Failed Encounter


A car stop in a playground and then the driver step out of the car, it’s five in the morning and there are still fogs in the area. He drove for hours from the city to their old town, he was not sure if things are the same but he is willing to gamble everything to make that little boys promise come true.


It’s been sixteen years since he left the town with an old promise to return again and fulfill the one special thing he had long to.


He smiled at a thought on how happy he was when he was in here, playing with his friends and finding the one person he will love forever.


He shakes his head when he remembered how much he cried at the backseat of their car when he saw Eunhyuk crying and how he tried to run after their car, he beg on his parents to stop the car to talk to Eunhyuk, for the last time. But his parents told him that it will be harder for him to say goodbye to his friends if they stop.


So he just watched him from the car and Lord it breaks his heart seeing him like that and until now he haven’t forgiven his self for making Eunhyuk cry and for leaving him behind.


But he is here now; he is in here to marry Eunhyuk.


He then maneuvers his car to a simple village. It was a different town from his memory back then. He pass by the house they once owned, he miss that house back then life their life was so simple and laid back but now everything is complicated.


Donghae then drives his car to Eunhyuk’s house, he stops the car in front of their gate, and his heart was beating so fast he nervously drums his fingers on the steering wheel and again for the second time in his life he felt as if his heart is going to pop out of his chest.


Donghae step out of the car again he pushed the car door close and walk towards the gate. With trembling hands he presses the doorbell. 

He breathes out and tries to relax after minutes without any response he again press the doorbell.

I know you're in there, please answer Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk look around, he notice a trail of red rose petals on the ground, he followed the trail and he sees a big heart shape backdrop with red roses in it. And there was man who was facing the big red heart, all Eunhyuk can see is his back. The man was wearing a three piece suit.

The man was wearing three piece suits and even if all he can see was his back, Eunhyuk knows how y he was and he must be a total gorgeous! 

Eunhyuk got excited with the thought he move closer to the man in suit, just five feet away from him. The guy then notices his presence make a suave move to face him and knelt down in front of him, he then showed him a velvet box.

The guy then opened the box and reveals a ring with a big heart diamond stone in it.

He was not able to contain his surprise, his eyes got bigger and his mouth formed an "O" shaped. His hands involuntary move to his mouth to cover his amusement.


In front of him is a very y and hot guy who is giving him a ring - not just any kind of ring but a diamond ring! 

He unknowingly stretch his hand to give to the guy in front of him, even if he can see things clearly he can't see the guys face. Not even a hint of it but he was sure he is hot, one hell of a hot gorgeous guy!

Before his hands and the guy's hands touch he startled when he heard a loud noise, like a big grandfather clock or a big bell.

Ding dong... 

He then looks around.

"Is it time yet?" confused on what is happening he look at the man who haven't move.

Then he heard a loud noise again.

Ding dong...

"Am I Cinderella or what?"

Then the romantic scene starts to fade, the roses dries out and the guy in front of him slowly fades away.

Eunhyuk panic as he tried to touch the fading man.

"Wait! Wait! I want to try the ring first and I want to know your name!"

Another loud noise and then everything went black.

"Wait... Wait..." Eunhyuk was murmuring in his sleep. "Wait!" he jolted awake from his bed. 

Realizing then that everything was just a dream. He drops his head on the pillow to sleep again. As he was about to close drip off to sleep he then hears a loud bell. 

He irritatedly reaches for the alarm clock and stops it. He looks at the time its 5:30 in the morning! 5:30 am! He tries to remember what day it is today, 

Yesterday was Friday so now it is Saturday! He was not supposed to wake up until 7:00! Maybe I forgot to turn off the alarm last night.

He put it back to its place again and sleeps when another bell was heard. He irritatedly throw the alarm on the wall to stop, then he realized that it was not the alarm clock that was disturbing him but the doorbell.


With a heavy heart he walks to open the gate. 

Must be their parents who decide to come home early after visiting their grandparents and for the nth time forgot their keys or must be his brother who after an all night drinking spree with his drinking buddy decides to come home and as dunk as he is forgot his keys somewhere.

Eunhyuk pouted his lips.

They don't have any right to disturb my beauty rest. I am really going to nag at them!

He opened the door and moves to the gate, before he open it he look into the peephole to find out if his guess are right.

All he sees is a guy wearing polo and holding a coat in his hands. 

Not his brother.

Definitely not their parents.

Who could this guy be? 

A burglar?

Would a burglar wear clothes like those?

A  ?

Well he look rather decent to do such act.

An agent selling product?

But isn't it TOO early?

Even if he was not sure curiosity got in the way and he removes the lock of the gate to see the man.

From the way Eunhyuk sees it he is very y.

Donghae turned his back and was about to leave, he had press the doorbell for many times, the neighbor’s dog already bark at him for the noise but he still don't have any response from the owner.

He was about to move when he heard the gate open.

He turn his back and look at a man same as his age, wearing a robe, his milky white neck and a portion of his chest can be seen. The robe was tied in a way that it can be easily remove. Donghae swallow at his thought. There will be time for that not now. But he looks so hot in the morning. He just want to pounce on him.

The guy must have notice that Donghae was looking at him and fixed his robe to hide his chest. 

"Yes?" Eunhyuk ask with a bedroom voice. Eunhyuk was so surprise on how hot the guy was .

Donghae feel as if he had goose bumps hearing that voice in the morning. 

He tried to smile and act normal.


All the things he had planned to say was trap somewhere and now he doesn't even know what good alibi he has for waking him up.

Eunhyuk was starting to be impatient. 

"What can I do for you?"

Donghae speak up! Say something.

Would it be that i got lost and asking for direction?

Or that I am looking for a house to rent? 

Donghae wet his lower lips using his tongue to hide his anxiety.
"I was driving around when I saw a house for rent sign and I decide to inquire." Donghae wants to head his head on the wall for such a lame excuse.

"Oh, maybe you got the wrong house; we're not looking for a leaser"

Eunhyuk got disappointed with a y guy, even though he was y and gorgeous he was not good with directions. How can he not know where he is going?


But then that sensual lips and tongue makes me forget how lame he is.

"Oh I'm sorry." Donghae wished that at that moment the earth will open up and swallow him because of embarrassment but he is not giving up.


"Well do you happen to know a place I could stay?"

In my house.


Eunhyuk wanted to answer that but he stop his self. "I'm sorry I don't know any inn in here, why don't you ask around?"


“Yeah, I’ll just around thank you.” Donghae ended their conversation. “Sorry for disturbing you”


Eunhyuk wanted to say something but he was also lost for words. Donghae took that cue to leave. He hurriedly rides his car and left.


Eunhyuk was left on the gate confused.


“What the hell is wrong with that guy? He disturbs my rest and just leaves like that? And he didn’t even tell me his name!”

He angrily shuts the gate making it create a loud bang.


He maybe hot and gorgeous but he is really crazy.











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NaruRin #1
Chapter 13: Who is the one met with hae..and the one tried to hit hyuk this fic mystery anyway I'm excited ....doki doki ...
Update authornim ..I can't wait already
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 13: Ohhhh how did donghae know , don't tell he's the one who bumped into hyukjae's father's car ...anyhow, I really had fun reading your fic ...Update soon
257471 #3
Chapter 13: how hae know about hyuk father accident??? please update soon, looking forward for this
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 13: Oh my, donghae never leaves hyukkie, right? Cuz he loves hyukkie, and now he prooves it by helping hyukkie's dad...
Chapter 13: Siwon is too kind amd he loves Hyuk very much! But I wanna Hyuk with Hae because that a must-do-thing for Haehyuk shipper. I don't what to choose.
Chapter 13: siwon is so sweet to hyukjae when he was wooing him ;a; poor siwon :(
Chapter 13: Is donghae the bad guy in here...??? Something is fishy.......
Fanaeh #8
Chapter 13: how the hell did hae know about the accident??
Lol.go hae!!
Sorry siwon.i hope u can find someone who truly love
because it is obvious hyuk love hae
Chapter 12: Hi there!! I just want to say I really like this story. Yep, it is complicated. Here is hyuk trying to figure out what to do, choose siwon (who showed up and just gave hae love) or hae (basically his first love). Dilemma!!!!
For me, I choose hae. Hahahahaha. Ok, talking to a diehard eunhae/haehyuk shipper here. Anyway, I think hyuk wouldn't be as bothered if he doesn't care for hae. And, the fact that he tried to push hae away, and he can't completely do it. Can't do it at all. It seems that all he thinks about is hae even though siwon is w him. So...I'm rooting for team donghae! :) though I do feel bad for siwon.. :(