a plate from a cupboard and searched from silverware and a glass."

"Why should we put another plate?" Jaejoong said not really caring while Yoochun and Changmin were torn between siding with Jaejoong or help Junsu.

"And we have to cook something else! Miharu is allergic to all of this! Ugh!" Junsu stressed as he set an additional plate on the table just in time for Yunho and Miharu to come in.

Yunho led a nervous Miharu to a seat on the table and sat besides her.

Yoochun, Changmin and Junsu quickly sat on their seats.

"Let's dig in!" Yunho said excitedly as he thought of what to feed Miharu but realized that all the food on the table had some kind of seafood in it.

Miharu laid her hand on Yunho's arm to gain his attention. "I like rice." She told him and smiled. "It's ok." She told him then turned to face the rest of the table. "I'm sorry for intruding on your dinner. Please let us eat." Miharu gestured towards the food laid out as she saw Yoochun Junsu and Changmin awkwardly staring at her.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes and simply ignored her taking some sweet and sour fish.

"Sorry Miharu, we didn't know you were coming." Junsu apologized barely audible to the rest in the table.

"We thought Yunho made up with Mina so we made her favorite dishes. Unlike you, she can eat seafood, it's actually her favorite. And unlike her, we don't like you." Jaejoong said straight to the point. "I was going to ignore you hoping that you'd just disappear." Jaejoong sneered at her. "But you're still here and you are ruining my appetite." Jaejoong said.

"Enough! Don't talk to Miharu like that. I won't have you," Yunho glared at Jaejoong, "Or any of you." Yunho turned to glare at the remaining men "disrespecting her. I brought her here becuase i wanted to share that we are going out again. We're together again."

"Is she why you broke up with noona?" Jaejoong asked and looked at Miharu in disgust. "You just couldn't stay away could you? I told you to stay away. I can’t believe how selfish you are." Jaejoong scoffed.

“I didn’t break up with Mina becuase of Miharu. She didn’t make me. I wanted to.” Yunho clarified.

“Sure sure sure. If that’s what you want to think.” Jaejong shrugged and continued playing with his food. “But we all know what’s going on, right Miharu?” Jaejoong looked at miharu with cold eyes.

“Hyung, stop it.” Yunho warned him.

“I’m just saying the truth. It’s not my fault the truth hurts. I lost my apetite." Jaejoong gets up storms off. A few moments later they hear the front door slam shut.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night." Miharu stands up and bows towards them.

"Miharu~" Yunho stops her from leaving. I'm sorry honey. I shouldn't have pushed this." He left a tender kiss on her head and held her hand. He glared at the guys one last time and turned to leave with Miharu.

"Yunho stay. I don't want to ruin your night." Miharu stopped him from walking away.

"It'll be ruined anyways if you're not around." Yunho confessed. 

Junsu Changmin and Yoochun all looked at each other not knowing what to do. 

"Stay Yunho. I'll be fine." Miharu tried to reassure him to no end.

"Miharu...s-stay." Junsu said nervously.

Every eye in the room turned towards Junsu. He cleared his throat and coughed a few times. "You're not ruining the night. Since you and hyung are going out maybe we should somehow learn to be civil with each other if we can't be...friends."

"Junsu..." Yunho whispered.

"We can be friends again?" Miharu looked at them hopefully.

"I don't know. I mean..." Junsu sighed. Although we love Mina noona, you make hyung happy then I'm happy for you two." Junsu smiled a small shy smile.

"Junsu~" Miharu whispers in shock.

"But Miharu, please never hurt our hyung again." Junsu said.

"Never. I promise. Cross my heart. I'll be the best woman he'll ever need." Miharu said happily and ran to hug Junsu. "Thank you Su!! Thank you thank you!"

Junsu looked at Yoochun and Changmin as if asking for help. Miharu was hugging him so hard he was lacking air.

"Miharu~ Stop hugging Junsu. He's dying." Yoochun said seriously. "Come hug me too."

Miharu looked at Yoochun in surprise. "You mean...."

"If you make hyung happy then i'm happy, but like Junsu all i can ask is that you never do that again to hyung." Yoochun said and cracked a small smile.

Miharu squealed and hugged Yoochun and Junsu simultaneously.

Changmin was feeling left out. "Ahem." he cleared his throat making Miharu, Junsu and Changmin look at him. "Although I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive you for what you did to our hyung...Ahem." He cleared his throat once more and rubbed his head shyly.

"Come here you!" Miharu opened her arms and Changmin hugged her. "I missed you Minnie. Have they been treating you well?"

"Miharu! You should be asking me that! Changmin is always hitting me hard." Yunho complained. "He has no mercy for me when we play." Yunho pouted. only for the for people in the remaining table to laugh at him. "I want my hug too!!" Yunho whined.

"My poor honey bunny sweetie pie." Miharu baby talked him and hugged him too.

Yunho looked over from Miharu's head to mouth to the guys 'thank you'


-a few hours later-

Miharu and the guys were in the living room catching up and gossiping none stop. Miharu was ecstatic at the change in their relationship. Although she felt a certain gap between them after all these years, she was glad she had the opportunity of a second chance, not only with Yunho but with her closest friends.

Miharu was laughing at a story Yoochun was telling, it was an incident regarding Yunho, Jaejoong and an excited cougar.

"Hyung and i were seriously running for our lives once we got out of the restroom." Yunho smiled as he remembered the episode.

"How did you get out of the restroom?"

"We crawled through the restroom window." They laughed imagining them doing what Yunho was telling.

Miharu smiled and felt awkward once again. Jaejoong...her dear best friend, or should she say ex best friend Jaejoong.

"Miharu, don't feel too bad. Hyung will get around the idea of you and Yunho hyung being a couple again." Junsu said.

"And if he can’t deal with it, it won’t matter.” Yunho reassured her and lightly squeezed her hand.



-a day later-

Miharu tapped her feet on the ground nervously. She was standing in front of Jaejoong's apartment hoping that he would give her the time of day. Unfortunately for her, God seemed to be busy. SHe has rang the doorbeel several times in the couple of hours she stood infront of the door. No answer what so ever. 

A few hours later when she was ready to sleep infront of the door, Jaejoong strolled out of the apartment. 

"Hi Jaejoong." Miharu greeted his shyly, blocking his way

"Move." Jaejoong said coldly

“Jaejoong, we have to talk.”

“We don’t have to. What you have to do is move.”

“Will you stop acting like a sulking child and act as an adult!” Miharu said angrily. “I’m so sick of you treating me like you do. I took all the blows you threw at me because, yes, I deserve it. I’m sorry. I really am. I’m sorry I cheated on Yunho. I’m sorry I broke your trust. I’m sorry okay! I…just please, can you stop looking at me with those cold eyes. You know I didn't mean to cheat on him! You know me! Will one night erase all those years we were friends?!” She took a deep breath to calm herself. “I’m still the Miharu you played with when we were younger.”

"My Miharu died the night you slept with anther man.” He looked at her in disgust. “You know how I hate, despise, abhor women who cheat. I thought you were different. You were supposed to be different. You were supposed to prove me wrong."

“I’m sorry you at choosing women and they end up cheating won you but unlike them I did not choose to cheat on my man. Will you stop comparing me to them.”

The elevator a few feet away dinged and a few moments later two kids came running past them towards another apartment. Their grandmother looked at them and shook her head.

“Let’s go inside.” Jaejoong said stoically and let her pass.

Jaejoong led them to the livingroom. They sat in silence not sure what to say.

“Tell me the truth,” Jaejoong broke the silence. “Did you sabotage their relationship?” Jaejoong asked as he sat on the couch.

“No! I…I really did not – I … I really just wanted to help them. I wanted to give Yunho and Mina the best wedding.”

Jaejoong nodded.

“Can’t we be friends again? Is there no hope for it?” Miharu asked him insecurely.

“No hope.”

Miharu sighed in defeat. “Yunho and I…we…we’re going out again as you know and, you mean a lot to him. It would be great if we could be at least civil towards each other.”

“I still wish that Mina and Yunho would have worked out but since it doesn’t seem likely and according to the others you make Yunho happy, I’ll just shut up. I won’t voice out my opinion.”

“Jaejoong – ”

“Miharu, I really feel uncomfortable with you around.” He confessed. “So please, stop trying to be my friend, because I don’t think it’s going to work. Let’s just live our lives.”

“I understand.” Miharu said, feeling her heart break at his words. “I’ll be leaving now then.” She stood up.

“Please don’t hurt him again.” Jaejoong told her as he watched her leave

* * * * 

note : 

And they lived happily ever after (except for Jae and Miharu. lol.)


Just kiddin.


I still got like three chapters or something. I'm really excited for the next chap though i haven't typed it yet. lol.

Thanl you for all the lovely feedback. I shall reply to them on the next update. I'm off to play sims3.  hahaha

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke