Chapter five

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)


Chapter five


-a few weeks later-



-in a restaurant downtown-

“I really hate you.” Haneul said as she sat at the bar beside Miharu.

“Hey! I waited fir you for nearly 30 minutes here. And now that you arrive all you say is I hate you? You’re so mean to me.” Miharu said and sipped her wine.

“I wouldn’t be late if you didn’t make me do that insane bride’s wedding in the last minute. Have you any idea how demanding and time consuming she is. She thinks that just because she’s paying me I have to be her slave.” Haneul said and drank the remaining wine in Miharu’s glass.

Miharu shook her head and signaled the bartender for two more glasses. “I’m sorry but thank you for taking her. It means a lot to me.”

“You owe me so big!! I better have Mont Blancs and cream puffs ready for me everyday.” Hanuel said. She sipped her drink and calmed down. “You’re insane. I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with my ex husband.”

“You don’t have an ex husband.” Miharu pointed out.

Hanuel shrugged. “But you know what, I understand why you want to help ex hubby, after weeks of consulting with Crazy Bridezilla Mina I finally meet the bridegroom. He’s one fine looking – ”

“Haneul.” Miharu said with a warning voice.

“Hey I’m just stating the facts.”

“I want to help them not because I want to be with Yunho. I just want to make it up to him.” Miharu said, swirling the wine in her glass.

“Miharu, you made it up to him a long time – ”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Miharu interrupted her. “So. Anyways. Where are we going tonight?” Miharu asked.


“Ugh! Don’t tell me. You’re busy and we can’t do our usual girl’s night out.”

“Sorry.” Haneul apologized. “You know wedding season, I barely sleep.”

“It’s ok. Do you’re thing. We’ll hang some other time.” Miharu said.

“Thanks girl.” Haneul drank the remaining wine in her glass and left.

“Yah! You’re wine! You’re making me pay?! Aish.” Miharu called after Haneul. She turned towards the bartender and asked for her tab. She swirled the remaining wine in her glass and waited for her bill. “Thank you.” She said as she took the bill from the bartender.

“Well well well…look who’s back in town.”

Miharu turned to find Jaejoong behind her. Miharu was shocked to see her once best friend, her childhood friend. The last time they saw each other was prior to her divorce.

“Ohhh…drinking all alone? What happened? Date stood you up?” Jaejoong spat at her.

Miharu shook her head not wanting to create a scene. She rummaged through her bag for her wallet.

“Yunho said you're their cake baker and helps in the wedding? Don't get any ideas. Yunho is very much in love with Mina, and unlike you she deserves a great guy like Yunho.”

Miharu ignored him. She inserted the money and gave the bill to the bartender. She stood up, wore her jacket and left the restaurant.

“Hey! I’m talking to you !” Jaejoong followed her outside. “What? You make a cake for goddamn model and now you’re to good to talk to your bestfriend?” He asks sarcastically. He grabs her wrist and makes her look at him. “I said I’m talking to you .

“You’re making a scene. Stop it.” Miharu said as she tried to pull herself free. “Jaejoong stop it, you’re hurting me.” Miharu says as she tries to free herself.

“You hurt one of my closest friend. You hurt me. You broke our friendship apart.” He looked at her in disgust.

“Jaejoong please – ”

“Let her go.” A voice boomed behind Jaejoong.

Miharu and Jaejoong look to find Yunho glaring at Jaejoong.

“You’re hurting her, let her go.” Yunho said calmly. He walked towards them and pulled her behind him. “Go inside.” Yunho nodded toward the restaurant they just left.

Jaejoong looked shocked at Yunho but when Yunho  nodded towards the restaurant once more Jaejoong did as he was told. He glared at Miharu one last time and entered the restaurant.

“Yunho thank – ” She tried thanking him but he left her soon after. “thank you.”

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke