8~A stay at EXO-M's house/mansion

I Am "Pet"

                I Am "Pet" Chapter 8





~Sohyun's POV~


--"SOHYUN! WATCH OUT FOR THE CAR!" Beamed a familiar, manly voice. BAM. I went flying and was bleeding to death. I was dying slowly, and painfull, as tears were trailing down the edge of my eyes--


"AAAHH!" I jumped out of Kris's arms. Kris was woken up by my sudden scream. He was indeed shocked. I was on the floor panting with my hands over my chest. My eyes were big as an owl's. I glanced over the living room. Kris bent down next to me.

"What's wrong? What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" He put a hand on my shoulders. Once I realized that it was all a dream, I sighed in relief. Tears began to form in the corner of my eye. I sniffled. Kris pulled me into a hug and patted my head as I quietly mumbled in his chest. 

"Why do I always dream the same dream?! I haven't had that dream in a while...why did I have it now?" I sniffed as Kris shushed me and before I knw it, I was sitting on Kris's lap with my face buried in his chest. He was rocking back and fourth, making me move with him. I was begining to calm down and sniffled a bit more. When i sighed, it signaled Kris to open his mouth. Kris looked down at me, meeting eyes with me.

"Are you okay now?" I nodded in response. I just realized that we were in an awkward position, for like the millionth time. My heart fluttered and I felt a certain tingling sensation going down my spine making me shiver a bit. Kris continued to rock me side to side. It was too quiet as ever, until Xiumin came bursting in.

"Ah...Im so hungr---" Xiumin stopped on his way to the kitchen. He stopped his tracks when he met eyes with me and Kris. His mouth was open and his eyes were huge. I quickly pulled away from Kris. Kris caught my arm which made me sit back on his lap. Kris glared at Xiumin. Xiumin blinked a couple times and proceeded towards the kitchen. There was an awkward scilence. between the two of us. I was remained stil on Kris's lap. Kris's eyes met min. He bit his lips seductivly, making me stare at his lips with my eyes huge as D.O's. I saw his gaze slowly make thier way to my lips as he his slowly. I blushed at the sudden sight and pushed him away. 

"W-what are y-you doing?!" I stuttered and pushed his chest away with effort and got up on my two feet. My knees were not helping at all because they were trembling. Kris was a little bit sad when I broke the skinship. He made a cute little pouty face and got up with me.

"i'll go wash my face." I headed towards the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I slowly bent down to the floor against the door. My knees touching my chest. I put a hand over my beating herat. I feel so comfortable with Kris around. I wasn't sure why. 

I made my way towards the sink and started to wash my face. I sighed a deep sigh. Just then, the thought of my parents came up on my head.

*Umma!Appa! They must be worrying to death in where i was!* I rushed out of the bathroom and was greeted by 5 creepy happy faces.

"Why are you guys standing there like that?" I questioned them and they started eyeing each other as if it seemed like they were fanboying or something. They still didn't anwser me and just kept on giggling creepily and eyeing each other. Even Lay, Chen, and Luhan were fanboying out. But not as much as Xiumin and Tao. They were jumping on the family room couches, howling. I just shook my head and went to go find my phone. *My phone...my purse...where could it be? Oh...Kris.*

I darted off to the couch, where Kris was laughing off his head, watching tc, while eating some colorful veggie chips. I hoovered over the remote and hastily turned the tv off. Kris caught a glimpse of me, knowing that I was the culprit of the blank tv.

"Yah! I was watching that..." Kris tried to reach out for the remote resting on the palms of my hand, but i pulled it behind my head.

"Nuh Uh, not so fast there, tall chinese blondie." Kris stared at me and blinked at me in surprise. 

"Wheres my phone? My purse?" Kris stared off into the cieling and nodded. He headed upstairs. I followed him like a little 6 year-old on a school field trip. He bent down underneath the bed and revealed my purse. I quickly snatched it out of his hands and shook my bag upside down, making everything fall to the bed. When I spotted my phone, i turnit on, recieved by 9 missed calls and 5 new text messages, all by my mother. I quickly called my mom. 

"Yeobosaeyo!?" She litterally screamed into my ears.

"Umma! Mianhaeyo. I was at my friends house yesterday and I was so tired that i fell asleep at...at 'her' house." I really didn't want to lie to my own mother. My mother is really strict with me, she would always tell me to stay away from trouble.

"Ah...really..." My mother sounded relieved. I was actually surprised that she believed me. Usually she would ask 'who' and stuff like that before she actually believed me, or the truth came out.

"Araso...come home soon."

"Nae." And the call ended there. I sighed and grunted as I plopped my body on the bed. 

I sighed into the pillow, smelling Kris's honey scent and some of his colone.

"Seems like you are stressed, huh." 

I nodded my head still buried in the pillow. I heard Kris chuckle and I felt the bed go down a little. Kris layed his body next to me. HIs face was burried into the pillow just like me. After a couple seconds, he turned his head to face me. A smile krept upon his mouth. He poked the side of my cheek. I turned and opened one eye. I was shocked to see his face so close to mine.

"You need to go home now?" I thought of it. My parents must have been so worried that they might have not eaten yet. Just in case, i decided to just go home for now. I nodded and pulled my body off the bed. I looked down, seeing myself still in Kris's clothes and boxers. I sighed.

"Is my clothes clean now?" 

"Yeah. I'll go get them." Kris headed downstairs to get my clothes. When he came back, I slipped them on and Kris gave me a ride home.




We arrived safely in front of my house. 

"Thanks for...um...giving me a ride..." I stepped out of the car. Kris came out of the car and walked across the front of the car and met me.

He clutched onto my arms. His face had a happy face on it.

"Lemme pay my respects to your parents." I shoved his hands off of me.

"What?! No that's crazy insane! I told my mom that i have slept over my friend's house which was a 'her'!" I shook my head. Kris wanted to go inside. He had an evil plan in his mind.

Kris faked sighed. "Araso. I guess that couldn't be helped." I patted his shoulders.

"Go in first." I headed inside the gate. I rang the doorbell. Without my notice, Kris quietly krept behind me. The door swung open. She was greeted by her mother's hug.

"Oh Sohyun ah! Where have you been?" Before i could anwser, Umma was staring behind me. *Why is she staring behind me for?*

"Oh hello there Mrs. Lee. Nice to meet you i am Kris. Kris Wu. Sohyun's boyfriend." I stopped breathing by the words that i just heard. *K-Kris?! I have when did he come...oh that bastard. I'll get him someday just watch!* I closed my eyes and turned around.

"Kris, why are you here?!" I hissed. My mother stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh it's okay dear...and...b-boyfriend?" I turned to her with disbelief in my face.

"Umma it's no---" Kris cut me off.

"Omonim~ i'll take good care of your little, cute daughter!" Kris nearly shouted. Appa came out of nowhere.

"Omonim? Daughter?!" I quickly turned around, only to be greeted by my dad's confused face. I facepalmed myself and breathed a deep sigh.




Yaay! An update~ sorry guys! I was so busy!>.< School is litterally trying to kill me! Ack! Well for the 'not udpating forever', i will treat you with funny gifs/pics^^ I love you aegi deul so much! You don't know! well heres the /cough/ gifs /cough/ pics SUBSCRIBE AND LOVE ME FOREVER~ KEKE  BBYONG~ (try refreshing if gifs don't move)


our cute little luhanie~

i was trolled again..HA i love rain so much! i Miss him~ RAINISM~


lol omg I can't stop laughing!

lol so adorbs~




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anneke329 #1
Update soon please!
Nevrane #2
new reader ^^ please continue C:
Chapter 14: Aww.. Kris and I sleeping on the table, with his hand in my head. Awww.. It's so sweet XD
Can you update this one as soon as possible?? *aegyo* :3
WolfLune #4
Chapter 13: I like the story so far but I was wondering if ur gonna write something about their powers?
puuhdp #5
Chapter 13: hello~ new reader here (:
I really love it. They are so cute together. And, Kris is really such a gentleman. Hwaiting author-nim
Chapter 13: Yeah author-sshi, I miss you so much!!
Aah.. How I wish I could really went shopping with Kris!! XD
Chapter 12: Aww.. Really can't wait for the date!

And what we'll gonna do in 'our' room? Kekeke :3
Chapter 11: update soon :3
Interesting! ^^
Chapter 11: Am I living at EXO's mansion?? Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa!!

Aigoo! Please update soon! XD