SM's Happy Children's Center Daycare


“Alright kids! IT’S LUNCHTIME!” Sooyoung yelled at the top of her lungs.


Everyone went to the 4 long tables and each took out their lunchboxes.


UKISS’s table…


“Hey Kevin, what’d you get?” asked Dongho, pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


“I got a bento!” he chirped happily. “Mom makes them for me, Sungmin, and Jinki hyung on a lucky day!”


“Vinnie, do you want to share our lunches together?” asked Eli.


“Sure!” And they started feeding each other.




Sungmin cooed at the scene in front of him. “Aww, they look like a married couple!” He pointed at Kevin and Eli who were spoon-feeding each other rice.


“Yeah so?” said Kyuhyun, on his Ipad (Where did he get that?) playing Angry Birds while munching on a box of Pepero.


“Hmph.” The bunny crossed his arms. He then noticed the box of Pepero in the maknae’s hand and suddenly had an idea. (He had been having a secret crush on the younger ever since Kyuhyun helped him up after he tripped over Donghae and Eunhyuk, who were apparently sharing a cookie.) He quickly grabbed a one of the Pepero sticks and Kyuhyun’s Ipad.


“Hey! Give me that! It’s mine!” The younger tried to grab his possessions back.


“No way! If you want it back, get the Pocky in my mouth and eat all of it!” (Sungmin doesn’t like the word “Pepero”. (^__^ ;) ) He then put part of the stick in his mouth.


“Alright, fine!” Kyuhyun latched his mouth on the other part of the stick and began munching on it. When he was millimeters away from the bunny’s lips, he then realized how close he was to the older, stopped, and closed his eyes in order to avoid the blush that was slowly forming on his face. Sungmin saw this and quickly closed the gap in between them. Everyone let out a gasp.


Kyuhyun felt warmth on his lips. When he opened his eyes, he quickly realized that he was kissing Sungmin. He then proceeded to let out one of those manly yet feminine screams after that.


At the last table we’ll go to…


“What is this? Valentine’s day or what?” Minho mumbled to himself.


“Actually for your information, it’s Pepero Day. The 14th of February is Valentine’s Day and Oregon’s birthday also,” Taemin informed the Keroppi older.


“I didn’t ask for you, Taemin.”


“Whatever, at least I’m gonna grow taller than you.”




“Oh yes I did.”


The rest of the bandmates stared at the bickering couple from down the table and then quickly resumed to whatever they were doing.


“Oh Shisus, I forgot my lunch,” muttered Jinki.


“Can I feed you my lunch then?” Jonghyun asked with hope in his eyes.


“Are you sure? I don’t want my fellow dongsaengs to be hungry.”


“Ne, I’m sure. I’ve not even that hungry anyway.”


“Okay then.”


Jonghyun was about to feed Jinki a spoon of Bibimbap when Key decided to interrupt the JongYu couple.


“Ahem, I think it would be best if I fed him, since the food my mom makes is always the best,” Key gloated, looking at Jonghyun with a smirk on his face when he saw a glare sent his way.


“You know, I think he’s fine with me feeding me. After all, I asked him first,” Jonghyun replied back.


“But, he could really enjoy my lunch. I helped my mom make it and it was specifically made for the leader anyway.”


“That’s it. YOU WANT TO TAKE THIS OUTSIDE! HUH?! PEASANT?!” The dino finally snapped.




“Guys? Guys! Can’t we just discuss this like civilized chickens people? Guys? Are you listening to me?” Jinki tried to break apart the argument, (also did Minho too) and then sat back down when he realized that there was no use to make them stop fighting.


A boy somewhere around his age came up to the poor chicken-lover. “Hi. I’m Joon. You seem like you need some peace and quiet. Would you like to eat with me and my gang?” He politely asked.


“Sure!” Jinki grabbed one of the lunches (it was Jonghyun’s) and followed the latter to one of the other tables.


Back at the SHINee table…


“THIS STUPID PUPPY HERE LOOKS FOOLISH RIGHT NOW! RIGHT JINKI HYUNG?! Jinki hyung?” Key looked and saw that Jinki had disappeared to somewhere.


Jonghyun also noticed and looked around. He then spotted his beloved leader sitting next to MBLAQ chatting and eating along happily with his lunch.


“Aww come on! Look what we did now!” He stomped his foot on the floor and threw a mini tantrum.


“I told you guys. Me and Jinki hyung were trying to break you guys apart and look what you did. At least he’s enjoying some peace over there,” Minho said, surfing on the Internet.


“Hmph.” Jonghyun crossed his arms.




Kyuhyun rested his head on the table with a light blush on his face. He still couldn’t get the scene out of from his mind. Heechul came and sat with the maknae.


“Heh, you finally  got your first kiss. About time too. Now Hannie owes me $20! Serves him right, doubting me like that,” Heechul said.


“HYUNG, IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT?! MONEY?!” Kyuhyun whined and covered his face with his hands. “My image has been ruined.” He sulked on the table.


At U-KISS’s table…


“Aish, really, is everyday going to be like this?” Soohyun complained to himself.


“Well, at least you’ve got me and Dongho, our “son”; and Kevin too. Eli has been pretty depressed these days lately. It’s nice to see him happy again. Although, he is pretty creepy now, him being all romantic and such,” said Hoon, hugging his lover’s waist.


“You’re right Hoon (especially that last part). Thanks for being my boyfriend.”


"Anytime, hyung," He whispered into the leader's ear.


They then cuddled into each other’s embrace.





~Aww, I made the ending of this chapter so sweet and fluffy. X3 One day I will make cotton candy with this LOLZ. XD And I’m very sorry for not updating in a while, forgive meh? D: FREE ELVIN FOR ALL! *hands out a bunch of ElVin moments* I’ve been very busy lately with projects coming up and all. I’m on my hiatus break now from school because of Thanksgiving so I hope to get some chapters up and a new story. *Hint* :D Until then, you, thanks for reading, enjoying, and waiting for this fic! :)

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Chapter 13: Uh, waeyo ?? Are you in hard time ??
( T-T ) Never mind then,
But, if you will write another fics..
Please post the link, kay ??
Hwaiting to you, author nim !! ( ^3^ )
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 9: Wae? No kyumin christmast scene? I want a kyumin kiss too...
4everus #3
daebak! ^^
SnHiromi #4
Chapter 6: Yeah jongyu!!! <3
Chapter 6: This story is so cute, I love it (^•^)
Chapter 4: Hehe he I am super sorry for my idotcy, im new to AFF, and I didnt get it until my sis explained. Sorry
Chapter 4: WHT?? I dont get it? Ahhh!! Am I going crazy?
Chapter 1: Kehkeh, I think its funny how Sooyoung treats them like soldiers in the army. :)