Chapter seven

Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)

Chapter seven : 


"This is un-ing believable!" Mina sweared and jabbed her food with her chopsticks. "I need those damn samples! Doesn't she know how much ing time we have before we have to finalize everything?!" Mina kept ranting.

Yunho tried hard to not roll his eyes. Here he was again, stuck listening to Mina's complaining.

"I'll pass by her pastry shop tomorrow morning and bring you the samples. Ok? Eat." Yunho said.

"Argh! I bet she was too busy checking you out that's why she forgot all about her duties. I knew it, she is bad news." Mina said stabbing her food with her chopsticks.

Yunho sighed in frustration "Mina just eat your food."

"I mean, all she had to do was drop by those samples. Can't she do something that easy? Man is she retarded or something? Now i have to cram thanks to her. Dammit!"

"Enough!" Yunho slammed his chopsticks on the table stunning her. "Do you really have to badmouth her? I already said I'll pass by her shop and get you the samples." 

Mina blinked a couple of times, surprised at Yunho's actions. "Why are you siding with her?"

"Because! Ever since we started preparing for this wedding you have been a total bridezilla!"

"Well maybe i wouldn't be a bridezilla if you contributed more time to this! This is so stressful! You don't help at all! All I asked was for you to take the goddamn samples and you couldn't even do that!"

"I don't do anything? Excuse me?" Yunho asked perplexed and with a hint of anger. "What do you want more from me! I have tons of cases to handle now. Does it really matter if our flowers match the color of our table cloths?I have cancelled numerous appointments to be where you want me to be, cake tasting, catering tasting, picking out flowers, table arrangements, venues - "

"Well I'm sorry I keep you away from your precious clients. Since you miss them so much why don't you just marry them!"

"Well maybe I should! I don't remember wanting to spend the rest of my life with a person who cares more for the wedding ceremony than her future husband. I don't remember proposing to someone willing to belittle someone because she didn't get what she want."

"You don't appreciate me! You take all the effort I put into this wedding for nothing!" 

"What are you talking about?"

"I bet you still think about your ex wife too. You probably think she'd have handled this better. You probably think She's better than me and better good looking and that she cooks better. She's probably better in bed too!"

"Why are we talking about my ex wife? All i wanted was for you to eat and stop badmouthing Miharu. She's only trying to help us."

Mina smiled at Yunho, stood up from her seat, took her rice bowl and dumped it over his head. "Go back to you ex wife!"



"Yunho!" Miharu said, surprised to find the man on her doorstep. "What are you doing here?

"Hey. I brought soju. Drink with me." Yunho said

"Why do you have rice stuck in your hair?" Miharu asked as she picked a grain of rice off his hair. "Did the wedding happen already?" She joked awkwardly. What the hell was he doing here?

"It's kind of cold here. Let me in." Yunho said.

"Did you drink?" Miharu asked as she caught a whif of alcohol as he passed her.

"No! Maybe, a litlle, yes," He said as he looked around the apartment. "This is nice."

"I don't want to sound rude but....What are you doing here?" Miharu asked as she followed Yunho around the kitchen.

"I'm trying to find some glasses for us to drink this." He said and showed her the bottle he was carrying.

"This is kind of a bad moment Yunho. And after what happened this afternoon I don't think it's right for us to be together...Yunho are you listening to me?" Miharu asked as she followed him around as he took two glasses from the cupboard. Once he finally found the glasses he went to sit on the couch in the living room.

"You know what I loved about you? The fact that you'd just listen to me. You'd let me talk and talk and talk and then you'd kiss me and tell me everything will be alright." He sighed and poured himself a glass then poured another for Miharu.

"So what's wrong?" Miharu asked as she sat beside him and took the glass he was offering.

"I can't stand my wife to be." He said making Miharu choke on her drink. "She nags about everything! She's going crazy because of this wedding. I think she said yes to me so that she could have her dream wedding."

"There are women who have dreamed about their wedding day since they were kids." Miharu said. "Don't take it the wrong way."

"You weren't like that." he pointed out as he drank his drink and poured another. "What mattered to you was that i remembered to say I do."

"That is the most important part." Miharu smiled remembering all the times she asked him if he was sure he wanted to marry her.

Yunho looked at her making her feel conscious. 

She pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled awkwardly.

"You're still very very pretty." He said.

Miharu blinked a couple of times surprised at the words coming out from his lips. "Thank you."

All of a sudden Miharu felt lips against her cheeks. 

"Yunho!" Miharu gasped in shock. She pulled away and looked at him bewildered.

Yunho cupped her face and pecked her lips several times.

"Yunho..." Miharu took his hands off her and scooted away from him. "Don't do this."

"But I want to." Yunho said as he scooted over to her.

"No...You don't want to." Miharu shook her head. "You don't want to cheat on Mina. You love her. This..." she said pointing at the two of them " wrong. You're just having pre-wedding jitters."

"No I'm not." He said as his hand went to her waist and pulled her to him.

"Yunho, don't. I don't want you to hate me. I don;t want the guys to hate me anymore than they already do please." She said as she pushed him away but he was strong and barely moved. 

"I don't hate you." He said as he leaned in to kiss her.

"But you will." She said as she turned her face from him.  "Don’t do this Yunho, think about Mina. You drank a little too much. Don’t do this. There is nothing I regret most than cheating on you. Don’t do this." Miharu said as she looked at Yunho’s lips.

"There’s nothing I’ll regret more than not kissing you right now." Yunho leans in to kiss her but she pulls back.

"It’s the alcohol talking." she said unable to look at him.

He cupped her face, leaving her no other choice but to look at him. "You talk to much." He said and proceeded to kiss her passionately.

After several minutes of kissing, Miharu felt Yunho’s hand start trail up and down her back giving her the tingles. Miharu pulled back and moaned. Her head fell back and Yunho took the opportunity to familiarize himself with her erogenous zones on her neck once more.

"Yunho we shouldn’t do this. We have to stop." She moaned at the administrations of Yunho's lips and tongue.

"I don’t want to stop. I don’t want to let you go. This feels so good. So right." he murmured between nibbles.

Miharu pushed him away with all her strength and abruptly stood up. She looked at Yunho and took a few steps away.

"Miharu~" Yunho called her.

"I'm not letting you make this mistake." Miharu said. "Go home Yunho."  


* * *

Omigash! took me forever (in my standards) to update. I was planning on having this fic finished by now. ugh. stoopid work (think of the pay...think of the pay. lol)


First off, thank you to all you readers, subscribers, commenters...Thanks you very much.

Now...on to your questions..

So you're all probably thinking, why the heck is jaejoong so mean. Well...more on that in the following updates. lol. 

No...Jaejoong is not the one Miharu slept with on that fateful day. hehehe.


Anyways...more to come. 



@mrskwonjiyong :

Hahaha...i so totally did not notice the "Hana" part. This was actually supposed to be a Jejoong-Hana (I always have her in my mind when i write a Jaejoong fic) but somehow i kept writing YUNHO instead. lol. 

Her last name is Ono...yep...Ohno Satoshi OHNO!!!! Waaa~~~ Riida!!! all hail riida. lol.

oops...grammatical errors. Let me correct that. Thanks for pointing them out! *chocolates for you*

@reefanny : i always make jaejoong into this horrible guy right? I'm so sorry. huhuhu.

@coolsmurf09 : I updated. Hope you're still enjoying the fic :)

@safecracker : I'm glad you like the way the story is written. Thank you for the feedback :)

@yunhosyeobo : The truth shall come out in the next will make you go o.O lol.

@cri_mson : They're horrible right. They shall come begging for forgiveness. Lol.

@iluvmyblingbling : Thank you for giving this fic a shot. *bow*

@Nisrandom : Jaejoong should have totally found whoever Miharu slept with and beat him up to a pulp! 

@DarkSoul : Don't karate shop Jaejoong's head! I like his head. lol

@ChaosShiki : I updated! Yay! Hope you enjoy.

@borsha : Thank you for the compliment. Hope you still enjoy the fic :)

@-Yoola- apparently Yunho was grateful for what Miharu was doing though he was silent about it.

@YunhoRulz : Thank you for the compliment and support I'm glad you support Yunho and Mina's marriage...i'm not sure you still support it now. Miharu did something horrible but atleast she was honestly sorry about it. :) Man...your comment was deep. Thank you. 

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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke