
Fan Non-fiction


(an excerpt from The Lunch Box)



Donggeun was rather confused about what he should feel.

Apart from the fact that someone just had to get in the way of things today, he was torn between resolving to be civil towards Bo Mi’s supposed best friend, and whether he should just ignore him. On top of that, the jolliness of this Sungjae’s attitude nettled him even more.

“Say, Bo Mi, what do you say we go have some ice cream after you’re done with your project today?” Sungjae recommended.

Bo Mi, as if on the same boat as Donggeun, was also in a crisis. She would gladly act normally; unfortunately the circumstances did not want her to do so. “Uh…yeah. We’ll see,”

“What about Peniel-hyung? Does he want to come along?”

“Really, Sungjae, you can just address me without the honorific. We’re just on the same year,” Donggeun clears up with a twitching smile.

“Eh…but you do look like a hyung to me, so, I’ll just address you with that,” followed by laughter.

Pissed off. Now Donggeun was pissed off.


He really thought this was the day, that after all these years of not being with her, he’d get to have Bo Mi to himself again. In addition to that—he wanted to apologize, to say sorry for leaving her, and for having lost contact. But then, what does he see? Clearly someone else has replaced his post in Bo Mi’s life.

“Bo Mi…ssi, I have the materials at home,” he began, for the sake of saying something to the girl.

Bo Mi let out a timid, almost mute, “Ah.” At that, with a small bob of the head.

“Seriously,” Sungjae butts in again. “Why so awkward?”

The other two froze, just before synchronizing turning their heads to the tactless, blind boy.

“Walk faster, Jae,” Bo Mi said with a snort to ignore the question, pulling her best friend’s arm. For the fraction of a second she and Peniel exchanged a blank look, but it did not last long enough to get rid of the hovering awkwardness in the air.

Sungjae smelled that something was up, and he thought that he was going to know it as soon as possible.


Bringing out the keys from his pocket, Peniel opened the door to his home. The two stepped in, and Sungjae was looking around with his mouth half-open in awe. “Whoaaa, so cool.”

It was nothing much, really, but his family did receive that a lot. Their home was simple, but skilfully and artistically designed, and it was elegant in every way possible. Lee Bo Mi, though impressed, decided not to let it show.

“There’s a study room…so…perhaps we could do it there…is it okay, Bo Mi-ssi?” the male half of the partnership asked his female counterpart.

“Yes.” She answered.

And the host led the way to the study room, with the guests following suit. They reached the room, and Peniel instructed the two to make themselves feel at home. Sungjae and Bo Mi then sat.

“I’ll just go get something to eat,” Peniel talked slowly (he always does, Sungjae thinks), and then went out of their sight to get something for the joint.

“Okay, girl,” when Sungjae was sure Peniel was away, he turned to Bo Mi. “What’s up with you two?”

“What?” Bo Mi scowled.

“Don’t you ‘what’ me. I know there’s something fishy going on between you two. Why are you so awkward?”

Bo Mi looked down. “It’s…well.” She thought. Think fast, Bo Mi. Think faster! And, being such a good liar she was, she came up with, “You know that feeling, Jae, when you just feel really uncomfortable when a person is around because you feel like your…uh, wavelengths won’t match?”

Sungjae scowled, trying to digest what she said. After a while of looking at Bo Mi, what he only said was, “Really?”

Bo Mi tried to convince herself that her lie was true. For half a moment she believed it, but then realization quickly dawned on her. Of course that wasn’t the case. “Yeah.”

“What seems to be bothering you, though?” he asked again, this time holding her hand, in a comforting gesture.

Looking down, she was confused whether she should look at him in the eyes or not. She knew she ought to tell Sungjae this kind of thing. “Let’s just say…I’m not really in the mood right now,”


“It’s…I don’t know. I’m a bit moody these days. It’s just really like that,”

“Don’t worry,” Sungjae smiled. “I’m pretty sure that can be fixed by parfait, yeah?”

Bo Mi nodded, and smiled. Having Sungjae here was really a comfort. She was never wrong in bringing him along.


“Ah, here. I’m sorry this is what we only have—” the door opened as Peniel came in, but he stopped short in his sentence upon the sight of the two.

Bo Mi, realizing his presence, sat dumbstruck there, unable to move. Sure, there was no malice in the pose she and Sungjae were in, but as soon as she saw the look in Donggeun’s eyes, she could already imagine what he was feeling.

“Um,” Peniel cleared his throat, and he ended up being surprised by himself for having miraculously done that. “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“Ah, ani, ani, ‘twas nothing, hyung! Oooh, goody! Orange juice! Thanks, hyung!” Sungjae quickly stood up to assist in putting down the drinks and food.

“S-sure,” the other male stuttered.

If only she could, Bo Mi would gladly get out of this place now. Much to her luck, she couldn’t because of the reasons: a.) They have a project to finish and b.) Sungjae would doubt her lie that nothing was wrong between her and her partner. “T-thanks,” she said, receiving the glass of beverage. The surface of the glass was cold, but the sensation on the back of her neck felt colder.


A few minutes after that, then, the partners instigated working on their project. Sungjae was left there sating his curiosity about the things in the room, at the same time observing Bo Mi and Peniel.

“By the way, Bo Mi, why’d you use clay instead of a computer simulation?” Yook asked.

Peniel purposely answered for her. “Why, it’s cooler this way. Besides, Bo Mi-ssi likes to make things out of clay,”

“Really?” Sungjae turned to her.

“U-uh. Yeah.”

“Oh…so those clay figures in your house really made sense then. How come I don’t know this?”

“Well you never asked,” Bo Mi said with fake dignity. All of a sudden, she let out a small, but sharp hiccough, able to be heard by the two.

“Oh, Bo Mi-ssi, are you nervous?” Peniel laughed.

Dammit. She held her breath for a while, but the hiccough was involuntary, that she let out another one. “Hic!” she squeaked.

“Nervous?” Sungjae transferred his gaze from Peniel to Bo Mi. “Why would Bo Mi be nervous?”

Is he doing this on purpose? Bo Mi thought, annoyed, while she struggled to even out her breathing. He knew everything about her; from her likes to her dislikes, from her habits, to how she reacts to certain things. This was one example. That was an disadvantage of having someone who knew her so well as her ex-best friend. She pounded her chest with a fist, unintelligently trying to get rid of her hiccough, hoping that them seeing her difficulty would somehow drive them to ignore the fact that indeed, she was nervous.

Disregarding whatever the matter was, Sungjae grabbed a glass, loaded it with juice from the pitcher nearby, and knelt in front of Bo Mi. “Here,” he brought the glass to her lips, and Bo Mi drank like she was drinking from the gods’ personal pond.

“Ahh,” Bo Mi sighed, when she had had enough.

“Are you okay now?” her partner asked. Bo Mi just shot him a scowl, and that made Peniel just look down and, once again, feel sorry for himself.

“Bo Mi-ya, are you okay now?” Sungjae parroted.

“I’m fine.” Bo Mi in a huge ball of air, and exhaled it loudly. “Thank you, Jae.”

Yook smiled in relief. “What was that about, anyway? You were nervous about something?”

Clearly, he still doesn’t know a lot of things. Donggeun snickered internally.

Bo Mi shook her head. “I was just having hiccoughs; that’s all.”

“Ah…I thought…because I did notice that…sometimes…” Sungjae just tossed the thought out of the window. “Okay. Just get on with what you’re doing,”

Bo Mi was grateful that her best friend wasn’t someone who loved to prod on about some matters. She had always thought that Sungjae lived with the motto, “What you see, is what you get”.


The next five minutes passed by taciturnly, until it was disturbed by the ringing of a phone. The ringing belonged to Peniel’s, and as he picked it up, “Yobosseyo?”

“A-yo Peniel! Where you at?” Ilhoon boisterously greeted from the other end, which almost deafened the receiver.

“Uh…home. Why?”

“Oh, good! I was thinking—”

“—we’re coming over, so you better have food there!” another voice interjected, and he knew, it belonged to Hyunsik.

Not only Sungjae, but also even Bo Mi, was giving Peniel a weird look. “Oh…kay. But wait—”

“—okay? So it’s okay with you? Great! We’ll be there in six minutes, bye!” and the call ended. His words were still left stuck in his throat; poor Peniel had to entertain another set of guests, not to mention uninvited ones.

“Who was that?” Sungjae queried, batting his eyes.


“Really? Other people from school, hyung?”

“Ani; they’re friends of mine.”

Sungjae nodded. “Nice. By the way, hyung, I’m sorry…for a moment there I thought you were a guy that was awkward around people,”

The other boy laughed. “Really? It’s alright; I get that a lot. But I do have some close friends…or at least…I did,” in the last two syllables he and Bo Mi looked at each other, but the girl just sveltely avoided him, yet again.

“’Did’? Why?”

“Aw, you see…when I went to Illinois, I had to…let’s say, lose some people.  And when I came back, now, I don’t know where they are.” He said. “I feel awful but I guess they’re really happy now, although…I want to tell them that I’m back, and I’m sorry,”

Bo Mi, who was, a while ago, busy rolling that yellow piece of clay like a master baker, suddenly stopped, entirely receiving all words that were addressed towards her. She was not looking at him but she could feel each and every word of Donggeun seeping right through her skin. How dare he, she thought, to make himself look pitiful like that when he had no idea how much pain she had to go through when he left her? How long took her to get over it, and how painstaking the process was? He returning here was one thing, rubbing it in her face was another.

“Oh, my…” Sungjae pursed his lips, and resolved not to go on further with the topic anymore, as some very personal matters were at hand. “I hope you find those people soon, hyung,”

“I don’t need to,” Donggeun answered, his eyes laid on a flustered, but still working Bo Mi. “I think they already know what I wanted to say,”

Sungjae just smiled. Shifting to another topic, he turned to Bo Mi, “Bo Mi-ya, I forgot to ask you, by the way. Who’s your partner in The Lunch Box project?”

Boy, was Bo Mi relieved at that change of agendum. “A-ah? Haven’t you asked, already?”

“Nope. That’s why I’m asking you,”

“Aish, you did ask already!”

“What? No I didn’t! Wait. Okay. Fine. Maybe I did, but I forgot. Who was it again?”


Peniel, who was listening without looking, felt stung by how the two were bantering. He could have been in Sungjae’s place now. Perhaps, they could have been bantering right now not as best friends, but as lovers.


Just outside the house, a shiny black car halted, and out came two pretty boys, wearing seemingly pricey clothes.

“Ya, hyung! Ppali, ppali! Peniel’s waiting!” hollered a caramel brown-haired guy, as he trotted along the cemented pathwalk.

“Yeah, yeah. Coming, coming,” the guy with small eyes trudged after, with surrendered shoulders. A few steps later, the two were standing before the brown, huge door.

“I knock; you come in first,” proposed the guy with curly caramel hair.

“What ‘knock’ are you saying. There’s a doorbell right over here,” the other pointed the blue button on the wall.

“Aish, whatever! Just…go in first!” the younger one shuffled forward, so that he and his hyung will switch places.

“Fine. Fine,” the hyung grunted.


“Secret,” Bo Mi stuck out her tongue at Sungjae.

“Aww, come on!”

She gave him a face gag. “I’m not telling,”

Getting tired, Sungjae just rolled his eyes and turned to his ‘hyung’. “What about you, Peniel-hyung? Who’s your partner?”

Donggeun was about to open his mouth, but Bo Mi suddenly butted in, “Hey, didn’t the principal say that you shouldn’t tell who your partner is? That’s what the pseudonym is for, right?”

What a brat, Donggeun thought. But that idea just made him laugh, at least internally, because he knew her just fine to understand why she did that.

“Don’t mind her,” Sungjae just made a dismissing hand gesture at Bo Mi’s direction. “Come on, hyung! Tell all!”

Once again, in an attempt to answer, someone else had beaten Donggeun. Just in time, the doorbell rang, and faster than lightning, he stood up. “Excuse me, I’ll get it,”

Swinging open the door, Peniel was instantly greeted with, “Surprise!!!” yelled the two guests happily, raising their arms in the air.

“What the—what surprise? You told me you were coming,” Peniel laughed as the two tackle-hugged him.

“Right. Hyunsik-hyung, it was your idea that we say ‘surprise!’ when we see him!” the caramel-haired guy complained.

“What, me? But your voice was louder!” Hyunsik sassed.

“Okay, okay. Now, if you’d—” Peniel wedged himself out of his friends’ tight hug. “Uh, um, Ilhoon-ah, Hyunsik-hyung. I have some other guests over so—”

“—really? Where?” the Ilhoon guy craned his neck, swaying his head from left to right.

“They’re in the study room. I’m in the middle of making a project now, so…yeah,” he trailed off in his sentence when Ilhoon began strutting to the direction of the study room. He knew where it was. Hyunsik just followed, paying an apologetic smile to the owner of the house, telepathically telling, I’m sorry, but you know Ilhoonie.


“Don’t you put it right over there?” Sungjae extended his arm reaching out to the modelled clay but Bo Mi slapped his hand.

“No touch!” she grouched.

“Hmmp. This meanie. What is that for, anyway?”

“It’s that thingy that’s at the base of the bulb.” Bo Mi answered.

“And that blue one? That…snake?” Sungjae pointed out.

“That’s not a snake, silly. That’s the wire.”

In synch, the pair turned when the door creaked open. They were expecting their host, but they were utterly shocked when they saw a different guy.

“Ah, that’s them.” Peniel hurryingly went into the room, and placed himself in between the two pairs.

Bo Mi and Sungjae stood up, and greeted together, “Annyeonghasseyo,”

“Annyeonghasseyo,” the Hyunsik guy said. “My name’s Im Hyunsik,”

Bo Mi and Sungjae introduced themselves.

Peniel nudged Ilhoon lightly. “Ah, yeah,” Ilhoon scratched his head. “The name’s Jung Ilhoon. Nice to meet you,” he said, proffering a hand, which Sungjae was the first one to take, and then Bo Mi.

As soon as Ilhoon took Bo Mi’s hand, the boy, in a psychic-like fashion, immediately knew it. He smirked, and she saw that, which puzzled her greatly. She went back to her seat with that same bewilderment still riding her mind.

Hyunsik asked Sungjae what they’re working on, to which Sungjae explained in detail what’s happening. Bo Mi let him do the talking, and while they’re at it, Ilhoon whispered something to Peniel. It wasn’t loud, but it was just enough for her to hear. “It’s her, isn’t it?”




프니엘: Weirdly, in the middle of my sleep, I get distracted by some unknown force. All of a sudden I could hear every sound around me and my mind is fully active again. I have no idea why. I try to regain my sleep, but much to my failure, I don’t, so I decide to open my eyes and then slowly, arise. Turning my head to the left I behold the view of two kids sleeping with their heads on the table, like a pair of drunkards that just passed out. The study lamp is still even . I try to move my limbs, and I realize that there’s something soft on it, I think of an idea.

She can’t feel it, I know, so I take the liberty and enjoy it; caressing her red locks lightly, after having mantled the soft blanket over her back. Se Na looks like a derp while sleeping, but still, she’s beautiful. She breathes steadily, and, just next to her is her best friend, and they’re sleeping face to face; their hands in the middle.

I never really admitted this to myself, but standing right here, right now, I find myself being suffocated by a feeling known as jealousy. Finally, after all these months of denial, I finally conclude, I am jealous of Sungjae. A little bit insecure, a little bit sad, and a little sorry for me— a little bit of everything. Looking at these two right now, it’s like there’s this giant serpent wrapping itself around my neck, constricting my breathing. I’ve always thought that these two are immune to having any romantic feelings for each other, but what if…it really does happen?

Lately I think, more frequent than ever, that it not being a part of Se Na’s past. Oh, what I wouldn't give just to be a part of it!

“Se Na,” kneeling down next to her, I whisper the words that I would never have the guts to say if she was awake. “It’s not just Ilhoon who likes you.” I open my mouth again, slightly, but the words have slipped out of my mind. Besides, it’s useless to talk to someone who can’t even hear you. So I give up, perhaps a little bit too easily you may say, but I think it’s just the right thing to do. I go to the kitchen to get myself a drink, and with that glass of water, I proceed to the overlooking balcony. The city seems bright and beautiful from here; how energetic the view seems, yet how lackluster everything actually is. Some may be awake, but more are asleep.

Three sips of water later, I decide to get some sleep again. I wash the glass I used then go back to the couch. Soon enough, I am back to dreamland.

The next day is a Sunday, and it’s altogether a good day, if not great. The three of us go to church and as late evening comes, Sungjae is done with his English subject, because it’s really obvious that he has Se Na as his incentive to study well—in the sense that after he is done with English, Se Na will replace me as his tutor and that fact alone makes him happy as heck.

Now I’m not sure if he’s just excited because Se Na’s teaching him, or this is some other kind of inspiration.

That morning, though, something happens that quite disturbed me.

“Very well; take a rest first. We’ve been studying for two hours straight,” I say coolly to my student, to which  he assents with an enthusiastic grin, and together, we stood up from our seats. Sungjae transfers to the couch to watch TV, while I trudge to the balcony, where Se Na is.

I plan to talk to her about the blanket thing a while ago. I’m not sure whether apologize about it or what—but I know I think I have to open it up.

“Se—” I immediately halt myself seeing her back, and she’s talking to someone over the phone. I could wait later.

“But…is that…I thought it was only about the heart?” she mumbles. There’s a pause. “You…you can’t…I have—I have an appointment during that. Why can’t there be another time?”

Another pause.

Se Na sighs. “Doctor…this is something that I can’t get out of. Alright. I’ll try to sneak out. Do I need to take only one test?”

I think this is just some casual talking-to-someone-over-the-phone thing, but then something dark tickles the back of my mind. Doctor. Test.

What’s with Se Na?

I detect some stiffness in her voice when she answers, “Very well. I’ll try my best. Thank you, doctor. Goodbye,”

Sensing that probably this ought to be some sort of a secret of hers, I act as if I have just stepped in. “Penpen!” she yelps upon the sight of me. I try to examine her. Widened eyes, alarm tone, and she’s clutching her phone tightly. It’s like one of those scenes in movies that a character’s been caught red-handed but they’re trying to hide it.

“Ah, ne. You were talking to someone?”

She blinks. “Um-uh-yes. How long have you been standing there?”

I’m about to answer honestly, but something stops me. And it makes me reply with, “Oh, just a second.”

“D-did you…hear me?”

“Uh? Ah, no-no-no! No worries,” I’ve no idea why I’m lying, but inside me, I know I have to.

It frightens me that this relieves her. Swiftly walking past me she gets back inside the room. “Are you and Sungjae done with English?”

“Not yet. Listen, Se Na, I—” I grab her wrist. She glances at me, and the fright is even worsened. There’s worry in her eyes. Or a higher form, even—fear.

Se Na’s keeping something.

That’s when all the words get all tangled up in my throat, and I couldn’t take them out. It’s like there’s this massive vortex whirling in her eyes and I get to see a slight scope on that; a whirlpool of secrets and things that I shouldn’t be laying my eyes upon. “It’s about...”

If you ever heard anything, don’t even speak about it. I think I know that I’m not just imagining things. Se Na’s eyes are speaking for her. I feel like a loser for knowing that this is a bad thing, yet I let it slip.

“Nothing.” I surrender, letting go. “I forgot what I was going to say,” surprisingly, I even chuckle saying that. She breathes audibly through her nose with a thin smile, and walks to the room again. This time, I don’t halt her.

“Break time already, Yook?” she asks her best friend once inside.

“I had hyung’s permission.”

Now, my guilt about the ‘nine lives’ joke on her feels even heavier.


“So how’s the tutorial going?” Minhyuk-hyung asks me, two days later.

“Hm? Oh. It’s…great,” I reply.

“How’s Sungjae’s English subject?”

“It’s alright; he’s done with it,”

“Oh? Already?”

“He learns quite fast, you see,” I smile, subconsciously turning my head to the right, where Sungjae is. Yet again, I see him reading the “big book” as I would call it—that is, the compilation of Se Na’s works. He’s busily reading that he doesn’t notice, Hyunsik-hyung is hovering over him, also reading.

We’re all in the office now; in our usual hang-out room. Sungjae and Ilhoon just came home from school.

Soon enough, Se Na enters, and when she sees what I’m seeing, “Ah Hyunsik-oppa,” she whines, sort of annoyed. “No reading!”

Hyunsik turns, and blinks, “What? I’m not allowed to?”

 “Ah, it’s embarrassing!”

Sungjae turns, and that’s when he realizes that hyung is indeed reading with him. “Oh, hyung!” he somehow pulls the book opposite the direction of the older guy.

“Whoa, chill! I didn’t know that’s some top-secret information, geez,” hyung gestures pushing the air downward. “But why would you be embarrassed about that, Se Na-ssi? Come on, don’t be shy!”

Puffing her cheeks, replies she, “It’s…um. Aish, it’s just really like that!”

Hyunsik-hyung chuckles. “Just pretend that you don’t know that I’m reading. That was a really cool poem I was reading; I haven’t finished it yet,”

“Which one?”

“That one called ’The Little Sparrow’,”

Se Na reddens. “Sungjae,”

“Sorry! I didn’t know he was there!”

“Has anyone else read that thing?”


Sung. Jae.”

“Uh…” Sungjae gulps. “Peniel-hyung!”

My name suddenly called, I’m startled. “What?”

Se Na shoots me a look of knitted brows.

“I-I thought you wouldn’t mind…since I’ve read some of your other works already…” I say.

 Contrary to my thoughts, she doesn’t do anything else aside from staring. I was expecting Se Na to give us a long lecture on this, but then, Se Na has a really nice personality. She just bows her head and tilts it with a sigh. “Never mind. It’s alright.” she gets her laptop that’s right on the table, followed by the mumble, “You’ve read The Lunch Box anyway…”

“Se Na?” says Minhyuk-hyung.


“What’d you say?”


“I heard you say something,” Eunkwang-hyung seconds, the corners of his lips perched upward, his cheekbones given emphasis in a naughty smile. “I swear. What’d you say?”

“I…what…” Se Na stutters. “I said nothing. I’m sorry; that was rude of me to grumble,”

“Ah, no-no-no! It’s not that!” Minhyuk-hyung clears up. “It’s just…ah, I thought you said The Lunch Box,”

“Oh, really?” she giggles.

“You see, while we were in Singapore, Peniel here thought that you write like pna502. Or rather, pna502 writes like you,”

 “Uh, really?”

“Even Sungjae agreed, you see. And for a moment there we thought pna502 was you.”

Se Na baulks, “Ahh…? Why, I’m flattered,”

Well now it came from Se Na herself. Of course. There’s no way she’d be the author of The Lunch Box.



That night, Se Na allows Sungjae to take a thirty-minute nap after studying nonstop. After taping Yook immediately went to Se Na’s home to study, and now at 11pm, he hadn’t had any break, save for supper, and bathroom ones.

A few hours later, Se Na frowns that the student’s supposed nap has turned to actual sleep, and she now looks with folded arms at the facedown widespread figure on her bed. “This is getting out of hand,” she clucks her tongue.

“What? Why?”

“Just look at him,” she grunts. “I tell him to take a nap, and what does he do?”

I giggle. “He’s tired, Se Na. Try to understand. In between school, shooting, and studying for the exams, Sungjae could barely have time to spare, you know,”

“Yeah right but…”

I look at her. “But what?”


“Ah, you worry too much,” I put my hand on her head and ruffle it. “It’s not like he’s going to have amnesia when he wakes up. He can still remember what he studied,”

“You think so?” she looks at me.

“Yes, I think so.” I smile. “Sungjae’s working hard, you see. He’s also a smart kid. And even if we say he isn’t, diligence can beat intelligence,”

“Wise words, Peniel Shin.” Se Na laughs, holding my wrist of the hand on her head.

“Why thank you. Now, why don’t you yourself get some sleep?”

“You’re right,” she climbs the bed and crawls to the snoring guy. “Jaejae, you’re snoring,” she shakes him slightly, and he shifts. He’s turned his back on her.

I would lie if I say this scene doesn’t pinch.

Motherly, she puts the sheets over Sungjae. “You, Penpennie, aren’t you going to sleep?”

“Ah. I am. Good night. Jaljayo,”

“Jaljayo,” she waves, as I walk to the couch. And I could hear something inside me break when she lies down on the bed next to her best friend, also draping the sheets on her, and kisses him on the cheek for a good night kiss.






I just feel a little injured about something -__-

anyway did you like this chapter? sorry I was a bit "in the cloud" while writing this (Dongwoon? XD) but kidding aside, please tell me what you think! I haven't even proofread it yet. I was only paying half of my attention while writing this. I'm sorry. please excuse all the errata.

so anyway, while I was watching HSM 3. I was struck with a question: does Sungjae and Se Na have a good chemistry? what about PenNa? Because lately I've been questioning my "way" of "doing" my characters. I feel a little... sad. about it.


till the next update. :(



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can we just skip ahead to the ending of this


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nice story ^^
Love_Sungjae #2
Please update
sweetcutepeach #3
Chapter 49: yyaaayyy update~ awesome job dongsaengie~ now i really wonder if sungjae has that side to him. it seems to me that most of the members are really calm and cool...may be expect ilhoon who i could totally see him boiling in rage and being passive aggressive.

i wish i could tell the sungjae in this story that he should know better. his best friend is sick, the more time he spends on being angry at her, the less time he has to be happy with her. *shakes head*

i hope this feud will come to a good end. and damn that history peniel has with pyo, can;t wait for him to bring it up. curious how pyo will react to that piece of info.

anyways~ glad you updated! happy holidays~
Chapter 49: Omg omg omg waaaaaaahhhhhhhjj

The latest update. <3
It is really well written. I can really feel sungjae's rage. The pain of being betrayed and lied to. OMO
I felt really conflicted because i do not know whose side i am on. I get SeNa-ssi's side and i also symphatize for sungjae. Omo...

Yah!?!? Pyo-pyo.... you really should have told Yook about the sickness a long time ago. Aigoo..mmm

Bunso... i just love your updates. :') *sniffs*
Chapter 48: Happy Birthday, dear ^^
And hooooooo sh*t, things just hit the fan, ne?
Chapter 48: Happy belated birthday my dear dongsaeng!! (^×^') How strange, just ystrday I was thinking abt this story and when you were gonna update. I think this chapter tied up a lot of loose ends aside from the obvious. I can see a distinct direction right now where it's a matter of how they're gonna cope with it and exactly what will happen to Se Na. I especially like the scene of the red threads since I've always been a firm believer of fate and soul mates. I think it perfectly encapsulates the trio's relationship right now. Would you choose your true love, who knows you better than you do yourself, and still love you beyond platonic and romantic and everything else in a way that can only be described as true love, or would you choose your soul mate?

Update soon~~
themixedtape #7
Chapter 48: Happy Birthday? Or if it isn't your birthday by the time you see this Happy existing day! :D Wow I really do love the inclusion of the red string, I have always found the red thread of destiny a fascinating idea. Hope you had a great birthday!