Chapter 13

Lie For Two
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My hands were shaking and I wasn’t sure if it was fear I felt or I was just seconds from mental breakdown. I gulped, trying to calm my nerves and put on the ground bags full of stuff I bought in grocery store near Baekhyun’s house. Somehow I felt that buying this will help me to show him how sorry I was. A small bribe to make him forgive me. I sighed heavily, closing my eyes with resignation. Who knew it could be this hard to apologize. What should I say when I’ll see him? Should I smile and act like it wasn’t a big deal after all? Maybe first I should find out where he kept knifes and other sharp objects, just in case…

God, I was so scared to go inside his house. I was sure he won’t be glad to see me again and I didn’t want to face him either. But I couldn’t go back home without apologizing to him. My conscience wouldn’t let me sleep peacefully and another sleepless night wasn’t really appealing to me. I breathed in and out few times like some freaking pregnant woman and opened the door with the five numbers code before I could change my mind. Taking bags with food, I went inside, feeling like in action movie. The one with gangsters and cops popping out of nowhere with guns in hands. I looked around to find Baekhyun but if he was home, he didn’t bother to come out of his room.

Well, good for me. I could just put everything inside his fridge and leave a note how I regretted our last fight. Kai didn’t specify how I should apologize, right? When I was heading to the kitchen, a sound of rushing water reached my ears and I quickened my pace immediately. Baekhyun was home and unfortunately he was taking a shower. Great timing, Eun Jin. I just hope he didn’t like going around after his shower time.

Trying to distract my thoughts from Baekhyun, I quickly opened his fridge and started unpacking the bags I brought with me. Now I knew why he was always so skinny. Baekhyun probably didn’t bother to cook for himself and there wasn’t anyone who could make a proper dinner he could eat. Maybe I should start preparing breakfast for him? I was his girlfriend at school after all, it wouldn’t be suspicious and he wouldn’t have a choice but to eat it. I smiled to myself, that was a wonderful idea.

The sudden sound of opening doors almost gave me a heart attack. Baekhyun was done showering and I was still in the middle of unpacking bags with food. I nervously looked around, trying to figure out what to do. How will he react seeing me again in his kitchen? Last time he wasn’t really pleased so simple greetings like ‘hey buddy, long time no see’ didn’t seem like a good idea. My hands started shaking again and I finally realized that I didn’t want to confront him right now. I was so scared to see him and didn’t know what to say to him so without thinking I closed the fridge, put the bags on the kitchen cupboard and hid myself under the table.

As soon as I did it, Baekhyun entered the kitchen and I shut my eyes closed, cursing in mind at my overwhelming stupidity. Who in his right mind hid in someone’s kitchen after filling his empty fridge? Baekhyun could be arrogant and heartless but he wasn’t stupid. After seeing the shopping bags, he will start looking for me everywhere and then he will find me. Sitting under his table like a real thief. Or like some stalker. Dammit, at least I could find a better place to hide.

I held my breath when I saw Baekhyun’s legs. Fortunately, he was wearing jeans so this whole situation won’t get more awkward and my mind will stay pure. The last thing I wanted now was a memory of Baekhyun, haunting me in my dreams. He stopped in front of his fridge and I bit my bottom lip nervously when he opened it. The silence in the kitchen was unbearable and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. That were the most nerve wracking seconds in my entire life. Not moving, I was observing how Baekhyun stood there for a good minute, probably analyzing how on earth his fridge got filled with food. He then took a bottle with water from it, closed the fridge gently and placed a cup with bottle on the table I was sitting under. I sighed with relief. So far so good, he miraculously didn’t seem to notice me there. Getting a little more relaxed, I was listening to the sound of water being poured into a cup.

When he suddenly bent under the table without any warning, I yelped and jumped with fear, hitting my head pretty hard. God, that actually hurt like hell.

“Serves you right.” He scoffed seeing me howling in pain with my hands massaging my head. I closed eyes with embarrassment, hoping that it’s just a bad nightmare and I won’t see him after opening them again. But when I did it, I saw Baekhyun sitting cross-legged on the floor, looking at me while drinking his water. He was too calm and I soon realized that he probably knew from the start that I was hiding in his kitchen.

“So?” He his lips after another sip. “Will you explain what you’re doing under my table or you want me to drag you out from under it by force?”

“First of all, don’t scare me like this.” I tried to change the topic, avoiding his stare.

“Scare you?” He raised his eyebrow “I should be the one who’s scared. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but you’re in my house, hiding under my table like a ert.”

“Okay, okay.” I raised my hands in defeat, crawling from under the table. “I’m sorry for entering your house without permission. Twice.”

He stood up and crossed his arms. Just then I noticed his wet hair and a towel on his shoulder. I cleared my throat, running hand through my hair. I didn’t realize before how attractive people could look with water dripping down their neck from their hair.

“Why did you come here again?” Baekhyun’s voice brought me back to reality “Didn’t I made it clear last time that I don’t want to see you in my house?”

I shook off the dirt from my pants and sent him frustrated glance. I didn’t want to lose my temper but that guy was just so annoying sometimes. I counted to ten in my mind before speaking again “I came to apologize so you don’t need to be so rude.”

Baekhyun seemed to be a little surprised. Just a little though, because soon his arrogant smirk returned, making me boil inside. Looked like he wasn’t going to thank me for coming here and apologizing to him. He was truly enjoying the fact that I was the first one to apologize. Oh God, how much I wanted to take my words back now.

“Well, I can forgive you for insulting me yesterday.“ He leaned against the kitchen cupboard behind him, eyeing me carefully. “But you broke into my house twice already. In this case, simple sorry isn’t enough. Don’t you think?”

“I didn’t have a choice. You wouldn’t let me in.”

“You have a point here.”

“See?” I tried my best to ignore his stare and came closer to the shopping bags, laying on the kitchen cupboard. I lifted them with sheepish smile “That’s why I bought you some food.”

“So you want to bribe me now?”

“No, I just want to show you how sorry I am.” I turned my head to see his reaction, putting bags back on the kitchen cupboard. Baekhyun was just looking at me in silence. He was probably thinking hard what to do next so I decided to help him a little. Trying to make the atmosphere more relaxing, I forced myself to smile wider “This is the part where you forgive me for breaking into your house, I go back home and everyone is happy.”

He cocked his head to the side, ignoring what I said few seconds earlier. “You don’t really look like someone who’s truly sorry.”

“But I am truly sorry.”

“Okay.” He smirked, making few steps closer to me. “Then prove it.”

I stiffened immediately, crying inside and blaming myself for coming here again. That was a bad idea considering how heartless Baekhyun could be. Being abandoned or not, he still was the same annoying, frustrating kid I hated so much. I felt pity towards him and wanted to make his days brighter but his behavior wasn’t making it easy for me. Even if he could change someday, I didn’t really want to be a part of his life anymore. I shouldn’t be worried about him in the first place because he still didn’t deserve it.

“So?” I noticed a mocking smile wandering on his lips. “You’ve changed your mind?”

“No.” I straightened myself. As much as I wanted to go back home and leave him after kicking his arrogant persona, I didn’t want to let him have the last word. Suddenly I felt the urge to show him how strong I can be. Crossing my arms and smirking like he, I looked at him with confidence. “What do you want me to do then?”

“Well, I was thinking about cleaning the whole house first.” He came to the fridge and opened it, taking out a bottle with juice I bou

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15/10/2013 Next update should be around Sunday so stay tunned and sorry it's taking so long but I'm freakin' busy XD!


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Zndjcjaj #1
93 streak #2
Revisiting here again ✨😊
alurabae #3
Chapter 1: this is exciting omg
Imthtdiamond95 #4
Chapter 34: Really enjoyed this fic, can’t wait to read more of your work!!
atasiwi #5
Love this
Chapter 30: Please this just TOO GOOD
Visiting old fic 💜💞💜💞
re-read back hehe love the story,, sending my precious love to authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Being_aeri #9
Chapter 30: OHMY FREAKING GOSHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU DID THERE.. I ALMOST CRIED AND STARTED CURSING EUN JIN.. TTTTTTTT tbh I wasn't even going to read the last chapter.. but then I thought about scrolling through it in anger misery whatever you want to call it.. I scrolled through fast when I saw Ch name.. I was like no I'm not gonna read it with ending with him.. but then at the end I saw baekhyun and thought to check then I got confused and read the chapter finally to know that no you didn't broke my heart 〒﹏〒 it was a roller coaster ride for me... Well done.. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ