Medusa? {Chloe}



I woke up as the sunlight shined through the only window near the door. Sehun was still sleeping, so I decided to check is there anything that me and him could eat for breakfast.

“Just check my rucksack.” I heard Sehun’s hoarse voice behind me. I raised one of my eyebrow and walked to his rucksack that placed next to him, “in case if there’s something coming.” He said, last night. “I took some food and drinks from the dining hall before you woke up yesterday.” I ignored him and took a pack that consisted of 2 sandwiches inside it. I took one and gave the other one to Sehun.

We ate it in silence until Sehun looked tensed, “what happened?” I asked him worriedly. “Nothing. Horus told me something is going to happen if we go to the north. Guess we’ll be going the other way.” He answered assuringly. I trusted him, so I just nodded and believed to what he said, but that little voice inside me insisted to ask him what EXACTLY Horus told him that made him that nervous, but I shoved away that feeling.

After finished with the sandwich, I grabbed a canned Milo from his rucksack. Whoops sorry for exposing the brand. I drank it half and gave it all to Sehun, he quickly finished it and threw it to  the bin near his bed.

I walked towards my bed and took my rucksack underneath the bed. Rechecked the rucsack, making sure nothing was stolen from it. “You won’t miss anything there”  was all Sehun said while I was checking my rucksack. Duh, I didn’t trust him on that. After convinced, I zipped my rucksack and put it on my shoulder, then I ran to the door, Sehun was already waiting for me there.

“You’re soooooo sloooooooooooooow,” was his reaction when I stepped outside the hut.

I stood in front of him, arms crossed, looking at him expressionless. He just frowned and walked by himself.

“HEY WAIT UP!!” I ran to him, how dare he left me alone in that creepy hut that was creepier when he left. Maybe it was because the magic power that was inside him, it gave peaceful power to the hut and that peaceful power was dominating the evil power that was naturally inside the hut. I wonder how did he get that hut. I mean, who would make a nice hut by the river, near the woods, filled with some nice furnitures in a journey that forced you to do something dangerous such as saving the gods or something, no one right? I was convinced by myself that he took the hut from somebody else.

I walked beside him, humming happily. He just continued his walk, faster, leaving me behind again. “Hey, what’s your problem!?” I finally asked him, I was really pissed off. He was ignoring me, as if I wasn’t there. “We have to leave that place as soon as possible! I had a nightmare last night, and I don’t think I have the right time to tell you until we arrive at the place that appeared in the dream!” I just stared him doubtfully, but then I just following his will. So, next stop? Mysterious place.




After our about 30 minutes walk, we finally found a bus stop and decided to wait there until a bus came up and picked us up. Trust me, waiting for a vehicle to pick you up with your brother that actually goofy in silence, it kills you, literally.

Sehun didn’t say any words since the last time I asked him a question and it was really strange, he usually commented everything I did. He didn’t even let out any emotion, which was strange either. I just took a quick glance of him and found him bit his lower lip, showing anxiousness. What was on his mind? I really wanted to know. I let out a sigh to show a sign that I was bored, and he didn’t even react a bit. Still chewing his lower lip.

Some minutes later, a bus came to our sight. I let out a relief sigh, but Sehun muttered, “don’t,” I looked at him in confusion. What was he thinking? We finally got the bus that we’d been waiting for, and now he let it go in ease? But being the.. nice sister I am, I went silent and stood beside him again.

[Notice any sarcasm? Teehee]

Soon, the bus passed us and I saw... A woman inside it. She was wearing a sunglasses, a rayban, for more specific. She was indeed beautfiul, but somehow... Her hair looked nice yet scary at the same time.

“Don’t look at her,” Sehun said quitely. So, I closed my eyes.

The bus quickly passed and Sehun told me that I could open my eyes again. “What was that, or who was that?”

“I thought your mother was into anything that connects with mythology?” He asked, annoyed. I could see it from the way he asked.

“Well, yes...” I answered, not quite sure that I had to answer it like that. Yes of course I could think of any other better answer, but my brain stopped working at that moment.

“It was Medusa, you dumb,” He chuckled as he hit my shoulder, ouch, “You didn’t notice?” Well, I slightly noticed but I was not sure it was her.

[You MUST recognise the sarcasm I put in my comment if you listen carefully]

He called me dumb, again.

Well, ladies and gentleman, the old Oh Sehun was back. Just because of Medusa. I hope we could meet again, dear Medusa so you could make him more normal or maybe, you could turn him into stone if it was necessary. But sorry, turning him into stone? Nah, just joking. Just being that lovely sister I am, I have to give him this recorder and chance to record what happened next. 



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Chapter 14: yeay i'm volunteering! oh sehun why are you so handsome and you're even being more handsome if you still saying that yourself is handsome ;__;
update soon</3
@maknaewind they sure are:D

Which of his series do you read??
maknaewind #3
Chapter 6: Ooohhhh Suho suits to be Athena's son, even Taemin suits to be Aphrodite's son, lol XD

and yes I do read his books, most of them but not all, heheheh XD
@maknaewind: he is haha according to sadie xD you read riordan's books?
maknaewind #5
Chapter 5: hehehehe, I'm getting to love this story more and more~ as far as I remember Anubis is suppose to be handsome? heheheh XD
@maknaewind: thank you haha. I don't know whether riptide will appear in the story or no tbh xD
maknaewind #7
Chapter 4: when Sehun's mom gave him a knife, my mind kept thinking "Riptide, oh wait Riptide's a pen" lololol and Chiron,and Luhan and the Fountain, I LOVE IT. hahah update soon please~~~
@Rabbits98 sureeee haha