Being professionals

Game Of Love


U-KISS  - 0330


________ took several deep breaths before getting off her car. Her manager already went up the apartment to inform the staff that she already arrived while she took the time to prepare herself.

________ wished for this day to end as quickly as possible. Kyuhyun’s words from their last meeting still lingered in her head…little did she know that Kyuhyun felt the same thing.

Kyuhyun has been treating the apartment they share like his other home now, unfortunately it’s for the wrong reasons. He goes inside or even just drive around the apartment complex when he needed time to be alone and to think. Recently all he has been worrying about was his current situation with ________.


________ finally stepped inside the elevator thinking that she was mentally and emotionally ready for today’s meeting with Kyuhyun. She kept telling herself that she needed to keep her cool composure. She didn’t need any more issues surrounding her or Kyuhyun.

Just before the elevator doors could close, Kyuhyun’s manager went in. The two exchanged polite greetings before pressing the button to bring them up to their floor level.

“Oh it’s a good thing I was able to meet you here. Kyuhyun is running a fever so if you notice him acting a bit strange, it’s just because of that.” Kyuhyun’s manager informed her. He also told her that he advised Kyuhyun to just stay home or have a checkup first but the young idol didn’t want to miss shooting the variety show today.

“I don’t know what’s with that kid but he made it seem like he can’t not show up today.”

________ didn’t know how to respond to that so she just chuckled to acknowledge it.


As usual, the cameras were already running as soon as ________ walked in the unit. The cameras were focused on her and at Kyuhyun who was lying down on the couch, his arms covering his eyes.

‘You can do this _______. Don’t make it awkward and just be professional. Go do your job!’ _______ chanted in her head as she placed her bag down on the coffee table and approached the napping Kyuhyun.

She lightly placed her hand on his arm and neck and compared his temperature with hers. She was able to confirm that Kyuhyun is indeed sick.

Kyuhyun must have been sleeping soundly since he wasn’t awakened with ________’s touch or presence. His wife didn’t wake him up first and went to the kitchen to fix him up something to hopefully make him feel better.

“I guess this will look like a cooking show.” ________ jokingly said so that the viewers and the staff won’t get bored watching her prepare.

While waiting for her food to be fully cooked, _______ walked towards where her bag is and got a small pouch from inside. From that pouch she had some strips of medicine tablets / capsules, this came in handy when she had colds, cough, headache, stomach ache or in Kyuhyun’s case…fever.

She always had her first aid kid with her or with her manager or stored in the car, she was always prepared.


_______ tasted the rice porridge and adjusted the flavors just a bit. She transferred it into one of the bowls and placed in on a tray a long with the utensils that Kyuhyun would need. She placed it on the table and went back to the kitchen to get water for Kyuhyun. She acted just like how a wife should take care of her husband.

________ finally woke Kyuhyun up and helped him sit up properly. She got one of the throw pillows and placed it on her lap.

Kyuhyun didn’t know how long he was out because he was surprised that ________ was already there next to him plus there was already food that was waiting to be eaten.

“What’s this?” He curiously asked.

“Congee. It might make you feel better.” _______ answered back as she looked at Kyuhyun in the eyes for just a few seconds.

Kyuhyun didn’t ask anymore and just proceeded to indulge in _______’s cooking. He was happy that she went through the trouble of cooking for him again. But then he thought that she may just be doing that for the cameras.

He smiled at her and complimented her dish once again, it was no surprise that it tasted delicious. Even though the taste maybe a bit bland for Kyuhyun cause of his senses being blocked, he could still enjoy it very much. He realized that this would be rare moments for the two of them.

“Why don’t you take care of your body more?” _______ asked after some time of just watching Kyuhyun eat.

“If I continue to be like this it means you’ll get worried and take care of me, right?” Kyuhyun threw a question back. The audience would go ‘awww…’ and find this statement of his cute, but for Kyuhyun, he hoped that her answer would make him less troubled about their relationship.

“Here drink the vitamins after…” ________ ignored his words as she handed him a tablet of ascorbic acid and other vitamins and medicines that will help improve his health.

Since Kyuhyun is sick, the staff just hid the couple’s original mission envelope and just told them to spend a casual, relaxing day.

“Oh maybe we should get acupuncture.” _______ suggested. Her mind was filled with health related activities now.

“You really want try getting loads of needles pinned to your body?”

“No, it’s for you.” She smiled before sticking her tongue out. On the surface, it looked like things were just fine. “How about fire cupping? No needles, just heated cups.” _______ suggested as if there would be no pain involved in that practice of traditional medicine. Kyuhyun immediately shook his head and formed an X using his hands.

“How about we just drop by a clinic and get tests?”

“How about we just get a massage or something?” Kyuhyun suggested. ________ also rejected his idea because she said that it’s just temporary relief for the muscles.

The two finally came to an agreement…or more like _______ was able to convince Kyuhyun and he fell under her dominance as she stated that they would be visiting a doctor.


_______ and Kyuhyun arrived at the nearest clinic minutes after. The couple went through various tests and received a full body checkup.

They stayed in the lounge as they waited for results of their tests. It took a lot from _______ and Kyuhyun to act like they’re perfectly happy and normal. Good thing the kids in the pediatrics section kept them distracted as they played with them and the children even got autographs and photos.

After a couple more minutes, the couple was called back to the doctor’s office.

Both seemed to be healthy except for Kyuhyun’s flu and _______ being underweight. The doctor also advised them on what food and supplements they should take as well as to always have their health in check since she knows how fatigue affects stars like them.


The staff of We Got Married ended the taping for the day early since they didn’t want to tire out Kyuhyun too much.

________ waited at the lobby of the clinic for her manager to pick her up. She wasn’t the only artist that her manager was handling that’s why she often uses her own car to drive herself to her schedules.

________ was in the middle of sending a text message to her manager when suddenly a voice made her halt.

“I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun apologized, although he knew that that isn’t enough.

He wasn’t surprised when ________ didn’t say anything back nor looked at him.

“So you’re just going to treat me like this?” Kyuhyun asked as he sat next to ________. Even though they're phsyically near, it felt like she was miles away from him.

“Like what?” ______ asked back and resumed texting.

“Like I don’t exist outside of the show.” Kyuhyun bluntly said.

________ finished sending her text message to her manger first before looking at Kyuhyun.

“You were supposed to give me something to believe in but instead you gave me more reason to protect myself…my heart.” ________ replied honestly…her last two words were mumbled.

“Let’s just do what we’re originally paid to do.” _______ told Kyuhyun what she has been trying to tell herself. He didn’t expect harsh words so he was taken aback with her statement.

“Awww…what a cute but fake couple.” Minwoo approached the two, casually disrupting their talk.

“Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to take my girlfriend out now.” He said with that smug look on his face before wrapping his arm around _______’s waist possessively.

After finding out where ________ and Kyuhyun were, Minwoo decided to pay a surprise visit. He wanted to show off and make Kyuhyun jealous by picking up his girl after filming with him.

“You’re overdoing it.” ________ muttered under her breath as Minwoo guided her out of the clinic.

“Do I look like I care?”


Would you like to read about her past with Minwoo? Do you want to see a sweet side of the guy? Or skip that and keep the scenes in the present?

Tell me your thoughts/suggestions by commenting below or tweet me at:




About the rumor: Now I wonder…who really is K&S? hmmm…


~Comment Replies~

namira: Here's your update!! Hope you like it  ^_^

gaemnis:  awww...thank you so much!!! I'm so happy you feel that way and that you love it ^_^

Hope you like this update ;)

I_am_ME: Me too. haha

Do you think they'll be able to fix it? is it fixable? :/

kyumee68: Haha that means you can imagine the scenes happening in your head, right? Well I'm glad that you feel like you're able to 'watch' it. hihi ;)

celine_neji: Yup, you won't know what to believe in. *sigh*

LOL BBQ unnie...haha Leeteuk is still the 'special' one and Siwon's in second place, IMO.haha

kyuhaeyee: The truth about their feelings is gradually coming out. But does it still matter since their situation is bad.

Yup I actually am liking everyone's photos...Leeteuk & Siwon's teaser pics caught me off guard. haha o_O Excited for the comeback!!

kyuimchi: awww...that's okay ;) School is so stressing T__T

I feel like Hyukjae's teaser can fit in F(x)'s Hot Summer concept. haha

Minwoo's bad, that's why. haha

Kyuhyun waited for things to go wrong before telling her the truth about his feelings. tsk tsk tsk.

Hope you like this update ^_^ Excited for 5jib!!

StephyLeeDonghae: Awww...thank you sweetie!! ^_^ Unnie will wipe your tears and hug you!

Minwoo will still be around to piss my readers off for a few more chapters. haha

I know!! Hara and Junhyung broke my heart. I'm like why are they lucky?! I want my own oppa too!! haha

Yeah I think Kyu's waay too busy for that, plus Kara goes back and forth for their Japan promotions, right?

Maxx713: Tumblr language: FUUUUUU. RAGE! ;) Minwoo needs to learn a lesson from you.haha

Yup, the next few chapters will be heart-wrenching(??) LOL.

We just need to find the right kind of guys!! Unfortunately they are hard to find T__T

imaginedreamlove: *sigh* I'm just so jelly, Hara & Junhyung 3

Kyuhyun will find out the truth soon enough ;) but that doesn't mean it will be back to good and happy moments though.

It's your choice: Heart being slowly broken maknae vs. Bad but hott guy ;)

chosanghee: OH wow...which fanbase? Kyuhyun? That must take a lot of work. HWAITING!!

I love drama in fics too.haha I think I'll still be giving you some heart attack. haha

Hope you like this update ;)

*Waves and says Hi* Cute name ^_^ Gaaah...yes you're my dongsaeng. Most of my readers seems like they're younger than me. I'm glad I get to 'talk' to you guys ;) awww...thank you so much! I'm so happy you love my stories. You deserve a biiig cyber hug!! ^_~

I have a new WGM-style story in the works. You'll hear about that next month ^_^

anj_yesung: Haha nothing's over ;) The drama has just begun *evil laugh*

They're being 'professional' and 'acting' like the couple they're supposed to be on-camera. Hope this update answers some of your questions ^_~

ilovefishy:  YAY I'm still loved! ^_^

Well...aren't you a violent girl? haha ;)

awww *hugs*

jinmei_17: awww...Imma give you a big cyber hug!

I think a lot of us do not believe the rumor and not because we're butthurt / jealous fans but because we can't see a lot of connection  between the two.

If Kyu gets to be really taken, we still have other oppas! ^_~

pinkheadphones: LOL Kyuhyun-starcraft/laptop OTP!

SHERYLN: Oh yeah I think a lot are using different Minwoo's here. haha ;)

Well they did film for WGM but it's all an act :( Do you think they'll still have their happy ending? ;)

ColaSmackles: awwww *hug* Yes there will be more drama / intense scenes in the following chapters ;)

Hott but bad Minwoo. haha

Yeah, I believe it's a rumor too. But if he does find a girlfriend then I hope a lot of us will be supportive. :) there are still other oppas out there ;)

Haha I'm not sure if this will even make you teary eyed but hope you enjoy ^_~

DoRKii_ELF:'s okay. *cyber hug* I think it's just a rumor and don't worry there are still other oppas needing our love ;)

I know! I found it coincidental...freaky. haha

Her history with Minwoo hasn't been written in detail. But I did mention a small part of that in the chapter where Eric from Shinhwa appears. Why she wasn't able to meet Kyuhyun in the past.

Don't mind the rumors and just live with unnie in our happy bubble under AFF ^_~

I think he is shy with girls.

suju26kamz: Kyuhyun needs to explain himself then deal with Minwoo and make it up to her big time.

Yeah the guys deserve all the love they can get, they are just like us after all. But I still believe his rumor with Seungyeon(?) is just a rumor. LOL Yeah Sungmin! They drink wine together, so maybe they're spotted out on a date? lol Starcraft+Kyu+Sungmin = OTP

StarrBelle19: Baaad Kyu but Minwoo is worse. tsk tsk tsk :|

eunhyukmylover: Kyuhyun needs to deal with Minwoo and then take his 'wife' back.  That's if he can win her heart back and fight Minwoo off.

I still think that's just a rumor. haha A lot are shipping Kyuhyun with Sungmin or Starcraft. OTPs LOL

Hope you like this update ^_~

jaeeun: He needs to win her back from Minwoo!

Me too, I don't see a lot of connection between the two groups.

pwincesso8: Minwoo is definitely getting in the way.

Bittersweet confession :(

I agree! That's why I was like surprised like whut o_O

kyuukihae: Look forward for the twist ^_~

hmm..will Kyuhyun know the truth between the two?

Hope you like this update ;)

Alina1225: Awww...*hug*

There's a lot of explaining that needs to be done between the two.

Minwoo should feel the hatred of our girl and my readers! haha

Happy you loved the last update ^_^

yunhosyeobo: Sure you can, I'm sure a lot of your co-readers want to do that as well. haha ^_~

His jealousy and confusion got the best of him. He wasn't able to run after her or defend his actions and feelings.

glinkkiehyukkie: They need more time to have their 'truth talk'. They should explani themselves!

cupidzangel: hmmm..will things turn around and become happy and right for her and Kyu?

I love dramas in fics too! haha Hope you like this update ^_~

ofhumming: Awww...Imma give you a big hug bby

leeteukbaby: I actually had the chapter done the night before and just finished replying to comments in the morning when I suddenly saw the rumor at AKP. I was like whut o_O haha

Yup, I think it's just a plain rumor. I wonder who really is K&S

gabie_16: Hmmm...should I insert a sweet Minwoo to confuse our girl and you guys? haha ;)

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xjayess #1
The ending is so sweeet and i love it
Chapter 28: Cute and nice story! Love it so much! XD
ch3nya #3
Chapter 28: Aww i loved your story it was so cute :)
Sonelfwol #4
your username is remind me of my bestie..
yeah..wonderful story after all..
and i love it ^^
covertrui #5
I haven't gotten past your first chapter, and I already know I love you. Why? Because you actually /know/ Starcraft better than -some unnamed- other writers who just say "oh they played a game".

props to you~ time to get back to reading :D
This was really sweet :> The proposal was so cute!
Finished this in one go. I really like the concept and your fic is DAEBAK!!♥♥♥
DomiKitty #8
DAWWWWWWW kay that was an AWESOME ending, although i dont usually like stories that end like with marriages and pregnancies because its like 0_0 but these actually are fine i love them hehehe ^^ i think ive finished like 3 of ur fics in one day... o_______O yep, i dont really have a life. anyways VERY cute <3
DomiKitty #9
AAAAAAAAW! awesome confession kyu ;) im prouda you!
DomiKitty #10
"Guys put on your shirts and pants now!" HAHAH ROFLS xDDD