A Man In Love-Donghae POV

A Man In Love

That was not real.

Its not real, Donghae begged with himself, eyes trained on one particular person.

It can't be real that his sweet, gorgeous Eunhyuk was cheating on him too.

True, Eunhyuk wasn't his anymore, and given what had happened, Eunhyuk deserved someone that would not let him down like how Donghae did. Yet, the latter could still feel the tendrils of jealousy and resentment creeping through his heart as he watched Eunhyuk leave one of the biggest mansion ever created, a hunk leaning on a pillar.

That stupid person was gazing at Eunhyuk with an expression that Donghae was pretty sure he himself wore while staring at his love.

Sighing, he tried to tear his eyes away from the beautiful blonde, his mind playing back what had just happened. He had been so frantic, searching through all the streets and alleys before his legs slowly directed him to one of the most expensive streets in Seoul. There, he had stopped to catch his breath, deciding to continue his lunatic chase after he had done so when his caught onto a familar mob of blond hair. His mouth had opened, ready to shout the blonde's name when he realised just where Eunhyuk had emerged from, his mind registering the happy, dazed look on the latter's face.

Donghae's heart had done a complete nose-dive before proceeding to crash-land into a bottomless pit, smashing into pieces.

But, Eunhyuk was now walking in his direction, a few more steps and they would meet. Though afraid of how their meeting would turn out, Donghae couldn't stop his happiness from bubbling up in him. Maybe this time, he would be able to touch Eunhyuk's heart once again. Donghae grinned, phrases and words flooding his mind when a pair of arms encircled his waist.

It couldn't be Eunhyuk; the latter was still walking in front of him.

That leaves one more option.....

"Kibum?!" Donghae squeaked, horrified at why his ex was here.

"Donghae sshi, i'm sorry. I should never have come in between you guys. I feel really bad now..."

Kibum tightened his arms, showing that he meant what he said while Donghae tried not to scream like a girl.

Suddenly, he heard a sharp intake of breath and glanced up, immediately wishing he hadn't.

Eunhyuk was standing in front of him, a look of utter disbelief and hurt clouding his face as he backed away.

"Eunhyuk, its not what you think!" Donghae screamed, gazing sadly at the retreating figure.

He had failed, again.

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Chapter 16: woah lot of surpise in the last chapt, didn't expect the ending would be like this

thank you for the beautiful story authornim!
Chapter 16: It's the end already?? You managed to make a great end, eventhough it's both saddening and happy...a really great twist for the ending...thanks for writing this..
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh...so Donghae was alive the whole time...
I can't believe you managed to satisfy both the people who wanted Donghae alive and the ones who didn't want Donghae to survive but you ended it so beautifully...
That was seriously one of the best Eunhae and Kyuhyuk fics I've ever read. This was seriously so sad but so amazing I'm crying right now T_T Amazing, amazing fic! This was just...gah it was perfect!!! <3 <3 <3 So much love for this~
Chapter 15: So, the doctor have tried the best.. It's ok Hyuk, u still have Kyuhyun thou..
Chapter 15: I just read the from the beginning...first of all I really enjoyed it, the way u write is so to tne point...even though every chapter is short *compared to other fics*, but it was full of feelings, it captures all kinds of the feeling that occur in ever chapter.
Up to the chapter where hae got the accident, I really didn't expect that...it was really a twist. Looking forward to your next updates.
/crying eyes out/
Chapter 14: Omg...I'm gonna die...please, please don't let Donghae die T-T I need an update asdfghjkl;
Chapter 14: Easy.. just make Donghae died and Kyuhuyk can be together.. But I guess Hyuk will be in real guilty...
evangeline101 #9
Chapter 12: Hey guise...sorry for the long wait but i just wanted to inform you guise that Evangeline is still alive so enjoy!!
michikokasiumi #10
Chapter 11: omooooo.... kyuhyuuuuuun... >o<
good boy... woo him mooore >u<
careful hyukkie... thats Mr Cho Possessive Kyuhyun u're faceung..... hwaaakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaaa... more kyuhyuuuuk authorniiim >u<
thank kyu 4 updating ^u^