Chapter 3

Vampire Story


"Sung Gyu, are you awake?" asked Woohyun quietly. Sung Gyu nodded without opening eyes. 

"Are you hungry?" The leader shook his head, "What time is it?"

"It's 2PM."

Sung Gyu stand up and locked himself to his office. He couldn't get the creature out of his mind.

*Maybe the creature saw us when we found Myung Suk in our old house and then started to stalk us? How can I ask that from Myung Suk, was someone following her? Why did that beast came out now?*


Sung Gyu went to the living room and yelled:"Meeting!"

Everyone gathered in the room. 

"First, who wants to share a room with Myung Suk?" asked the leader.

"Maybe Myung Soo? Then I'll share a room only with Sung Jong," suggested Sung Yeol. All of them agreed.

"So, secondly, non of you will go out at night alone, and I don't want that you'll do that on day time, but I think you need some privacy, so I'll let you do it on day time , but you have to tell me first. So, any questions?"

"I have one," said Dong Woo, " do you know something about the creature?"

"No, and now you are free to go," said Sung Gyu and leaned back on the couch.


"Myung Soo, who will change the room?" asked Sung Yeol.

"Well, I bet that Myung Suk doesn't want to live in her room, so maybe you and Sung Jong can move to other room?"

Sung Jong heard that and agreed before Sung Yeol could open his mouth.

"I think we have made the decision," said Sung Yeol and went to pack his stuff.

"Myung Suk!" called Myung Soo.

"She went out!" yelled Sung Gyu from the other room.

"That't girl," said Myung Soo to himself.


When Myung Suk arrived to the park, Young Jae was already there.

"Dude, I can't meet with you so much anymore," started Myung Suk.

"Why, did the guys found out?"

"No..Just something happened yesterday and Sung Gyu doesn't want us to go out alone so much anymore," explained  the girl.

"Do you want to tell me?"

"Oehh..Some enormous creature came behind my room's window at night."

Young Jae's face was serous in a second, "was there a scream before the creature showed up?"

"Yes, is something really bad?"

"Don't worry, I think your leader will talk about that in sometime, but let's go for a walk?"

"Yeah, let's go."


Young Jae was oddly quiet, his thoughts weren't clear, he couldn't get the creature out of his mind, *, I need to talk about this with Yong Guk.*

"Myung Suk, I'm really sorry, but I have to go," he hugged his friend and left. When the girl couldn't see him anymore she took her phone and called to Sungmin.


"Aishh..Finally you are here," greeted Myung Suk.

"Ah! I started to run here the minute you ended the call."

"Then you are slow runner," teased Myung Suk and smiled.

"Always mocking me."

The weather started to change quickly . At first it started to drizzle, then came rumble, after that it was raining like in Rain forest and lastly came lighting.

"What the hell?! The weather cast said that it is going to be sunny all day," said Sungmin.

The two of them found a shelter to avoid the rain.


When Young Jae got home, he told about the beast.

"What! The creature arrived! But how? Me and Sung Gyu trapped it years ago."

"Yong Guk, I don't know nothing about it, but maybe there was a trick behind it?"

"I have no idea, I need to talk with Sung Gyu about it, but how? We don't get along for years anymore."

Suddenly they heard a scream. "Dude,  think it's here," guessed Zelo. The lights  turned off and the boys could hear that the door locked it self and they saw a creature hanging behind the window. They guys just stared at it. Yong Guk started to walk closer to it, but he stopped and stared at it without any emotions

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WeBothAreFreaks #1
Aaaaah so saad :'( i cried because of the end. Why soooooo.. NOoooo gyu don´t kill ur self.. Ur kid is waiting somewhere noooooooo. x)
Chapter 18: This story is soo ADDICTIVE >.<
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for Sunggyu But what the hell XD
A shot is heard, ajax is near, and when they come back, Sunggyu is sitting on the bench with the monster XD If I would have been in the place of ajax, I would have smashed the guy into hell, Sliced him in little cubicles and then threw them in front of hungry lions..

lol.. my oppinnion.
I hope Ajax will catch them and the killing can start.. Oh, I meant killing Infinite. Yup.. Then they will start going to heaven, but I will catch their souls before they do. MUAHAHAHAHA :D
I'm not ill.