"Deadly" Trap {Sehun}


I didn’t dare to bring Chloe to the dining hall, it was only both of us left on the camp. I just found out that the camp staff and the other creatures in the camp was no longer here either. Last night, I saw Set’s army invaded the camp, kidnapping everyone except me and Chloe.

But I couldn’t just say to Chloe that easy that Set’s army was the peo— no I couldn’t say that they were humans— who made all of these mess. I was really sure that she didn’t know Set and other things related to the Egyptian mythology. I wasn’t really sure that I knew everything about it, but I knew few important things. And what was important was, Chloe couldn’t see them through the shield they— the Set’s army, made. Therefore she wouldn’t believe me if I told her about it.

[Yes, Chloe. Now you know, why are you so proud?]

When I woke up, she was still sleeping on her bed. So I went outside to get some food for us to eat. I walked to the dining hall cautiously, I was scared that the Set’s Army would attack me while I was weaponless, I didn’t bring my “special” dagger with me. I only brought a small normal knive in my jeans pocket.

Feeling safe, I rushed to the dining hall. Took some packed sandwiches, 3 bags of chips and canned drinks, and ran off to my cabin. I felt something urge that caused me to run that fast. In few seconds, I got to my cabin and found that Chloe was still sleeping. I didn’t want to wake her since she looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to break her peaceful moment.

I grabbed my rucksack, filled it with the food I just took and some others equipment for a quest. We were going on a quest to find everyone. I just hoped that one of them would be found in the halfway so that person would help us, a bit. Finished with my packing, I went outside and sat by the porch.

What if Set took them, so he really proved that we will meet up in the future, and this is what he meant. This is what he wanted. He always takes my happiness away from me. Why does life have to be so unfair? Everyone has a right to live, to grow up, to be happy. Me? Set took my family, then I found camp halfblood and considered it as my second family. And now, he took it away from me again? I wanted to live normally, I wanted to know how does it feel to have a real family. Thank god I already found Chloe, so I wouldn’t be all alone now. But still, Camp Half Blood doesn’t feel like Camp Half Blood without the other demigods.

Still busy thinking about everything that happened recently, the door opened. Oh she’s awake. “Last night was real. You were not dreaming, everyone disappeared. Including Chiron, the camp is no longer safe. Pack your things up, we’re going on a trip to i-don’t-know-where.” I said dryly to her, I sounded like I was still mad to her, but honestly I didn’t feel that way.

“What really happened last night?” She asked me, sounded so careful. It was like she didn’t want to hurt my feelings or something, so sweet. “Long and complicated story, sis. Just pack up your things, I promise you I will tell you everything along the journey.” I smiled a bit to her, in case to made her feel better and to made things less awkward. She obeyed me and went in again to the cabin. I didn’t feel like going on a quest in that moment, honestly, but the situation made me have to go on it.

Few seconds later I went into the cabin too. Chloe was still packing, I wonder what took her so long just to pack everything. And when I reached her, she was finished with her packing. I just nodded lightly and re-checked my stuffs.

Nectar, check. Ambrosia, check. Food suplies, check. Money, check. Golden Drachma, check. Weird looked and shaped wand, check. Cotton shirt and khaki, check.

[Shut up, Chloe. I’ll tell them later why did I bring cotton shirt and khaki with me]

And then, we were ready to go. I put my jacket in the pocket inside my jacket. I always put the most important thing there— my dagger. And it never fell off from there. I told Chloe to bring a weapon with her, “but I didn’t get my sword yet from Luhan.” I began to get worried.

“Stay here. Don’t go anywhere, I’m going to get a sword from the Hephaestus cabin.” I was scared and I didn’t know where does the Hephaestus cabin kids put their hand made weapons. But I swore to my self I had to find it, I couldn’t just leave Chloe weaponless if I went away along the journey.

I dragged myself into the cabin, it was honestly creepy that their enormous machine in the underground was still on and the click click sound could be heard from the top of it. I stepped carefully through the cabin, I knew that they set some traps on some spots of the huge room.

One, nice. Two, yeaah keep going, Sehun. Three, great. Four, crack.

All I could think was, run for your life.

Important information for you guys, the children of Hephaestus could build a deadly trap to keep their teritorry safe. So, if you step into one, you don’t have any other choices but run or destroy the trap.

A giant sack of something I didn’t know came out of the ceiling, I rolled to the left side of the cabin. And I survived, sure it was simple, but if I didn’t know what to do and I stayed, frozen in the place, I would be dead by now.

The sack reached the ground by the gravity, boom, then loads of feathers came out of it. Really deadly. Like seriously, I thought I was going to die, but all I got was just a giant sack of feathers.

I took a few more steps to get to a wooden cupboard, it seriously looked ancient. Maybe they got it from their father, blah just my assumption. I opened it, so many weapons were neatly placed in it, you can name it sword, dagger, spear, even trident. I took a sword and a dagger, closed the cupboard and ran out off the cabin.

One word, phew.

“There you are! I heard a boom! From the Hephaestus cabin. What really happened? Are you hurt? You okay? How about my weapon?” Just shut up, Chloe. Yes, call me fickle minded, I just “almost-risked” my life for her, then I wanted her to shut up.

[Yes, sis, whatever]

“OMG you got the sword!!” She jumped happily, duh I already said shut up on my mind. I stared at her with a cold stare, she automatically shut up. I laughed lightly, “come on take your rucksack and we have to leave this camp immidiately.”

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Chapter 14: yeay i'm volunteering! oh sehun why are you so handsome and you're even being more handsome if you still saying that yourself is handsome ;__;
update soon</3
@maknaewind they sure are:D

Which of his series do you read??
maknaewind #3
Chapter 6: Ooohhhh Suho suits to be Athena's son, even Taemin suits to be Aphrodite's son, lol XD

and yes I do read his books, most of them but not all, heheheh XD
@maknaewind: he is haha according to sadie xD you read riordan's books?
maknaewind #5
Chapter 5: hehehehe, I'm getting to love this story more and more~ as far as I remember Anubis is suppose to be handsome? heheheh XD
@maknaewind: thank you haha. I don't know whether riptide will appear in the story or no tbh xD
maknaewind #7
Chapter 4: when Sehun's mom gave him a knife, my mind kept thinking "Riptide, oh wait Riptide's a pen" lololol and Chiron,and Luhan and the Fountain, I LOVE IT. hahah update soon please~~~
@Rabbits98 sureeee haha