Can't See



“Shut up, Jjong! This… is not f-funny…”

“It’s true, Jonghyun...” The leader answered the shorter’s question.

I was standing there all silent, letting the information that Onew given sink in my mind. Taemin, our precious maknae is diagnosed with lung cancer. I knew he did have some health problems but I didn’t think that it’s as severe as this.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that the other three members were quiet. All were scrunching their brows and having worried faces. I am definitely sure that we are all thinking about the same thing. Thinking about how much pain Taemin must be feeling physically and mentally.

I figured that the environment was too gloomy. I mean, yes, it might be a terrible news but we shouldn’t be weeping about it. Instead, we should make Taemin smile and enjoy his life as much as possible. If Taemin sees us sad and silent like this (even Jonghyun and Key-hyung are awfully quiet, that’s just wrong – because I’m supposed to be the quiet one in SHINee, not them), I’m sure it would make his emotion worse and no one wants that to happen.

“Let’s make Taeminnie happy and help him enjoy his life to the fullest!” I exclaimed.

“Minho’s right… We won’t gain anything if we just sit here and cry.” Onew stated.

“I agree!” Jonghyun voiced out while Key who had puffy eyes just nodded.




Now, everyone knows about Taemin’s horrible disease but no one would speak of it. Even the fans knew that he needed privacy because none of them ever commented or asked anything about it. Manager asked us whether SHINee would still be performing if Taemin… you know… We decided to let Onew to make the decision. I guarantee that he’s facing a lot of stress now but I know he’s pretending that he’s fine.

Speaking about pretending reminded me about Taemin. Taemin did smile and laugh when we tried cheering him out,

But am I the only one who noticed that his smile and laughter are not sincere?

I doubt it.

I think the whole SHINee noticed it which was why everyone is trying so desperately to make him sincerely jubilant.

I swear that we’ve tried everything but he’s still the same. And this was what that surprises me the most – Jonghyun-hyung gave him banana milk and he DECLINED it. The main singer let out a loud gasp when that happened.

Like I said, we’ve tried everything and in the process, I have to admit something’s just not right with Onew-hyung. He was the one who’s always cheerful and treats Taemin the best but now all he does is sit in his room, without the lights on(He scared Key once. Key thought that he was a vampire sitting there in the dark). Recently, his sangtae occurred and as usual, a few of us laughed. Onew-hyung got up and told Jonghyun to ‘shut up’ because his laugh was the loudest.

Now, that’s not the leader I knew.

I figured I should have a talk with him since the others didn’t dare to do it after the change of his attitude but I know that Onew-hyung would always be the fun dubu that we’ll always remember.



“Hei hyung, can I–”

“Minho, can I talk to you for moment?” he cut me before I could ask.

I guess great minds think alike.

“Sure, hyung, but where?”

“Where we always act crazy at…”

“The roof it is.” I agreed as I followed behind him.

When we reached at our destination, Onew and I went and lean against the stainless steel railing. Onew-hyung was about to tell me something but then he decided not to. He inhaled as I saw him clenching his fist.

“Okay Minho. I’m going to be straightforward about this.”

“Alright.” I answered calmly even though my hyung is kind of scaring me with what he was going to say.

I’m always that way. I usually don’t show my frightened expression to anyone. Especially when that person is also afraid. Like when somebody is in fear and he looks up to you, seeing that you are the only who can help him out of this, so what would happen if you showed him that you are also frightened?

The person would probably get even more scared and give up.

And I can tell that our leader is worried. Something was bugging his mind and I’m going to do my best to help him.

“Can you love Taemin?”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

He dragged me up just for that!?

“Um… yeah, hyung. But what’s makes you think I don’t love Taemin?”

“No, no! Not that… When I said love, I meant like love love…” he told, whispering at the end.

It took me a while to get what he’s saying. I think he saw my shocked face that was why he started talking again.

“Please! Even if it’s just for one day… It’ll mean a lot to him…” he pleaded.


“Please, Minho! This is only for Taemin…”

“Why are you so desperate, hyung?” I just had asked even though I knew the answer.

“Why? Because I want to make Taemin happy, Minho! That’s not his sincere smile that he’s been showing! You know better that he’s in love with you!” he said out loud.

I kept quiet again, making him let out a sigh.

“It’s because I… I… I care for him.” He said finally.

There’s more.

“That’s it?” I questioned.

The elder stared at me with wide eyes.

“‘that’s it’?” he repeated my question.

“What you mean ‘that’s it’?! Minho, I’m serious about this. I didn’t want to yell at you but you tested my patience. Taemin, our Taeminnie, is leaving Earth soon! How can you still joke around? Do you how sad I am!? Do you know how much it hurts, Minho?!” he paused and inhaled before he continued.

“I care for Taemin much more than you do for him. Nevertheless, Taemin loves you. He’s always happy with you. Why can’t you see that!?” that was one of the rare times you see the sporting leader shout.

Onew left me there, surprised as I saw the tears that were stagnant in his eyes.


And why can’t you see that I can’t love Taemin because I knew that you’re in love with him since the beginning, Jinki..?



School. Yep, that's my explaination for the delay update. Oh, one more reason. My mum placed a password in the laptop and she's usually not home, so I can't switch on the laptop ^^"

And yes, Minho is actually an Ontae shipper but he got misunderstood by the both of them.

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naznew #1
Chapter 18: omo...andwae!!!taemin-ah....i can't believe he will died..
Chapter 18: I want and epilogue
Chapter 18: *having a heart-attack for a while*

This is so bittersweet. <3
I want an epilogue, since you don't want to write a sequel. Even if you do it, what you gonna write about? Haha! An epilogue would do. :))
jongkey65 #4
Chapter 18: NOOO TAEMIN. DDD:
Chapter 18: Taemin died... I'm sitting here crying right now... The "our little Taeminnie is gone" really got to me. It was beautiful *sob* loved this <3
yuritaeminho #6
Chapter 18: please dont make taemin die T.T please make taemin life again huks
Chapter 17: Ya ya ya... you didn't actually kill anybody in the story right? He gotta live..! and don't abandone the story, kay. Huhu~~~
naznew #8
Chapter 17: Omo..omo..taemin-ah..onew-ah..