Your noona?

Rock Your Body

Subin stared at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out if this was all really worth it. She got kicked out of her house, had nowhere to go and no one to talk to. The only person who cared about her was her eight year old brother and now she didn't even have him. She wiped her sweaty forehead on the towel she had in her bag and hit the play button again. It was three in the morning but she didn't want to stop. She was too close to her dream to be having these thoughts, the only thing she could do was dance. The alarm on her phone went off at five in the morning. Sleeping on the small couch in the practice wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be. She left to the school early so she could jump into the showers at the change room. Walking out of the change room, Subin saw Jongup walking towards the practice rooms. When he saw her a large smile spread across his face.

"Hey Subin!" He walked up to her and took his headphones out of his ears. "I never did get your number." Jongup pulled out his phone and held it out for her. Subin giggled and took his phone while giving hers to him. They each took a picture of themselves for the ID and put in their numbers. Subin shyly handed the phone back when the bell suddenly rang. Panicking, Subin apologised and ran off to her class. "Wait, Subin your phone-" Jongup was still holding onto her phone but she was already gone. He gave a little cheer because this meant he could see her again without it being weird. Subin got to class and saw Leo staring out the window, not caring at all that she was around him. She sat at her seat and tried to pay attention to the lecture but she had so many things on her mind. The teacher kept calling Leo but he was too busy day dreaming to really care.

"Leo!" Subin whispered but still he didn't look. The teacher was getting frustrated and before she could throw a piece of chalk at him, Subin kicked the back of Leo's chair making him almost fall out his chair.

"YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Leo yelled at Subin. She pointed to the teacher who was glaring at the both of them.

"Hallway. Both of you." The teacher ordered and Subin smacked her head off the desk. Leo sighed and headed out of the class with Subin slowly following after him. They sat on their knees with their arms above their heads while the teacher went on about advanced functions.

"This is your fault. If you actually paid attention in class we wouldn't be out here." Subin muttered as a few students passed and snickered at the two of them. "Just because you debuted already you think you can slack off." Leo opened his mouth to say something back but suddenly someone called for Subin. Jongup came strolling down the hall with his wide smile.

"'re in trouble?" Jongup was asking the question to Subin but was glaring at Leo. He didn't care what Subin did, he knew Leo was the cause of it. "Any way's I have your phone from earlier. I saved my name as 애호 자 (Lover)." Jongup handed the phone back and glanced over to Leo to see his reaction. Subin was blushing bright red and Leo rolled his eyes while clenching his fists. He felt the sudden need to punch Jongup in the face and he had no idea. Jongup waved and headed back to class leaving Subin and Leo in a very awkward silence.

"I wouldn't be out here if you weren't even here." Leo suddenly spoke up from the conversation they were having before." I have no idea how you were able to be a trainee let alone come close to debut. Your singing is far off from ready and I haven't see you dance but I know it's terrible. It's people like you that make me hate coming to school." Leo stood up, shoved his hands in his pocket and stormed down the hall.

"YAH! WE'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO MOVE!" Subin yelled but Leo ignored her and kept walking. The teacher came out into the hall and when she saw Leo was gone, she gave Subin the extra work that the both of them were suppose to do. Leo didn't come back to class for the rest of the day. He sat in the vocal room and practiced for the rest of the day and worked on the little bit of editing that he knew. Leo was trying to figure out why he suddenly got so angry about the whole phone thing with Subin. She could talk to whoever she wanted, it wasn't even like he and Subin were friends. They just met. Leo sighed and threw himself on the couch; even thinking about it was giving him a headache. He fell asleep to forget about it and catch up on some much deserved rest. Subin on the other hand was in the classroom cleaning up and scrubbing the board clean. Everyone was gone and she was left there with tears in her eyes. Because Leo left she had twice as much work to do. She was so stressed out that the tears threatened to pour out, but she held them back. Leo woke up an hour later and looked at his phone. His manager wouldn't pick him up now so he had to walk home. He moaned and walked out of the school with his bag slung over his shoulder. In the courtyard was a cute little boy in bright clothes, looking around for something. Seeing that he wasn't with anyone, Leo walked up to him and knelt beside him.

"Hello~" Leo said in a cheerful voice. The child looked to Leo and once he saw the older man's smile, it brought an automatic smile to his face. Leo loved kids, their innocence and wide eyes always brought out the best in him. "What's your name?"

"Pak Woobin" The boy said cutely and Leo pinched his cheek lightly while laughing. The little boy kept looking for something over Leo's shoulder.

"What are you looking for?" Leo said looking around as if he knew what Woobin was looking for. The boy talked so fast Leo couldn't understand a thing that came out of his mouth. "Slower Woobin. I can't understand you."

"I'm looking for my noona." Woobin said with tears in his eyes. Leo started to panic and looked around for any older women that might be his sister, but the school was empty.

"Who's your noona?" Leo asked and he did not expect the answer that came out of this cute little boys mouth.

"Pak Subin noona." Woobin said, very proud of his big sister. Leo looked at the little boy in horror. How could a cute child like this be related to that loud, annoying Subin.

"Woobin?" A voice called from behind them. Leo and Woobin looked toward the voice and standing there was Subin with a shocked expression on her face.

"NOONA!" Woobin cheered and ran to his sister who easily pick him up in her arms. He clung onto her like a monkey and Leo let out a little chuckle. He liked how close the two looked; even though they were the total opposites of each other.

"Woobin, what are you doing here?" Subin looked to Leo who shyly looked to the ground. Seeing her again with dirt and chalk on her hands and knees made him feel a little guilty. He knew that she had to do the extra chores and that maybe she could of been out of here already instead of finding her little brother talking to a complete stranger.

"Grandma said you were never coming home. So I came to get you noona. Did you get lost?" Woobin asked while twirling her blonde hair in his small hand. This was a habit of his that Woobin did whenever he felt lonely. Subin looked to Leo who heard everything and she cast her gaze to the ground. She was so embarrassed that he heard all of this.

"No I didn't get lost Woobin, but thank you for finding me. Come on, let's take you home." Subin started walking forward but as she walked past Leo, Woobin started to throw a fit. "What's wrong?"

"Hyung, want to come with us?" Woobin asked with a large smile. Leo looked awkwardly from Woobin to Subin who glared at Leo. She was still mad that he had insulted her and ditched her to go nap in the vocal room.

"If it's okay with your noona." Leo said shyly. Woobin started bouncing in Subin's arms and she couldn't refuse. She put Woobin down and he instantly grabbed onto Leo's hand. The three of them walked towards her grandmother's house in silence. Occasionally Subin would look up to see if Leo was looking at her, but like always he was too fascinated with Woobin, but suddenly he spoke up. "Sorry about what I said earlier." Subin looked over at him and Leo was staring at her intensely. She nodded her head and looked to Woobin who was staring at a vending machine. Leo fished his wallet out of his pocket.

"No I'll pay. He's my brother after all." Subin reached into her bag to grab her wallet but she realized it was one of the things she left in the apartment before getting kicked out.

"It's fine. I want to pay for it." Leo walked over to the machine and got an apple juice for Woobin and in the machine beside it he got two sprites for them.

"Thank you." Subin took it and sipped on it slowly. Walking like this with Leo was a little embarrassing. She could see some of the elder women who were known to gossip, staring at them and pointing at them. Subin looked to Leo who had Woobin on his shoulders now and he looked very handsome. "This is it." Subin said pointing to the flower shop. Leo took Woobin off of his shoulders and the three of them walked in.

"Welcom- oh it's you." Her grandmother said as she saw Subin walk in. "And who is this? You get kicked out and you start running around with random men? See, dancing and singing is just an  excuse. I knew you were being a little tramp and flirting with men all day." Subin's grandmother rushed over to them and started waving her cane in Subin's face. Leo watched as Subin stood there quietly, letting her grandmother yell at her like that. "You aren't denying it? You tramp!" Her grandmother smacked Subin's leg with the cane and Leo's eyes grew wide. Woobin ran upstairs so he wouldn't have to see anymore. Her grandmother went to hit her again but Leo grabbed the cane. Subin and her grandmother stared at him.

"Sorry Ma'am. But don't hit Subin ever again." He released the cane, grabbed Subin by the wrist and dragged her out of the store. He didn't let go of her until he was sure they were far enough away for her not to chase after them. He let go of her and the two stood there looking at each other.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Subin muttered and hung her head. Leo went down on his knees and looked at the spot on her thigh that her grandmother hit. Subin blushed bright red and brought her hands over the spot that her skirt didn't cover.

"Are you okay? Is that going to bruise?" Leo pushed her hands out of the way and looked at the spot that was already starting to turn dark.

"No I'm fine." She smiled brightly and Leo stood up awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Who are you calling?"

"My manager." Leo held the phone up to his ear and waited for his manager to pick up. Subin bowed and turned to walk away but Leo grabbed onto the collar of her uniform jacket. "Where do you think you're going?"

"'re calling your manager to take you home right?" Subin asked slightly confused.

"Yeah...and where are you staying tonight?" Leo asked with a little smirk. He knew she had no answer and she looked at the ground. "Hey hyung, I need you to come and pick up my friend and I. She needs a place to stay and I was wondering if she could stay at Nara noona's place." Subin stared wide eyed at Leo and silently yelled at him that she couldn't stay there. Leo rolled his eyes and placed his hand over so she would stop talking. Subins face turned bright red at the sudden skin ship between her and Leo, but he didn't seem to notice. "Thank you hyung." Leo hung up and brought his hand down. "When I'm on the phone, you don't talk or mouth words to me. Okay?" Leo said and Subin nodded her head slowly.


~Please comment~

Don't beleive me that Leo is good with kids?

N, Ken, Hongbin






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Aww, they are so cute!!!
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 16: Hehe the end so sweet ^3^♥
xternalov3x #4
Thank goodness for a sequel! Will read sequel now!! XD
Chapter 17: aww they got together in the end! yay there's a sequel :3
Chapter 1: the only flaw ive found in this story is the dissapearance of Hiro ,other than that everything else is perfect <3 i would love to read more stories of you!!! ^~^
Chapter 7: OMG, when was that Leo hugging N GIF???
Chapter 12: This is so emotional ;~; and god it's good. keep going with your awesome stories, hwaiting!
derphyuk #9
Chapter 17: woow~
yooamie #10
Chapter 17: Woooow~ really really good fanfic!! I cried when I read the letter from Subin's grandmother. I'm glad she ended with Leo too~ <3 so adorable ajslfoqjqlhakf