Petsuchos? {Chloe}


Sehun is honestly a great brother, he understands me so well in just a short time. He tried to control my feelings, he didn’t yelled in front of my face. He might be looked cold towards girls, but trust me, he’s out of the word cold when he shows his brotherly side.

I waited for him in front of the cabin, he volunteered himself to take a sword for me. Any sword will be fine, honestly. As long as he was the one who took it, someone who I could trust, who I could call him a brother.

15 minutes passed, and I finally could see him panting through the field, he brought 2 weapons with him. I assumed it was sword and dagger, as he got closer and closer, I was right. He brought a sword and a dagger with him. “There you are! I heard a boom! From the Hephaestus cabin. What really happened? Are you hurt? You okay? How about my weapon?” I asked him hurriedly, it was just really worrying. When it looked like he was just wanted to open his mouth, I said something before him, “OMG you got the sword!!” And it made him stared at me with an icy stare. Duh don’t care though.

I acted like I was scared, but actually, I was not. After a few seconds he let out a light laughter that could bright up this morning. NO, NOT THAT I’M IN LOVE WITH HIM. He’s just my brother afterall, “come on take your rucksack and we have to leave this camp immidiately.” I obeyed him and took my rucksack that was still inside the cabin.

After making sure that everything was ready and settled, we officially our journey— my first journey. I was really tempted to use my sword, that I had to touch it every seconds, that I could see that Sehun was annoyed by it.

We walked  through the woods, the sun tried to reach the ground but it was held by the enormous trees. I felt sleepy when I was walking through it, honestly. Too much oxygen that came from those trees. I walked slowly, as if I wasn’t ready to go out from Camp Halfblood, I knew I just came but indeed it felt like real home. “Hey, sleepyhead, it’s not night yet and you’re already sleepy??” He shook my shoulder, ugh annoying. He just stuck out his tongue, I rolled my eyes, looked as annoyed as hell.

Few more steps until we were officially out of Camp Halfblood. I felt something was not right out there, “Everything is wrong out there. Anything could change your mind, yes you really are a great sister, but maybe along way through the journey, you would ‘transform’ into a evil little sister of mine,” he said with a smirk, “but I know that wouldn’t happen. It’s just an if, afterall.” I slapped his arm, this joy couldn’t be deciphered, I was just so happy with the fact that I still have someone on my side, who I could trust, and that’s Sehun.

“Wait.” He said as he stopped his step. I bumped onto his back, thank god he wasn’t REAAAALLY tall as a junior cyclopes, so this didn’t hurt my forehead too much. “What happened?” I tried to sneaked a peek from his shoulder, but I found nothing there. “Well, you can’t see them. But I can.” Yea sure, I knew you were just awesome, you could see things that were invisible to me.

[You know it was sarcasm, Sehun]

“Just wait here for a moment okay. This is going to be tough,” He commanded me, his worried expression convinced me that something bad was there, in front of us. Too bad, I couldn’t see them. If I could see it, I would destroy it in pieces, don’t care what creature it was. I was probably sure that it was just something that waited to be destroyed.

Sehun stepped forward, locked his position. He didn’t do anything there, just standing there, staring at the invisible object. Then, he let out some words that I didn’t understand even a bit, I knew it wasn’t ancient Greek, maybe Egyptian? Blah. It looked like he was done with his business, he turned around, and—

It wasn’t his eyes. They shaped like a bird’s eyes. It was yellow and blue.

And only one thing came into my mind, who is this guy? And where is Sehun?

“Everything is fine. I just need some times to get back to my normal appearance,” He smiled sheepishly, “This is embarrassing, you know? Fighting as someone else in front of someone who is blood related to me, for the first time. Usually I just fight as Ho— eh, it’s not good for me  to say his name, or he would slap me mentally,” I looked at him, surprised. This was the first time he talked too much, and it wasn’t about protecting me, it was about himself. It was interesting, though. “Wait, I’m not finished yet. Do you want to know what creature I just fought?”

Well, yes silly.

“It was only a petsuchos, and petsuchos is not really a monster! He’s just a son of a Egyptian god, so you don’t have anything to worry about!” He grinned widely, as if nothing happened and everything was peaceful. “I killed him though, he wouldn’t return in hundreds of years, or maybe thousands. I don’t know much about Egyptian Mythology.” What? Egyptian? He was related to it? Millions questions about him ran through my mind. So he was related to 2 ancient mythology? Greek, he got it from his father— which also mine— Egyptian, which I didn’t know about it, at all!

“Ouch. My head hurts. Going to blame the words you just said.” I stomped my feet, passed him in a swift motion. He didn’t seem to care at all, duh me neither.

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Chapter 14: yeay i'm volunteering! oh sehun why are you so handsome and you're even being more handsome if you still saying that yourself is handsome ;__;
update soon</3
@maknaewind they sure are:D

Which of his series do you read??
maknaewind #3
Chapter 6: Ooohhhh Suho suits to be Athena's son, even Taemin suits to be Aphrodite's son, lol XD

and yes I do read his books, most of them but not all, heheheh XD
@maknaewind: he is haha according to sadie xD you read riordan's books?
maknaewind #5
Chapter 5: hehehehe, I'm getting to love this story more and more~ as far as I remember Anubis is suppose to be handsome? heheheh XD
@maknaewind: thank you haha. I don't know whether riptide will appear in the story or no tbh xD
maknaewind #7
Chapter 4: when Sehun's mom gave him a knife, my mind kept thinking "Riptide, oh wait Riptide's a pen" lololol and Chiron,and Luhan and the Fountain, I LOVE IT. hahah update soon please~~~
@Rabbits98 sureeee haha