Drunken Side

I Am "Pet"

A/N: Annyeong~ mian...i was so busy! Finally an update long update actually!! Play ringtone music right now!> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqdwz7XDQPw   other background music coming up later!!!! Be ready~



~Sohyun's POV~



~Doorooroong, Junhwa was eu yo! 5, 6, 7, 8! Badara Badara~


I slid the anwser button on the phone. It was 2pm and I just got up i slept pretty late last night.

"Yeobosaeyo?" i tried hard not to croak but failed. I kept my eyes closed.

"Sohyun! We are outside of your house! Balli! Come outside! And wear something pretty! We'll be waiting!" Luhan shouted in my ears. My eyes widened at what he had just said. *Why are they in front of my house so early in the morning? And how did they know where my house was?* I opened the curtains on the window and then...there they where...they were really here. Xiumin, Tao, Lay, Luhan, and Chen were waving thier hands at me. Kris just stared at me.

"Why are you guys here?!" I screamed into the phone. Luhan winced from my sudden yell and looked up at me and gave me a pouty face. Xiumin took over the phone.

"Just come down Sohyun! Or we will burst the door open!" Xiumin smirked. *How dare...ugh...* I hung the phone up and brushed my hair as quickly as I could. I put on a simple outfit and grabbed my purse and burst out the door.



I sprinted out the door. I bent down halfway and put my hands on my knees in front of the 6 boys, panting. After a couple seconds I looked up and glared at the 6 boys who were just giggling and smirking the most. I stood up.

"What do you guys want?! I swear if its som--" Xiumin put a finger over my mouth. With his other hand, he wiggled his pointer finger side to side, smirking.

"Shhh! I swear you are going to recieve so many complaint reports from your neighbors." Xiumin parted his finger away from my lips.

I glared at him. I heard Kris clear his throat. I turned to him and stopped glaring. He had both of his hands behind him and he was rocking back and forth onhis feet. I cocked my head to the side. * what is srong with everybody today*

"You ready?" Kris looked at me from head to toe. *No you giant mushroom, im not ready and im outside already.* I thought sarcastically.

"For what?"

"To go have fun...what else?" Kris looked back of him, I followed his sight and there was a white limo behind them. * How could I have not noticed that?*

My eyes widened at the sight of such a beautiful vehical and my mouth slowly started to for an 'o'.

Which was only until I felt someone close my mouth for me. I turned to see the culprit of closing my mouth.

"You shouldn't open your mouth like that. You can choke on a fly." Chen smiled at me and hoovered over to the back door of the limo. He opened it and eyed me to get in. I didn't reject or anything, instead i just easily fled inside and admired what i saw.

There was a little mini bar, with a tv and microwave and everything you can possibly image inside!

I had to admit. These kids, and 2 guys were actually rich. I sat down and waited for everyone else to board the limo. I looked around and gawked at the cieling.

"Wooaah~" My uncontrollable mouth opened back up again as Chen clicked his tounge and closed my mouth for me, again.

The limo started to move. Tao the tv. My eyes glistened at the sight that there was a tv. The truth is, i never sat inside a limo before. I wasn't rich. I wasn't poor either but i didn't have the money for a luxury life.

I cleared my throat, realizing that I was admiring every little detail that was inside the limo for about 10 mins. The 6 boys shifted thier attention to me.

"Can you tell me where we are going? And by where we are going, I mean specifficaly where we are going?" I butted my head a little towards Kris and eyed him. He got his pointer finger and pushed my forehead back. I rubbed my forehead and continued to annoy him with my pouts.

Kris finally gave up. "We are going to go to have fun! I don't know exactly where we are going but we will go to places and places as we go walking around the streets!" Kris spat at me. I smiled in success, making him spill the beans. * Wait...they took me to go out somwhere when they didn't even plan to go anywhere?*

"You guys took me out and didn't even think about where we would go? You guys didn't plan anything?" I threw my hands up in the air and gave up and leaned back at the couch. My head was low, my knees were sticking out of the isle, which touched Tao's knees across from me. I crossed my arms and waited for the ride to end.

I caught Lay and Chen eyeing each other. Lay handed me a bottle of water. I accepted it and chugged it down. The limo suddenly came to a stop while I was drinking the water and I spat the water into Tao's face and choked for life. The members, except for Tao, were cleaning the water/spit with napkins. Luhan was patting my back and told me to inhale and exhale deeply.

"N-not h-h-helping L-Luhan!" I tried to speak during coughs and gasping for air. Tao was yelling helplessly at his damp clothes.

"Sohyun! These clothes were GUCCI!! GUCCI I TELL YOU GUCCI! NOOOOOO!" Tao snatched a napkin from Kris and started to dap his clothing. I rolled my eyes. I calmed down a bit.

"Well thanks for worrying about me! Oh and no i didn't die so you don't have to worry about my corpse!" I hissed at Tao and he pouted. I swear sometimes that kid would go over board and think that GUCCI was his life. I don't think he is my age, I really thnk that he is a freakishly tall 6 year old that looks like a panda.

We all got out of the now humid limo. I stretched then realized that we were in the streets of HONGDAE! *KYAAA ISN'T THIS HONGDAE?! GOSH HOW MANY YEARS HAS IT BEEN?* I squealed. I tugged on the end of Kris's shirt. 

"Aren't we in Hongdae? Kyaaaa! I havn't been here in like ages!" I continued to stretch the end of his shirt. He didn't stop me and he just smiled at me.           * Woah.. this is the first time i saw him smile...he should smile much often. It suits him.* I smiled back and skipped down the streets. I stopped at a little food street stores. My mouth became watery at the sight of Ddeokbokki and soondae. I gulped and turned to the closest EXO boy, which was Lay.

I tugged on his shirt. "Lay! Can we eat here please? I haven't eaten breakfeast or dinner today! Hm? Jae bal~" I begged so much that i went over the line. I did aegyo. "Bbuing Buing~ aing~" I winked and prounced around like a little girl. The 6 of them smiled at me and nodded. I didn't really care for them and just ran to get a table in the store. I raised my hand and shouted like a mad women. "Ajjumma! 3 soondae's and 3 ddokbokki's here! Oh and soju!" I added.

"3 soondae's 3 ddokbokki's coming up!" 

All six of the boy's eyes got bigger as they all stared at me creepily.


"You can drink soju? Aren't you under age?" Luhan asked. I shook my head as my pointer finger followed. 

"Nuh uh. Not today~" I pulled out my fake id from my purse. Kris snatched it as fast as i pulled it out.

"Yah! Give it back!" Kris stood up so I wouldn't be able to reach it. His freakishly enourmous hieght made me lose.

"Your name is Jang Jin hee, age is 23, and you live in Kangnam?" He stopped reading my fake id and looked down at me. "Where'd you get this kind of id?"

I snatched the id from his hands before he could continue reading it. "None of your beezwax, now sit down and wait for th---" I stopped as the ajjumma came with the soondae's and ddukbokki's and with a soju bottle. I smirked and started to eat right away. The boys didn't eat. They just stared at me.

"Well aren't you guys gonna eat?" I said, still chewing. The boys each picked up a chopstick and started eating, but not as fast as me.

After a few more bites, I leaned back the chair and rubbed my tummy. I smiled. " Thank you for the food!" 

"You're welcome!" Tao beamed.

"Why are you saying you're welcome? Kris should be the one saying that, he paid for it." Tao recieved a thwak on the forehead from Lay.

"Owwch! Hyung that hurt!" Tao hissed while rubbing his forehead. I giggled. I turned to Kris who had his poker face on.

"Gomawo...yo." I thanked him and he nodded. We headed out of the little food store and i passed by many many stands. I stopped my tracks when I spotted THE most gorgous headband ever.

                                                                                            (the blue one)

I picked it up and put it on my head. I stared at myself from the little tiny mirror on the stand. I smiled and admired the headband.

"It looks good on you!" The worker said. I smiled in satisfaction. *Im so getting this*

I was handing the cashier the money, when a hand stopped it. I stared up at Chen. "I'll buy this one for you since it looks really cute on you." I thanked chen as he was paying the cashier.

I was already kinda tipsy from the soju, but that didn't stop me from having fun at Honghae. We kept on walking down the street of hongdae. Admiring almost ever single thing, having fun, and mostly laughing our heads off.




We, or i should say the boys stopped in front of a club. It was called Club Fiesty. I blinked and the club. I have never been to one, and of course i shouldn't have been cuz im only 17 years old. Lay nudged the side of my arms.

"Lets go inside."


"You heard me lets go and have fun!" I almost choked on my own saliva when he said that. *Arent' we all underage? I mean i have fake id but these dudes...*

"We are under age well i have fake id but you guys..." Xiumin and Tao just pulled me into the club.

The guy who was at the front cashier blinked at Xiumin.

"You know who we are...were going inside." Xiumin told the guy and the guy nodded.

I was shocked. I stared at Xiumin.

"What was that?!"

"Just act like that never happened and you are that fake person id thing you have and pretend you are her and have fun!" Xiumin smirked and the rest of the boys followed us from behind.



A/N: BACKGROUND MUSIC TIME!>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGl7bLaEb1Y


loud music was played, girls dressed in tght and short sparkling dresses which made them look like s were everywhere. Drunk guys were dancing and grinding on the girls as other people were in a dancing paradise. I was just dressed in a casual dress, which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Oh Guys over here!" A pretty looking woman cued the boys. We started to walk to her table/booth. I spotted EXO-K and paniked a little.They all greeted each other, while i was just blinking at the scene in the back of me. There were two couples that were making out passionatly and . Until i felt a grasp on my wrist, which made me turn around.

"Why are you staring at them like that? Tsk..." Kris teased. I frowned and before i could protest, the girl greeted me by hugging me. I didnt' hug her back, I just stood there dumbfounded in her 'embrace'. She finally let go and stuck her hands out.

"Hi im Ga In. Bang Ga In." I accepted her hands and shook it. I smiled at her because it was awkward and i didn't know this woman except that her name was Bang Ga In. Im Kris's childhood friend, but im older, but we think each other as brother and sister." I nodded not really caring about the info.

Ga In held me a glass of martini. I accepted it and drank it. It burned my throat. I kept on drinking it though. It was pretty tasty. After a few more glasses, i got really tipsy. This was nothing compared to a bottle of soju.

Tao grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

"Lets dance Sohyun!" Tao started to dance like a mad man and i giggled and started to dance along with the beat.

My imagination, dancing like a princess. 

My reality, drunk dancing.

I was all over the place, my make up smeared. My head felt like it was spinning. So i spinned around to try to make it settle a bit, but that didn't help at all.

I was lost in the crowd of dancing people. I couldn't see any of the boys but kept on dancing crazily myself. A wierd, young looking guy was dancing/grinding behind me. I stopped dancing and frowned at the guy.

"What's wrong baby? Why did you stop dancing? You dance very ily." The guy wrapped his arms around my waist. He s over my face and tried to kiss me. I tried to fight his actions. Unfortunatly he won. His tounge was roaming everywhere in my mouth. It felt absolutly disguisting expecially with a stranger. I tried to push him back, but the more i fight him, the more he puts force in the kiss or i should say kiss.

"MMMMMPFFFFFF!" I tried to push him again with all my strength, unitll the guy landed on the floor. I didn't really see what happened but i was releived when the kiss stopped. I gasped for air as he was grunting in pain on the floor. I looked ar Kris and just realized the he had punched the guy. He then pull me forward to his face, making me feel his hot breath.

"Why are you here alone? You know how dangerous it is to be in a place like this alone?" He whispered in my ear. He then gazed at my lips. He put his thumbs over my lips and clicked his tounge.

"Your lips are all swolen now." Kris stopped gazing at my swollen lips and looked straight into my eyes. I stumbled backwards, letting a gasp out my mouth. Kris caught me and s his hands on my waist. We were in an awkward possition. At that moment, Kris crashed his lips against mine. I moaned a little because my lips were already swollen from the freaky wierd bastard earlier. The kiss was deep. It went on for 3 minutes. 

















A/N: long chapter~ yaays update doneeee



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anneke329 #1
Update soon please!
Nevrane #2
new reader ^^ please continue C:
Chapter 14: Aww.. Kris and I sleeping on the table, with his hand in my head. Awww.. It's so sweet XD
Can you update this one as soon as possible?? *aegyo* :3
WolfLune #4
Chapter 13: I like the story so far but I was wondering if ur gonna write something about their powers?
puuhdp #5
Chapter 13: hello~ new reader here (:
I really love it. They are so cute together. And, Kris is really such a gentleman. Hwaiting author-nim
Chapter 13: Yeah author-sshi, I miss you so much!!
Aah.. How I wish I could really went shopping with Kris!! XD
Chapter 12: Aww.. Really can't wait for the date!

And what we'll gonna do in 'our' room? Kekeke :3
Chapter 11: update soon :3
Interesting! ^^
Chapter 11: Am I living at EXO's mansion?? Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa!!

Aigoo! Please update soon! XD