Chapter 10

Vampire Story


„Jong Up, why are you here?“ asked Sung Gyu, „and does your groups members know, that you came here?“

„They don't, Yong Guk gives us more freedom than you give to your friends. But I didn't come here to argue.“

„Come in then,“ said Sung Gyu and Jong Up followed him to the living room.

„Okey, get to the point now,“ said Myung Soo. He didn't like B.A.P at all, he wanted to kill them, but Sung Gyu banned the idea.

„Can we talk privacy?“ asked Jong Up.

„No, I don't have any secrets in front of the members,“ said Sung Gyu.

„Okey..“ started Jong Up and added, „I know what happened between you and Yong Guk in the past..“ then Sung Gyu stopped him and drag him to his office and locked the door.


„What?! How do you know that?“ asked the leader when they were in the office.

„I see that you have some secrets, but in our team, non of us doesn't  hide anything. Like Yong Guk knows that Young Jae and Myung Suk get along and they are going to meet anyway, although he banned it.“

„How is it related with Yong Guk and my past?“ asked the leader.

„Yesterday, when the big storm was going on, the creature came to visit us, and our leader told us what had happened and I think no one could think that out that you and the creature still get along and when it comes, you let it in. I bet that even your friends doesn't know that. But I didn't come here to chat about that, I came here because of Myung Suk,“ said Jong Up.

„What about her?“

„Is it safe that she lives here?“ asked the blonde guy and leaned closer to Sung Gyu's face.

„I think you have your own view about that, so I'm listening.“

„Okey,“ said Jong Up and leaned back, „Yong Guk thinks that the creature wants to hurt our group and to do that, the beast can kill the girl.“

Sung Gyu thought a little and finally said:“What makes him think that?“

„Because of Myung Suk and Young Jae. If Gii Yeol will hurt Myung Suk, Young Jae will get hurt. You have never thought of that?“ he asked surprisely.

„No. If you are done, then leave.“

The blonde guy stand up and leaft the house. On the way he met Myung Suk and whispered to her:“Be careful, you should find a better leader to yourself.“

Myung Suk watched at him when he left and thought, *What did he ment by that? Two people have warned me already, should I listen to them or not?*


Finally Myung Suk had decided, she packed her stuff, told to Sung Gyu that she is going move somewhere else and thanked him for everything what he had done to her.

„Where are you going?“ asked Sung Gyu.

„I'm not going to tell you, because I know that you won't like it and I think it's better that you won't know, sorry,“ she hugged him and said her goodbyes to the other members, after that, she left.


A-JAX's Dorm


When Myung Suk arrived to her new home, the members had already finished cleaning her room. They were surprised that the girl came to live with them so quickly.

„Wow, you made the decision really fast,“ said Sungmin when he walked her to her room.

„Yeah, two warnings are enough for me.“

„Two? Wow, that's good, I think, otherwise you wouldn't come here so fast.“

„You're right. But I'm still scared of your friends, they are creeping me out,“ said the girl shily.

„Why?“ he asked surprisely.

„They all have so evil faces, just creepy.“

„Actually they are really friendly. If you got to know them, you are gonne love them as much as me. Noo.. You can't love them so much, I'll get jealous,“ said Sungmin with a smile on his face.

„I can't love no one as much as I love you.“


B.A.P's Dorm


„Jong Up, where were you?“ asked Zelo. Jong Up blinked his eyes and said:“Outside of the house.“

„What were you doing there?“ asked the magnae. Jong Up did his thinking face, Zelo knew that if he does that, then he won't get the answer soon and he just left the guy by himself.

*Wiuhh..He's gone,* thought Jong Up and then came Young Jae to chat with him.

„I know that you won't tell me where you were and I won't even ask that,“ said Young Jae to stop him from walking away.

„Actually, I might say to you where I was.“

„Oh, really?“ he asked.

„Yeah, but don't tell that to anyone, I'll them by myself in some days, when I'm sure it happened.“

„What have you done?“ asked Young Jae with a scary face.

„Nothing bad, I promise. I went to talk with Sung Gyu and asked is Myung Suk safe there, and when I saw her I told her to find a better family to live with. Please call her and ask if she has done that or wants to move somewhere else.“

„You are worried about her?“ asked Young Jae and smiled.

„Yeah, she is your friend and I don't want you to be sad, when something is gonna happen to her,“ said Jong Up and patted on his friend shoulder.

„Thank you,“ said Young Jae and added, „I'll call her right away and maybe I can meet with her and if you want you can come too.“

„At first, you have to find out is she able to come out.“


Young Jae and Jong Up met Myung Suk in very private cafe. On the phone the girl didn't tell did she moved or plans to move somewhere else.

“Oh, you guys are already here,” she said surprisely.

“Yeah, actually, Jong Up wanted to ask something from you,” said Young Jae.

“Aaa.. Okey, I want to ask something from you too,” said Myung Suk and looked at Jong Up.

“You first,” said Jong Up.

“Okey, why did you tell me to find a better place to live?”

“Because the creature is Sung Gyu's ex girlfriend, and she might hurt you,” explained Jong Up, “did you listened to my words, are you gonna move away from there?”

“Yes, I had two warnings and I have a new place to live.”

“Where?” asked Young Jae.

“I live with my best friend, Sungmin.”

Jong Up was relieved that the girl moved to some other place.

“Can you come to visit me to my dorm now?" Asked Young Jae.

The girl shrugged her shoulders, “I don't know, I think so.”

“Wow, maybe you'll get along with our group.”

“Yeah, that would be cool,” agreed Jong Up with Young Jae.

“But, dudes, I need to go now,” said Myung Suk and left.


Infinite's Dorm


Everything was so quiet. No one didn't run to each member one by one to talk about some random topic. At the moment Myung Soo didn't share his room with no one, but he didn't like to be the only one using it. *So boring,* he thought, when he was in his room.


Sung Gyu was worried about Woohyun. Last past days the guy got along with the girl so much and they were really close. Myung Suk's lost was a big shock for him.


“Woohyun, are you okey?” asked Sung Gyu, when he entered the room.

“No. Sung Gyu, maybe it was our fault that she left? We always said that Sungmin looks really suspicious.”

“Or, it is someone else's fault,” said Sung Gyu.

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WeBothAreFreaks #1
Aaaaah so saad :'( i cried because of the end. Why soooooo.. NOoooo gyu don´t kill ur self.. Ur kid is waiting somewhere noooooooo. x)
Chapter 18: This story is soo ADDICTIVE >.<
Chapter 14: I feel sorry for Sunggyu But what the hell XD
A shot is heard, ajax is near, and when they come back, Sunggyu is sitting on the bench with the monster XD If I would have been in the place of ajax, I would have smashed the guy into hell, Sliced him in little cubicles and then threw them in front of hungry lions..

lol.. my oppinnion.
I hope Ajax will catch them and the killing can start.. Oh, I meant killing Infinite. Yup.. Then they will start going to heaven, but I will catch their souls before they do. MUAHAHAHAHA :D
I'm not ill.