Deal by the Lake {Sehun}



I took Chloe to the dining hall. From now on, I wouldn’t be sitting all alone in the cabin 3’s dining table. Yes, there was a rule that said that you couldn’t join other cabin’s table. Which was actually fine for me that I didn’t have to sit in a crowded table, and I’ve never liked that kind of situation.

Now that I got a sister, I could do something other than just eating in silence. Well yea, I still felt alone because of that and the fact is, I didn’t have any close friends here in the camp. Although it was my favorite place, it was pretty hard for me to find a nice friend for me  to hung around.

After a few walks through the woods, we finally arrived at the dining hall.

Chloe examined the dining hall, I think she was amazed by the Greek Fire. I knew that it was a special fire. It could defeat monsters that couldn’t be defeated my metals such as leucrotae. Confused you much? Don’t worry. There are some more Ancient Greek and Egyptian creatures that I’d love to tell you guys.

I led Chloe to our table, the third table, everyone gave us berth for our way to the table. She looked uneasy with the way they treated her, “Ah it’s okay. You don’t have to step back that way. Do I look scary to you?” I honestly wanted to say yes. She’s my sister, therefore she had to forgive me on every offensive words I said to her, lol just kidding.

Want to know who was the person that Chloe talked to? He’s a boy, he’s around 16 years old. A son of Hephaestus, the god of fire and anything related to metals. Hephaestus made my father’s trident by the way. Back to the description of that boy, he had black or dark brown hair. Black or dark brown eyes. A kind of pointy nose. He honestly looks great, but hey I’m not a gay. Ah yes, and his name is Luhan. He’s the kindest boy among all of the boys in this camp, and he’s the leader of his cabin. Awesome much? I think he is.

[don’t call me colourblind you weirdo.]

Luhan smiled, “Hey. I’m Luhan.” Chloe looked dazed by his smile.

“I’m Chloe.” She introduced herself back.

I stared them with a straight-uninterested face. They didn’t notice it, too busy with their “business”, but it was just like a freaking staring contest! I wasn’t jealous, at all. I was just thinking, she’s my sister so get off her.

After a few more seconds, they finished their “contest”. She still looked affected by Luhan’s smile. She should know that sometimes that guy could be annoying too. But I don’t think that she would believe it.

Chloe walked first, but then she stopped. “Where is our  table?” I pointed at the medium table in the left side of Chiron’s table. “But that table is occupied. I don’t think it’s ours.” She said as she pointed at Chiron’s table. I mentally facepalmed myself. No Chloe, not that table, oh god was she really my sister? “Not that table you idiot.” I grumbled silently, but she noticed it. She didn’t say anything but she pulled me the first table, Zeus’s cabin table.

Uh Oh.

“What are you doing there, miss? That table is not yours.” Chiron  warned her from behind.

“Sorry Chiron.” She apologised with an embarrassed face. Ha lil’ sis, you should’ve listened to me.

As a good brother I am, I took her to our actual table. I could sense that Luhan was staring at her, out of these bunch of people in the camp, why should Luhan be the first person who got to befriend with her? Why didn’t she talk to Hephaestus’s daughter instead of son?

I kept on thinking until the food flew above us. Chloe put on a shocked face, well it wasn’t really a shocked face, it was more likely an idiotic face. Oops shouldn’t have said that. But like I already said, she is my sister, so Chloe you better forgive me than just staring at me like I’m a virus to you.

I took a can of coke and a plate of cheese sandwiches, Chloe just ooh-ed and aah-ed beside me.

“Did you just order that? How does this work actually?” She asked me, I ignored her and just opened my coke. “Hey I’m asking you OLDer brother.” She emphasised the word old, uh that hurt me much to be honest, because I’m not that old, okay.

“Just take whatever you want.” I moaned lazily, I wish I could taped so that she wouldn’t talk that often.

She looked satisfied with my answer, so she took a cheeseburger, a bottle of fresh milk, and a plate of cheesecake. I assumed that she loved cheese so much, no I didn’t want to find it out for sure, what’s so important about it?

We ate in silence, and she ate like a pig. She finished off her food and drink at the same time as I do. Was it her that too fast or me that was too slow? But I am a slow eater, guess I was the one who was  too slow. Finished with everything and felt full, she asked when will we go back to the cabin I didn’t say a thing but grabbed her hand and rushed off from the dining hall.

We didn’t go throughout the woods because it was really dangerous at this hours (it was about 19.00). Why? The satyrs had their own dinner time, and you wouldn’t want to know what were they doing at those time. You wouldn’t. Avoiding the woods, I took her to the lake again, couldn’t lie but I could feel that the lake IS our favourite spot of all spots here in the camp, included our own cabin.

She exhaled loudly, “lake?”

“Could you suggest other place in this camp that is better than the lake?” I asked her. She shook her head with a small smile made on her face.

She ran to the shore, sat on it and plunged her feet to the chilly water. We didn’t have to put off our shoes because it wouldn’t be soaked if we wanted it to. Cool eh? I think so. I followed her and sat beside her, I plunged my feet into the water too.

She sighed, “Luhan, is he a real person?”

“Why do you ask? Of course he is.” I answered, her question was so unpredictable. Well I didn’t expect she would ask that.

“He doesn’t look like one! I mean, look at his face omg!!! He’s so flawless. I would melt everytime I look at him and found out that he’s been staring at me the whole time!!” She squealed, fangirl. “Don’t worry. You’re a good looking boy too, but he’s more handsome than you.” She complimented with another word behind it, so it wasn’t really a compliment wasn’t it? Ugh.

“I know what do you mean by telling me these things. You want me to get you two together, right?” I knew that she would say yes at this question. And yes, she nodded in enthusiasm. “We’ll be visiting their cabin tomorrow and I’ll arrange your training schedule so that you’ll be with him. Deal?”

“DEAL! OH MY GOD SEHUN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. YOU’RE THE BEST BROTHER EVER!!!” She screamed in happiness. She jumped up and down, I just laughed at her reaction.

I know I’m great. And Chloe, I love you too, sis. Be ready for tomorrow.

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Chapter 14: yeay i'm volunteering! oh sehun why are you so handsome and you're even being more handsome if you still saying that yourself is handsome ;__;
update soon</3
@maknaewind they sure are:D

Which of his series do you read??
maknaewind #3
Chapter 6: Ooohhhh Suho suits to be Athena's son, even Taemin suits to be Aphrodite's son, lol XD

and yes I do read his books, most of them but not all, heheheh XD
@maknaewind: he is haha according to sadie xD you read riordan's books?
maknaewind #5
Chapter 5: hehehehe, I'm getting to love this story more and more~ as far as I remember Anubis is suppose to be handsome? heheheh XD
@maknaewind: thank you haha. I don't know whether riptide will appear in the story or no tbh xD
maknaewind #7
Chapter 4: when Sehun's mom gave him a knife, my mind kept thinking "Riptide, oh wait Riptide's a pen" lololol and Chiron,and Luhan and the Fountain, I LOVE IT. hahah update soon please~~~
@Rabbits98 sureeee haha