Chapter 2

Stuck With 4 Gangs!


16 years later...
"Yah! Get back here you little brat!" The huge, muscular men in black suits and shades chased after me. 
I ran for my life, I didn't have the money yet and they already found me. Sweat dripped down forehead as I shoved the crowed away. I turned my head around to see them farther ahead, I turned to an alley and hid away from them. I was breathless and tired, my legs felt like heavy rocks. I couldn't move. 
"Where did she go?!" One of them cried. "Let's split up!" Another said. 
I peaked from behind the walls and it was clear. My legs began to finally feel like jelly and I sank down on the floor. I sighed heavily and whiped the sweat on my forehead. I always remembered what my mother said 'Don't let them catch you and don't loose that beautiful smile Kyungah.' It always replayed in my head and I kept her words, I'll always will. 
As I begin to get things together, I went straight home. I pulled my ball cap down so no one would notice me. I lived in a very old unknown apartment. There was only a kitchen, a washroom and a small living room where I'd sleep. All in one room. I didn't care at all, as long as they don't know where I lived, than I'm fine with it. 
I grabbed my keys out from my bag, I noticed that my hands were shaking. I knew what it was from. Every time I get chased by those men, I would get scared, that someday I'll get caught and who knows what they plan to do with me. I shook it off and went to the refrigerator, grabbing a cold water bottle. I drank the water like there was no tomorrow. The sweet, refreshing water tickled on my tongue. I sighed heavily, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
For a moment I stood there listening to silence. I had a flashback of my mother, she  would always sing to calm herself, she had a wonderful voice. It kept the apartment a bit more lively than just hearing nothing. I would always sit there listening to my mother sing while she was cooking. This especially made me miss her. 
I made a fist, gripping it until my knuckles turn white. I felt my blood boil slightly, a thought ran through my head of my father who spent out on nights with many different women, drinking, smoking and getting in to fights. I know my mother knew about this but she didn't say a word or argued at him. I didn't understand why. 
My thoughts were interrupted by my watch, another thing my mother gave me. It was coffee coloured and the clock was about a dollar coin size. 
I took a long glance at it, it was Saturday 10:00 which means it was work. I sighed one last time. I was tired and sleepy, I finally knew how my mother felt that time, it was tiring, I was suffering but I told myself to endure it and I will get my reward in the future. 
I walked outside of my apartment, I felt the strong wind blow against my face (how dare you make me cold Sehun T.T) my whole body shivered from head to toe. I zipped my yellow-green army jacket up and brought my white scarf up to my mouth covering it. It was November, which means the leaves are beginning to fall and the cold weather is coming and soon winter will come. 
I walked over to the west borderline, I looked around for anyone and crossed over it. 
I lived in the south but I didn't get much of a job there, so I decided to go all over the place. Until I got a job at the west as a waitress at a cafe. 
No one really crosses over the border unless they wanna get caught and  beaten up badly by the gangs. 
Speaking of gangs, the south, east, west and north of korea all have their own famous gangs, but they were unknown, no one knows what they look like, and they were all rivals, they hated each other. 
They had a rule if any of their people crosses over their border they will receive a punishment from them. And that's why it's deserted near the border line. But all of this is from what I heard from people in my university. I guess there just rumours. 
But I could care less about it, if I actually did get caught from them I'll find my way out of it, up until now nothing has happened and I hope it will stay like this. I had to admit it but the west side does pay a good pay check than the south, which I like. 
As I arrived to work I greeted my manager and workers there. I went to the changing room and stripped down my clothes to a white blouse and black pants. I tied a black apron around my waist and tied my hair in a bun. 
I did my usual routine greet the customers, take their orders and serve their food. Simple as that. 
"Kyungah! Table 6!" Key said. 
"Neh!" I called back, I took the plate of pasta and served it to table 6. That person right there is Key, he's one of my closest friend-well only friend, he treats me really well, he's sort of like a brother to me. 
I sat down on a stool exhausted. It's always busy during Saturdays and Sundays. I bid goodbye to my manager and Key oppa. Since it's November it gets dark quickly and I need to be extra careful. 
I walked down the streets of west Korea and spotted a food stand. My mouth started to water and the delicious smell of rice cakes made my stomach growl. *a small bite won't hurt.* 
"Annyeohaesayo" I greeted the ahjumma. "Annyeohaesayo." She smiled at me. I took a seat and stared at the food, my mouth slightly opened. The ahjumma chuckled. "What are you waiting for? Go help yourself." I smiled and beamed. "Neh!" 
I was eating happily and talking to the ahjumma while she makes another batch of dukbokki. This scene kind of reminds me of my mother.
"I've never seen you around here before?" The ahjumma asked. "Uhh... I come here to work." I honesty said. "Oh you're not from the west?" She asked surprised. 
"Yea, I'm from the south, I came here to work provide some money for my mom." I lied, I didn't want anyone to know about my situation, it's none of their business but instead I answered a bit truthfully. 
I saw her face soften. "It's great that your helping your mother but I'll have to warn you, it's quite-" the ahjumma was cut off by the background noise from a group of people talking. 
"Aish! Stupid south side always getting on my nerves!" A tall looking guy kicked a pop can. 
"Look, we can invade their side again and mess around." A guy who's shorter with light chestnut hair suggested. 
"If they cross our side or any of them again they're going to pay." Another guy said, his features reminds me of...a squirrel for some odd reason. As I watched them walk down the streets. 
"Those people right there, is Btob." The ahjumma said and continued on with her cooking. 
"B...tob?" I questioned. "Yes, they are the ones who rule this place, each direction of Korea has their own dangerous gang." 
I put the dukbokki down. "So I guess the rumours are true than."
"So be careful around here, if you see them ignore them as if you saw nothing. I don't want anything happen to you since you live in the south." She said. 
I smiled at her. "Thanks for concerning about me and about the warning." I put the cash on the table. "I'll get going ahjumma, your food was delicious." I said. 
"Thanks hun, be carful and take care ." "I will." I waved goodbye to her. 
I looked at my watch it was 3:40, I quickly walked to the border. But on the way, a flyer caught my attention. I stopped for a moment and read it, It said. 
'Looking for a waiter or waitress. 
And will receive a large sum of money. Must be experienced.
At Melody club. Working hours 6-11pm.' And the rest were the address information. 
*hmmm* I thought  and read one specific sentence again. *will receive a large sum of money, must be experienced.* 
For a moment I hesitate a bit, but quickly grabbed the flyer.
*Maybe this will pay it off, it shouldn't be that bad of a job, it's just a night club...* and I went straight home. 
You will meet one of them soon~ =^^=
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Chapter 13: This is such good story, I always find myself re-reading it and eveerrytimee your story is able to make me grin like an idiot >_< Ive been subscribed for about 2 years and I'm still loyal to this story ^^ I hope you update soon! I'm looking foward to your upcoming work! Stay strong! \(^O^)/
memories411 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon!:) this is such a good story and I have been waiting 2 years for the next chapter. I hope u update soon!! :)))
mmmaaa #3
Chapter 13: Please update soon;))
Love the story
Kelly_jelly #4
Chapter 13: OMG this is amazing!!! Why did they all separate and hate each other now??? Just wondering.....update soon^^
Chapter 13: great story, please update soon! ^^
cholahola #6
Chapter 13: New reader here :) The story is daebak. Please update soon :)))
Chapter 13: I love it (': but I don't understand? what happened to all the groups to make them enemies?? D': but I love how they are trying to get along for her sake~ ♥ please update soon!! hwaiting! (:
Nikkit #8
Chapter 13: Author-nim please update. I love it
Chapter 13: I'm starting to love the story, author-nim ^^