
Once a cheater, always a cheater (with Jaejoong's epilogue)



Chapter Twelve :


The following night, Miharu opened her apartment door to find a bruised Jaejoong standing on the otherside with a plastic bag.

"What can I do for you?" Miharu asked as she looked at the cuts and bruises on his face..

"You might be sad after the series of recent event." He said looking uncomfortable. "I remember you like eating chocolates of all kinds when sad. I brought you Chocolate bars, candies, icecream, the mix for some hot cocoa, and chocoalte chips." He held up the plastic bag to them.

Miharu looked at the bag suspiciously, then back at the bruises.

"Please take it." Jaejoong said akwardly. "My arm's about to fall off, take it."

Miharu took the bag from Jaejoong. "Thank you."



A few moments passed in silence, neither of the two talking not really sure what to say.



"What happened to you?" Miharu asked.

"Yunho happened."

Miharu simply nodded.


Another few moments passed in silence, neither of the two talking not really sure what to say.


"Well....Uhmmm Thank you for the chocolates." Miharu said awkwardly. "I'll go now." Miharu closed the door and soon after the doorbell rang.

She opened the door to still find Jaejoong there.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Jaejoong asked.

"I guess..." Miharu stepped aside and let Jaejoong in. He followed her to the livingroom.

"Please take a seat." She motioned to the couch. She laid the plastic bag on the coffee table and took out the tub of chocolate icecream. "Watch some TV if you want." She pointed to the remote as she passed to go to the kitchen. Jaejoong turned the tv on and mindlessly surfed the channels.

"Here." Miharu had quickly returned to the living room and was handing JAejoong a spoon, while the other was stabbed in the icecream. "I don't eat chocolate icecream tubs alone...right?" Miharu smiled a little smile at him.

After years of being apart, the bestfriends seemed to be reunited and made peace with eachother with a simple gesture as sharing icecream.




"Joongie~~ Why would he break up with me like that?! He's so heartless." Miharu wailed over the half gallon chocolate ice cream Jaejoong brought her.

Jaejoong and Miharu were on their senior year in high school. Her boyfriend of two months dumped her for an older college girl and left the young Miharu heartbroken. So Jaejoong, as best friend, had the duty to rise her mood up.

"Aish. Why don't you have girlfriends. Why am I the one stuck doing this?" He asked himself as he rubbed Miharu's back as she kept crying and stuffing her face with the icecream.

"Stop crying. You look horrible, you're mascara and eyeliner is running down your face. Couldn't you have at least worn waterproof mascara and eyeliner?" Jaejoong tried to rile her up and think of something else.

"That's why Seunghyun oppa left me!!" Miharu just wailed louder.

"Gahhhd!!" Jaejoong cursed himself. "Miharu stop crying, he's not worth it."

"Of course he's worth it!" She turned angrily at Jaejoong scaring him. "He's in the top 10 of our batch! He...he...he's sweet and gentlemanly and smart and handsome and athletic, while I'm a mascara stained giiiiirl!!!" She wailed and stuffed her face with icecream.

"I don't think being part of the chess team is being athletic." Jaejoong whispered to himself.

"He's on the track and field team!" Miharu hit him.

"Ow!!" Jaejoong rubbed his arm and looked glared at her. "Ono Miharu that hurt! You punch like a man!"

"You only think that because your body is like that one of a prepubescent girl!" Miharu cried at she scooped another bite.

"Stop eating! Ewww!! You're disgusting!" Jaejoong observed her cry and eat at the same time. "Your mascara laced tears are dropping on the icecream and yet you keep eating! You're such a pig." Jaejoong shook his head.

Miharu stood up and went to the kitchen. A few seconds later she was back on the sofa.

“Here…eat.” She handed him a spoon. “If I’m going to get sick or a tummy ache, then I don’t want to be alone. Misery loves company right.” She said and resumed eating


*end of flashback*


"I'm sorry for the past years." Jaejoong said as he scooped some icecream. "You probably hated me for not taking your side."

"I'm not going to lie, I certainly did not like you much for just turning your back on me like that but...I don't blame you." She her spoon. "I knew just how much you hate cheaters, what with your mom leaving you and your father after her affair and the endless women you dated who were just s, you were such a magnet then. You should know that I'm not like them. I just wished you didn't look at me then with such hatred and disgust." Miharu confessed.

"I'm sorry." Jaejoong bowed his head, unable to look at her.

"I'm not going to say 'it's ok' because it's not. But...whatever." Miharu ate a spoonful of icecream. "Bar da weh..." Miharu hurriedly swallowed the food in . "By the way...What did you and Yunho do to land yourselves in jail?"

"Just a minor neighborhood disturbance." Jaejoong waved off the issue. "Did you see Yunho by the gate?"

"Yeh. I...I can see him from my window." Miharu said.

Jaejoong simply nodded and let the issue drop.





Jaejoong was walking towards Miharu's apartment complex when he spotted Yunho by the entrance.

"What are you doing here?" Yunho asked Jaejoong once both were close enough to eachother.

"None of your business." Jaejoong glared at Yunho. "What are you doing here?"

"Miharu." Yunho looked towards the thirdfloor at the window of Miharu's apartment.

"She's not in the apartment?" Jaejoong looked at the icecream he bought worrying that it will melt before he can give it to her.

"She is. She just won't let me in." Yunho said.

Jaejoong nodded and left Yunho behind to go to Miharu.

*end flashback*



-Two days later-


"I can't believe my car broke down on us!" Haneul mumbled for the nth time as she carried some groceries of Miharu uphill towards Miharu's apartment.

"Maybe it's because the car is older than we are." Miharu commented reffering to Haneul's red beat up bug.

"It's a family tradition!" Hanuel said. "My mom gave it to me, and her mom gave it to her and her mom's mom gave it to her! I just can't throw it away. It's not's freaking antique." Hanuel said making Miharu laugh.

"That it is my friend. Just replace it, with your salary you could afford an awesome car."

"Have you not just listened to my rant about how the car is passed from generation to generation to ing generation? I must keep it alive and give it to my daughter. Make her suffer with the damn bug too, That's family tradition!"

"First, you are such a workaholic, I don't think you'll ever get married and get kids. Seco-"

"I don't need to get married. I just need to get pregnant." Haneul interrupted her.

"Yeah right, as much as you like thinking you are a free spirt, liberal, tree hugging hippie, you are not. You are so conserative and traditionalist you put a nun to shame."

Haneul gasped. "I am NOT!"

"Whatever Mother Theresa. And even if you got yourself pregnant with a kid - "

"Miharu." Yunho caught the women's attention. He had hurriedly made his way to Miharu's apartment complex right after 5pm when he was free to leave the office, and waited for her.

"He's here again?" Haneul frowned seeing Yunho again. Yesterday she passed by Miharu's place after Miharu left her apartment keys in Haneul's car and found Yunho by the gate.

Miharu and Yunho exchanged looks. Yunho was silently pleading for some of her time, while Miharu just stared at him, taking notice of his bruises and cuts, seeing his paler face and swollen eyes.

"Honey please li - "

"As I was saying," Miharu looked at Hanuel and turned her back to Yunho, ignoring the continuous pleads of Yunho. "Even if you got pregnant with some random guy, how sure are you the baby would get a daughter? I say just sell the old bug, put you and your bug out of its misery and start a new tradition. Give your daughter a new shiney B M W!" Miharu said.

"BMW my ." Haneul snorted.

"Miharu." Yunho whispered in the air.



-three days later-

"I'll be there in a bit. Ok?" Miharu said to the person on the other line of her phone. She hurriedly walked out of her building to come face to face with Yunho. She looked away and kept walking away  "Just, order something and I'll be there ASAP."

"Miharu - "

"TAXI!!" Miharu hailed a passing empty cab.

"Miharu!" Yunho said her name in a tern voice and grabbed her arm.

Miharu pulled her arm away and got in the car.



-two days later-

"Miharu!" Yunho approached jogged to her.

It was eight o'clock and Miharu had just left the pastry shop and was on her way to work. As usual, Yunho was waiting for her by the compound gate. And unlike the previous days, Miharu had no excuse to ignore him.

So she quickly made up an excuse. 

She took out her phone and started typing random stuff.

"Miharu please listen to me." Yunho said as he walked alongside Miharu. "I'll just say it now, me and Mina...does it really matter what happened years ago? Shouldn't what matter is what we feel now? Miharu I love you unlike any kind of love I felt before. Please Miharu, talk to me. Please."

Miharu continued to type on her phone ignoring the pleading Yunho beside her Until she finaly made her way in the building.


-That night-

"You should give him a chance Miharu." Junsu said as he looked out of the window and where Yunho was waiting, joping that you'd come and meet him.

"Yeah....NO. Not going to happen. Miharu, just go out with this guy I know. I'm sure you'll like him. He's a finance analyst for a pretty big international corporation." Haneul said as she supervised Jaejoong and Miharu cooking.

"This is pretty unbelievable and I can't believe I'm saying this but, Miharu, I agree with...that thing."

"Hey!" Haneul protested.

"Children...stop fighting." Miharu teased.

"Miharu, the poor guy is feeling horrible. He's definitely half the man he used to be." Junsu continued to observe his hyung.

"He deserves it. The ." Haneul said.

"Yikiiii~~ Haneul likes Su's duckbutt" Jaejoong teased.

"At least a part of him is attractive. Unlike other people in this room." Haneul said looking at Jaejoong.

"Miharu, did you hear that? It, " he pointed at Haneul "said that you were not attractive!" Jaejoong said.

"I was referring to you, you mangirl!" Haneul cried out.

Junsu shook his head at the two arguing on whether Jaejoong was a girl or a woman. 

"I'm neither you - Miharuuuu!! You only need one best friend, I'm going to murder her yes?"

"Hyung..." Junsu looked pitifully at his hyung looking up at Miharu's window.


--A few hours later--


Yunho was rubbing his arms trying to warm himself from the chilly night air. It been a week and yet he has still to hear a word come out of Miharu's mouth. He might as well be invisible because that was how he felt.


Yunho turned around and was greeted by the sight of Miharu holding up a tupperware.

"Here's some food."

"Miharu....Thanks." Yunho took the tupperware she was offering.

"Please go home. You don't need to stay here until early in the morning. You shouldn't run here after work. You shouldn't skip your meals and stay here all night catching a cold." Miharu looked at him.

"I just want to talk with you." Yunho said honestly.

"Junsu said you're handling a pretty important case. You should go home and get ready for that."

"No. We need to talk. Us, that's more important."

"No. There is no 'us' That case is more important, people's lives depend on it."

"My life depends on this on US! Miharu - "

"Go Home Yunho." Miharu said, her eyes looking up at the stars asking for guidance.

"Not until you give us a chance or atleast you hear me out."

"Yunho, please. Let's not prolong our suffering. Let's just move on."

"No! We can't just end like that!" He gripped her by the shoulders and brought his face inches from hers. "Remember what you told me? You told me your biggest regret is not fighting for our marriage when I asked you for a divorce. I'm not going to make that mistake. I won't make that my regret. Miharu~"

Miharu pulled away from Yunho and walked back to the building.





Hey guys,


So yeah...i updated again. Just felt in the mood.

Sorry, nothing much happened. I wanted to give a small insight in Miharu and Jaejoong's friendship.

Maybe you guys were expecting for Jaejoong to confess his feelings,

but the truth is....friendship is the only thing between them.

You guys know of bffs looking and acting like a couple...that's Miharu and Jaejoong for you guys.

Maybe they were each other's first love, but yeah...That's all.

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Thank you!


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MagicSnowFlakes #1
Chapter 14: Unexpected ending xP i thought they were really finished
inspirit-beauty #2
Chapter 15: oh my god.. chap 1 until chap 15 im in tears for goodness sake and now i have super clogged nose.. why are u so good authornim?? i wasted a bunch of tissues lol :D. yunho<3 and is this epilogue the side story? coz haneul and jae are so cute together! okay gtg ill read it now .. :) btw thank you for this awesome story.. ^^
great story
GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!good job unnie:DDD and please do write a lot of Yunho story^^
this is good! i have to finish this before i go out in the office and I did! yaay~!<br />
Such a nice story
I loved this story! But I am really curious who the guy Miharu slept with. HAH.
This story is great! Just like your other ones!<br />
For a moment I thought Jae had a secret crush on Miharu but heh he's just a best friend. <br />
I'm glad they're back together...<br />
<br />
But honestly if it were me, I would never give Yunho a chance again. <br />
But hehehe in this case cause it's YUNHO... I'll just throw away all my principles kekeke
LOL jaejoong the kekeke