Being 'friends'

Game Of Love

T-ARA - Why Are You Like This

______ arrived at the café on time for the second shooting of We Got Married with Kyuhyun. She formally greeted the staff and the PD as she made her way towards them.

“Kyuhyun-shi isn’t here yet so why don’t you just wait for him at the table where the cameras are focused.” One of the female staff pointed ______ their table where there were 3 cameras set up to film them inside the café. ______ wasn’t used to having all the attention to herself so she was still a bit timid with her actions.

After 15 minutes Kyuhyun walked inside the café wearing shades, he looked like he just walked out from a manga.


They were offered bubble teas, shakes, fruit waffles, banana carrot bread and froyo for their brunch.

“So how was your weekend Kyuhyun-shi?” _______ asked out of politeness.

“It was busy as usual, we were busy practicing for our activities in Taiwan as SJ – M. how about you?” Kyuhyun asked back, he was curious as well with how _______ spends her ‘normal’ days.

“Not as productive as you but it was okay. I still am a university student and so I had classes last Saturday.”

The two got into talking about their experiences in college, their favorite subjects and their weakest.

The topic of their conversation branched out. _______ was using formal language with Kyuhyun which he thought would make things move slower with them so he asked her to drop the formalities.

“1989.” _______ told Kyuhyn the year she was born in since he asked.

“Oh so you’re younger than me. You should call me oppa then.” Kyuhyun replied a bit proudly.

“Yeah but technically you’re just older than me by a few months so we can still be considered ‘friends’.” _______ said with a smile on her face.

“What?” Kyuhyun was a bit surprised with _______’s answer. Just earlier she seemed like the shy, innocent, not to be mean but push-over girl but now she has showed a straightforward character.

She explains that they’re almost the same age because their is just less than a year so she doesn’t want to call him oppa and proposes to be on the friends level in terms of their speaking manners. He was stunned and speechless with how detailed she was.

Since he gets doted or well gets away with what he does to his hyungs, her personality kinds of challenges his.

“But I’m still older than you.” Kyuhyun tried to stand his ground.

“One year isn’t really big for me OPPA.” She replied coolly. She said oppa in a ‘childish’ annoying way, like clearly enunciating the word, making the oppa sound longer and weirder than it is.

“It takes time for me to warm and get used to calling people close my age ‘oppa’.” ______ still pushed with her attitude.

They were kind of bickering already so before their new marriage ends up in a divorce, the producers mediated and gave the couple their mission card.


Since you don’t have a house yet you both will go back to Super Junior’s dorm. ______ will be meeting her ‘brothers-in-law’ and will be spending the day with them.


The two exchanged surprised expressions.

“Did you know about this?” ______ asked Kyuhyun curiously.

“No, they didn’t tell us. The house and the guys won’t be prepared.” Kyuhyun answered as he placed the mission card down on the table.

“What should I expect?” ______ asked curiously, she was starting to feel anxious as well.

“Expect some messy and crazy stuff later on.”

“Should we buy them anything, food, drinks or something?”

“Don’t worry, the dorm is filled with food and everything else that we would need. Besides they should be the one welcoming you.” Kyuhyun told her confidently.

_______ chuckled at Kyuhyun’s ‘evil maknae’ image but just went with the flow.


The two rode Kyuhyun’s car to go back to his dorm. They were the only ones in the car but of course there were small cameras planted on the dashboard.

“I can’t wait to see their reaction when they see you.” Kyuhyun told _______ as he focused on driving.

_______ was actually getting nervous. She felt like she needed to impress everyone in Kyuhyun’s group and that’s a lot of guys.

Kyuhyun noticed that _______ was looking out the window and playing with her fingers, she was quiet and a bit fidgety.

“Uhm…don’t worry. The guys are really easy going. You’ll be fine.” Kyuhyun tried to assure his ‘wife’.

“Thanks.” ______ looked at Kyuhyun and showed a smile, she appreciated his simple but sweet gesture.

After a few minutes they arrived at the apartment building and Kyuhyun led _______  and the staff that were following them towards their dorm.

He punched in the code for their door lock and smirked as soon as he opened the door.

“Oh Kyuhyun, I thought you were supposed to be out filming?” Leeteuk quickly asked Kyuhuyn as soon as he spotted the maknae walk in.

“I am.” Kyuhyun simply answered before stepping aside to show s who was behind him.

“Annyeong haseyo.” _______ bowed and formally greeted the ‘brother’s-in-law.’ in view.

“Oh sh…Guys put on your shirts and pants now!!” a panicky voice shouted. ______ looked around and didn’t know how to react when she suddenly saw guys running around the apartment. Kyuhyun just laughed as he saw some of his hyungs rushing towards their bedrooms and bathrooms to change. He knew that this was going to be one interesting and crazy encounter for ______, he just hoped she could handle the crazy and hyper atmosphere and that his hyungs won’t embarrass him.

“woof woof!!” a black puppy suddenly ran towards the couple and sat in front of ________ wagging it’s tail.

“Awww….it’s so cute!” ______ kneeled down the floor to pet the dog. Kkoming her hands and brightly smiled at her like she wasn’t a stranger. Kkoming was the first to welcome _______ warmly.

Kyuhyun looked at _______ and saw how bubbly she became with the dog. Kyuhyun unconsciously smiled and lowered himself as well to pet the puppy.

“This is Yesung hyung’s dog.” Kyuhyun informed her.

“Oh really? I thought he only had turtles.” _______ replied as she took away her eyes from the dog to look at Kyuhyun.

“Yeah, he finally got a pet that’s more interesting and playful than him. I think his dog has more fans than him.” Kyuhyun answered back. _______ laughed at Kyuhyun’s remark about his hyung.


After a few minutes the guys finally regained their composure.

“Uri Super Junior-oyeo!” They greeted ______ as a group before introducing themselves individually. Of course they were respectful and added humor to make _______ more comfortable.

“So sister-in-law, what do you want to know about our Kyuhyun?” Sungmin started out, his tone sounding a bit mischievous.

“Yeah, we can now reveal Kyuhyun’s secrets!” Eunhyuk said as he high-fived with Donghae.



95% of you guys wanted her to be younger so I did. I just made her a few months younger thank Kyuhyun but she can still take on his attitude. But don’t worry your wishes of her calling him oppa will come true ;)


Did I get the name of Yesung’ dog, right? I just had to insert Yesung’s dog because I’m such a dog lover. Didn’t Eunhyuk get a dog before too?

Oh and can you guys tell me what our protagonist girl can find in Kyuhyun’s room? What do you guys want to see in the next chapter? ;) Comment below or tweet me at:


~Comment Replies~ Love love love you guys! 

chara_aia: Yea I took down the repeated one already. huhuhu embarrassing :p I'm so happy you liked the Chocolate part. Yeah I didn't think of making her older than Kyu because that would make 'ordering' the maknae around easier. haha. Thank you so much for the trivias!! I only knew the Pin-up boys + fav singer + historical drama facts. :)

kyumee68: aww..yay! I'm glad you love it ^_^ Hope you like this update too.

me123456: I know, right? That girl really missed out on Kyuhuyn. tsk tsk tsk. awww...thank you very much! I really appreciate that and you made me smile so wide. If only there will be more people like you guys who would be interested in my stories. haha Thank you once again for reading and supporting my stories ^_^ *bows* hope you like this update.

eunhyukmylover: I'm embarrassed! haha I was in a rush that time. Took the repeated part down already. I know that girl really must be regretting that now. hahaha ^_^ Kyuhyun's angelic voice *swoons*

dream_keeper88: sorry...hihi embarrassed author. yeah just taking their time to get closer to each other. ^_^ aww...thank you! I did. hahah well, what chocolates do you like? ;)

cupidzangel: He is, isn't he? Maybe they are the perfect match...hmmm...we'll see ;) Hope you like this update ^_^

adriana04: Well she's younger but like Kyuhyun, she also has a bit of attitude. LOL but only to challenge him. Will show Kyuhyun's protective side in a future chapter. Thanks ^_^ Hope you love and find this chapter cute too.

ilovefishy: aww..thanks ^_^ I do hope I can keep you guys interested all throughout. Thanks for your suggestion! I hope you like this ^_^

AlwaysAnElf: Thank you too! ^_^ I'm happy you love this story. I hope you like this update.

eunhaecupcake: I accidentally & embarrassingly did. haha took the repeated one down already. aww...thank you! I'm so happy you loved the last chapter. Kyu is a big-spender? haha Just suddenly thought of the chocolate personality so I researched it and inserted it here ^_^

fanficAddict: aww...yay! I'm glad you loved it ^_^ Well she'll be calling Kyu oppa in the future. Team Kyuhyun! aww..thank you so much. I appreciate the compliment ^_^ I do hope this gets as much love.

ColaSmackles: YAY! I'm happy you loved the last update ^_^ haha we'll show more of Kyuhyun's sweet side in the future chapters.

gabie_16: yeah yay for sweet Kyu! ^_^

myfishyx: Kyuhyun does want her to call him oppa since she is younger but she's putting up a fight with that. hahaha ^_^

chosanghee: aww..I'm happy you loved the last chapter ^_^ Thanks for the info! She is younger but she has a bit of a similar attitude with Kyuhyun. haha She'll call her oppa in the future ;)

fishandpenguin: I hope you also like this update ^_^ Thanks for the suggestion!

ezralaine: Thanks for voicing out your opinion ^_^ me too! chocolates! I hope you like this update. I don't know who the girl was since Kyuhyun only shared that experience of his. 

kyuhaeyee: YAY for Kyuhyun's sweet side ^_^ I'm glad you love it. I hope you like this update chingu ;)

imaginedreamlove: Thanks for your suggestion ^_^ aww...thanks. Hope you love this update too. Really? what kind of chocolate do you like? ;)

ofhumming: Well I hope you like how she challenges Kyuhyun's personality. haha will show Kyuhyun being bitter about the 'oppa' part in the next chapter. lol

sujuholic_15: YAY for sweet Kyu! ^_^

StephyLeeDonghae: Nice to meet you ^_^ I'm Nadine. That's sweet, thank you very much. I do hope you get the 'game of love bug/virus' LOL. I just left a comment in your Sungmin WGM story, you are too sweet! ^_^ of course you can call me unnie, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? ;) Thank you!! ^_^ you guys are awesome

kyuukihae: yay for cute moments! ^_^ I'm happy you love it. Thanks for the suggestion, hope you like this update!

khishluv: aww...thank you so much! ^_^ It makes me happy that my readers feel the effort I put in writing. Oh I see, it was so nice tweeting with you! haha we should tweet each other more ^_^ Hope you like this update.

alj1225: I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter ^_^ Yay for cute Kyu moments.

kprincess1995: Yeah I was actually surprised when I read that fact about him. but still yay for sweet Kyu! ^_^ I don't usually write the 'interview' parts but maybe I'll try to do it in the future, hopefully it will be interesting ^_^ Hope you like this update.

sjlalalalalove: aww...thanks ^_^ I'm so happy you love it! Here's your update, hope you like it ^_^

ILuvSuJu15: aww...yay for romantic moments! I'm happy you felt that way. Hopefully you like this update too ^_^

KyuSmiles4ELFs: aww...thank you so much! I appreciate ^_^ Just doing my best for you guys. Here's your update! Hope you like it ;)

yunhosyeobo: I know, right? That girl must be regretting that by now! She missed out on our lovely Kyu. haha ^_^

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD