She Has Someone.

I Knew From the Start.

"Caramel Macchiato please." I told the cashier at Starbucks. She gave me a smile and then gave me my change. I moved off to the side to wait for my order.

It's getting colder which is something I love. The cold weather in my opinion is the best weather. 

"Two Americanos please." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to the right to see Riah. A smile instantly spread across my face.

I was about to say hi when a guy came and wrapped his arms around her from behind. My smile immediately fell and I felt my heart shatter.

My heart beat increased and I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I quickly turned around and prayed that she wouldn't see me.

I couldn't believe that she had a boyfriend. Not once did she ever mention any guy being in her life. They looked so comfortable with each other as if they've been together for a while.

"Here you go." The lady behind the counter said. I bowed and took it into my hand. I was about to make a run for it when she noticed me.

"Baekhyun!" I turned around a faked a small smile. "Oh Riah!" I said. She ran and hugged me. I kept my arms in the air and didn't hug her back. 

She pulled away and pouted. The guy soon came to her side and eyed me down. "Who's this?" He asked with a hint of jealous.

That's right be jealous. I glared at him back. "Oh, this is Baekhyun! My best friend!" My shoulders fell at the sound of "best friend." 

I was right, that's all she saw me as. The guy smirked, "I'm Simon Park." He extended out his hand and I just stared at it until Riah nudged me.

I shook his hand, "Byun Baekhyun." This guy had everything. He was extremely good looking, perfect for Riah. I felt jealousy and pain knowing that she was with him.

"I'm Riah's..." He looked at her with a smirk and they both laughed. She clutched onto his arm. "Friend?" She said and they laughed again.

I just awkwardly stood there with a poker face. "I have to get going, I have class." I said. "Do you need a ride?" Riah asked. I looked at her and shook my head.

I walked out and the cold breeze of harsh reality smacked me right in the face. Why had she never mentioned this Simon guy to me?

If she considers me as her "best friend" couldn't she at least told me about him? I have to run into her while she's with him. Not something I would want but it happened.

I felt so hurt. I mean, I don't expect her to like me or anything but wow. I didn't think she had a "boy toy" if that's what you wanna call him.

They didn't exactly classify their relationship. They questioned it actually. 

Let me hold you Baekhyun. ;__; <3 

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hanjiwon_kpop #1
Chapter 20: Yeah, I really knew from the start.
hanjiwon_kpop #2
Chapter 20: <3 OMG.... Like the ending ... GOSH....
ailisu #3
Chapter 20: <333 baekhyun!! ^O^ <3
Chapter 20: This is a nice story! I actually cried in ...
Chapter 19: Are you seriously crazy
Chapter 20: hwkwkwk
finally, happy ending with byun rihyun !
Chapter 20: Omg I laughed when BAEKHYUN mentioned that her dad like choked him XD.
Chapter 17: Awwwww :)
Update soon~ ^^