One More to Go {Sehun}


I think I have some explanations to do.

First, who’s Jonghyun? I already told you guys that he’s a satyr. What’s a satyr? Please re-listen the last tape. This awesome boy is too lazy to re-explain the satyr thingy.

Second, what’s leucrocotta? It was a filthy creature that I bet you don’t really want to meet in the real life. It had the body of a stag, a lion's neck, cloven hooves, and a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth, its teeth could easily ripped you off. And what’s so “special” about it? It had the ability to imitate men voice. For example, Luhan’s. And surprisingly, the leucrocotta got Chloe’s attention.

[Yes, I’ll be back with the story after explaining about typhoeus]

And last, what’s typhoeus?! It was a fire breathing dragon with... so many heads, I remember Chiron ever told me that it had a hundred heads. And the most important thing is, typhoeus never rest, restless doesn’t mean that he’s easy to be defeated, it means that typhoeus is one strong creature. So you guys have to be veeery careful with it, incase you would meet typhoeus when you’re in your journey.

I actually the one who beat both of the monsters. Cause I’m just that awesome.

[Don’t ever interrupt me when I’m recording, please]

The story went like, this...


“What’s leucrocotta? Typhoeus?” Chloe asked in fear, she was now clinging in my right arm. Scared, of course. After hearing those weird names, she became more scared. I didn’t answer her question, just let her find it out by herself.

The woods was so silent. The atmosphere was so tense, I scanned around but I found nothing. No sign of leucrocotta. No sign typhoeus. It’s better for them to appear than to play hide and seek like this.

“I-I-I don’t hear the sound of the winds.” Chloe muttered.

Crap, one of the creature must be nearing.

“Don’t be panic. Stay still, don’t move.” I emphasized the word move. I tried my best to be a great protector and sibling for her, and finally, the leucrocotta came out of the bushes. Yea, come to papa, baby.

I grabbed my celestial bronze sword from its sack and moved swiftly to the leucrocotta. It hissed something that I didn’t even bother to know, it didn’t seem so important though. I slashed the leucrocotta with my sword, he moved away in a second. I tried for the second time, missed it again. I tried to fight him in many ways, but still, I couldn’t get my sword to its body and tear it apart.

I jumped, slid down, ran around it and tried any other ways to defeat the leucrocotta. But it didn’t make the leucrocotta defeated, turned into sand and flew away to the tartarus—deepest hole in underground that filled with monsters, evil filthy creatures and the father of the 3 great gods, Kronos.

Long story short, Kronos was taken down by his son, Zeus—that happened to be the king of the gods, and was dumped to the tartarus.

In those minutes of the fight, Chloe obeyed my words for her. She didn’t even move an inch. Good girl.

I was so exhausted and I ran out of energy fighting the leucrocotta. As if he knew that I was having my guard down, it clawed me. Ouch, hurts. Gotta get nectar after the fight. I quickly gather my awareness and ran to the leucrocotta.

Sorry I couldn’t help you in this fight, I don’t understand greek business, Horus said in my head.

Yea man, no problem. I can handle this thing, after all. He didn’t reply my response. I didn’t care about his response or anything before I could defeat this weird creature that could imitate men voice and made Chloe panic.

Then, everything happened in a slow motion.

I slashed the leucrocotta’s neck, victory.

One down, one more to go.

The leucrocotta turned into dust and finally flew away to tartarus, it might need another thousands of years to be in its real form again. Phew, that was relieving. But now, I had to find the other creature, typhoeus. That stupid fire breathing dragon must be near here, he must’ve sensed that the leucrocotta was already gone.

I ran to Chloe and grabbed my rucksack that I left on the ground, unconciously. “You okay? Wants me to get the nectar for you?” Chloe asked me, gripping at my shoulder. “I knew some important things for healing, you know.” She added shyly. I just chuckled and nodded at her offer. She quickly took out the bottle of nectar that I’d prepared for the journey, she also took out the small cup that I put in the corner of the room in the rucksack, how does she know that I put a small cup there? I questioned it in my mind, but nevermind. She poured a bit of the nectar into the small cup and gave it to me. I drank it and it did make me feel a lot better.

One health tip from Oh Sehun, god’s nectar is great for you.

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Chapter 14: yeay i'm volunteering! oh sehun why are you so handsome and you're even being more handsome if you still saying that yourself is handsome ;__;
update soon</3
@maknaewind they sure are:D

Which of his series do you read??
maknaewind #3
Chapter 6: Ooohhhh Suho suits to be Athena's son, even Taemin suits to be Aphrodite's son, lol XD

and yes I do read his books, most of them but not all, heheheh XD
@maknaewind: he is haha according to sadie xD you read riordan's books?
maknaewind #5
Chapter 5: hehehehe, I'm getting to love this story more and more~ as far as I remember Anubis is suppose to be handsome? heheheh XD
@maknaewind: thank you haha. I don't know whether riptide will appear in the story or no tbh xD
maknaewind #7
Chapter 4: when Sehun's mom gave him a knife, my mind kept thinking "Riptide, oh wait Riptide's a pen" lololol and Chiron,and Luhan and the Fountain, I LOVE IT. hahah update soon please~~~
@Rabbits98 sureeee haha