A Man In Love-Kyuhyun POV

A Man In Love


Those irritating, pea-brained girls were annoying the hell out of him, Kyuhyun thought as he stalked out of the pub. Seriously, he should just be a gay.

What was the point of being straight when girls didn't appeal to him?

The only benefit that he could gain from girls was children but that was what his parents wanted, not him so screw them. He was a seventeen year-old, not a bloody seventy year-old, so it was time to start living like one.

He pressed his long fingers on his temples, massaging it as he strode towards a bench.

He needed to think, really carefully, about what he wanted to do with his life and make some life-changing decisions like switching from a straight to a gay.


Kyuhyun shouted in surprise before falling on the ground with a loud thud.


That hurt.

He snapped his eyes open, about to smack that thing that had knocked into him to the high heavens when he gasped inwardly.

The thing that had so painfully slammed into him was actually a blond angel. And it was currently sitting on top of him.

Oh dear god, Kyuhyun, stop hyperventilating!

Its just a guy. Still, there was something about this person that made him look vulnerable. It was either that or Kyuhyun was just more gay than he thought he was.

Suddenly, the blond thing spluttered and coughed.

"What did i bang into?"

Kyuhyun stared at the blonde incredulously.

"You smacked into me without knowing it?" Kyuhyun gestured to himself, waiting for some kind of reaction when the person's mouth gaped open.

"Whoa! You're solid!"

"Oh no, i just like to keep fit." The irritated man snapped before asking the blonde for his name.

"Why should i give it to you?" The latter retorted but immediately glanced down when Kyuhyun shot him a death-glare.

"I would care to remind you that you're at fault here so try to be more polite, Mister." The blonde glanced down before muttering something.


"Eunhyuk! I said my name is Eunhyuk!" The blonde (now Eunhyuk), screamed in frustration. Kyuhyun was about to forget his earlier infatuation over this idiot over here and skewer him when he saw the blood dripping from Eunhyuk's hand.

"Are you hurt? Was it me?" The younger man asked worriedly, grabbing the hand and surveying the wound, oblivious to the blonde's amused expression. He leant closer, smirking when he saw Eunhyuk blush, before pulling the injured man to his house, despite the protests. He pulled out a first-aid kit and gently applied antiseptic on Eunhyuk's wound, before bandaging it heavily. Unused to the attention, Eunhyuk turned away, a pink hue spreading across his face as he noticed Kyuhyun staring intently at him. It took all of Kyuhyun's will-power to stop himself from jumping in joy once he saw that Eunhyuk was affected by him.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk smiled at Kyuhyun sweetly, looking so much like an angel that Kyuhyun desperately needed to touch.

Oh lord, contain yourself, Kyuhyun.

You'll scare the guy away.

"I wanted to thank you for treating my wound and being so nice to a complete stranger like me. Is there any way i can repay you?"


Kyuhyun's brows furrowed as he wondered on ways that Eunhyuk could repay him. Honestly speaking, Kyuhyun didn't really want much except for Eunhyuk to stay with him but that would make him sound like a ert, unless....

"Why don't you work for me? Like a secretary or something." Great, now he sounded like some cheapo.

"Um..okay? But what does a secretary do?" Eunhyuk asked, oblivious to the battle for sanity currently on-going in Kyuhyun's mind.

"A secretary helps me do stuff, i guess..." How intelligent of you Kyuhyun.

"Sure! But i kinda need to return home soon so bye!" Eunhyuk glanced at Kyuhyun happily before bounding down the steps of Kyuhyun's mansion and bursting off at an insanely fast speed.

"You can start tomorrow!" Kyuhyun shouted after the blonde, pausing to lean against a pillar and understand what had just happened.

God, he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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Chapter 16: woah lot of surpise in the last chapt, didn't expect the ending would be like this

thank you for the beautiful story authornim!
Chapter 16: It's the end already?? You managed to make a great end, eventhough it's both saddening and happy...a really great twist for the ending...thanks for writing this..
Chapter 16: Oh my gosh...so Donghae was alive the whole time...
I can't believe you managed to satisfy both the people who wanted Donghae alive and the ones who didn't want Donghae to survive but you ended it so beautifully...
That was seriously one of the best Eunhae and Kyuhyuk fics I've ever read. This was seriously so sad but so amazing I'm crying right now T_T Amazing, amazing fic! This was just...gah it was perfect!!! <3 <3 <3 So much love for this~
Chapter 15: So, the doctor have tried the best.. It's ok Hyuk, u still have Kyuhyun thou..
Chapter 15: I just read the from the beginning...first of all I really enjoyed it, the way u write is so to tne point...even though every chapter is short *compared to other fics*, but it was full of feelings, it captures all kinds of the feeling that occur in ever chapter.
Up to the chapter where hae got the accident, I really didn't expect that...it was really a twist. Looking forward to your next updates.
/crying eyes out/
Chapter 14: Omg...I'm gonna die...please, please don't let Donghae die T-T I need an update asdfghjkl;
Chapter 14: Easy.. just make Donghae died and Kyuhuyk can be together.. But I guess Hyuk will be in real guilty...
evangeline101 #9
Chapter 12: Hey guise...sorry for the long wait but i just wanted to inform you guise that Evangeline is still alive so enjoy!!
michikokasiumi #10
Chapter 11: omooooo.... kyuhyuuuuuun... >o<
good boy... woo him mooore >u<
careful hyukkie... thats Mr Cho Possessive Kyuhyun u're faceung..... hwaaakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaaa... more kyuhyuuuuk authorniiim >u<
thank kyu 4 updating ^u^